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FFX Crystallise question

Started by JKCarrier, September 15, 2010, 08:13:28 PM

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I have a different NIF (a boulder retextured to look like a "cocoon") that I would like to use as the cage in an FFX Crystallise swap, instead of the default one. Is this possible? I made a template for it in FFEdit, but I can't get it to show up in the FFX Control Centre drop-down menu. I tried typing the template in manually, but it still showed up in-game as the default "invisible box". Any ideas?


Never mind, I was able to get the look I wanted by changing the fx that played, rather than trying to change the NIF.  :thumbup:


Sorry I just saw this,  I had done this a few years ago as a spidey fx and released it with instructions in my yahoo group.
I'm sure you've figured it out by now though.