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nif skope help

Started by herodad1, October 25, 2010, 10:36:03 PM

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finally thought i'd jump in and try nif skope out. dont want to wear bevo out with questions so...where do i find step-by-steps on say removing belts, ect. from meshes?  i'm a dunce with this stuff. :(


If you are trying to hide the belt, click on the belt in the display window. The mesh piece (usually, but not always, called "editable mesh") will be highlighted in the list. Right click on the piece name and choose "flags" from the menu that appears. You should get a block wiht some information in it, but what is important for this process is the top checkbox that has the word Hidden next to it. Check the checkbox, click Accept and save the file, being sure that you are saving it in the right place (mine had a tendency to save in the directory I was in the last time I closed the program).

Cyber Burn

Quote from: daglob on October 26, 2010, 12:55:27 AM
(mine had a tendency to save in the directory I was in the last time I closed the program).

I hate when that happens...always double check your directories.

Quote from: herodad1 on October 25, 2010, 10:36:03 PM
finally thought i'd jump in and try nif skope out. dont want to wear bevo out with questions so...where do i find step-by-steps on say removing belts, ect. from meshes?  i'm a dunce with this stuff. :(

Usually, you don't want to actually remove the belt. Something about that tends to break the mesh, at least for me anyway. Belts and some weapons, you will usually want to just hide them. I'm sure there are otehr key pieces, but I am going blank at the moment.

Good luck with your skope, I know you have alot of ideas, so I'm eager to see the results. Check the FAQ's and the wiki for instructions and tutorials, and ask alot of questions. Have fun.


   Definitely check out the Wiki, specifically, here:
  More than likely, you'll come across some sort of issue or wonder if you can do something weird. We've all been there and searching this forum and it's counterpart at the FF Archive ( will prove invaluable.

Amazo Version 2.2

Quote from: daglob on October 26, 2010, 12:55:27 AM
If you are trying to hide the belt, click on the belt in the display window. The mesh piece (usually, but not always, called "editable mesh") will be highlighted in the list. Right click on the piece name and choose "flags" from the menu that appears. You should get a block wiht some information in it, but what is important for this process is the top checkbox that has the word Hidden next to it. Check the checkbox, click Accept and save the file, being sure that you are saving it in the right place (mine had a tendency to save in the directory I was in the last time I closed the program).

some meshes are easier than others to play with in nifskope. the mesh pieces arent always easy to see in the list. if this happens, just right click on the actual mesh piece that you want to hide or remove, and it will appear on the list. is there a specific mesh that you are working on? that will help others understand what you are trying to do and make it easier to give advice.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.


ahhh! i x'd something on the nif skope and now the whole screen is black and i cant get it back to the way it was. ive even uninstalled it and re-installed and it 's still black. what do i do to get it back? :(


Have you tried different meshes? there are several that only show up black in the view window for me.