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Person Driven Walker

Started by Failed_Hero, April 07, 2010, 06:07:43 PM

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I am attempting to do a person controlled walker, i.e. a static mesh part in a chair in this OfficerPod by valandar.  I am having clipping trouble with the animations.  Everything looks great in the idle animation, but once I try any other animations the glass and the static mesh slide back.  I don't know if it is the node I am attaching to or what I was wondering if someone could give me a clue.
At the end of the day all that matter is that I tried, right?


It would probably be the node you've attached it to. You've got to make sure you've attached it to a bone that will be moving in the right way during the animations. I haven't seen this mesh in nifskope so I couldn't guess where to attach the part to.
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