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m25ai-tactics problem?

Started by Swingman, January 11, 2011, 12:14:43 PM

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Hey all. I have another ffx/m25ai question/problem for you.

I have a sneaking suspicion that some m25ai tactics doesn't come into effect in my game. I could be doing something wrong, as I'm definitely not an expert in these matters, but I don't think so. I've only noticed the problem on a few tactics so far, namely TRandMove, TDodgeMissiles and perhaps TSpreadOut. Not completely sure about the last one. None of these seem to have any impact on the characters behavior what so ever. Am I doing something wrong? Are someone out there having similar problems?

Example code:


["target enemy",
'not flying',
["timer", 'auto',
'TMoveTo(mindist="melee",subtype="not emitting_damage",time=1.44)',

I hope someone can help. It would certainly be greatly appreciated.


OK. First, before I respond to this, please understand one thing: This is just my observation from tweaking AI files for  :ffvstr:. I honestly don't know for certain, and I don't want to mislead you into thinking that I know the answers beyond all shadow of a doubt.

But from my observations, TRandMove does not move the characters. IIRC, that command was much more responsive in the first game. TSpreadOut does work, but you definitely need to add parameters to make it responsive -- for instance, I use this one a lot: "TSpreadOut(maxdist=200,subtype='metal',priority=10)", -- and it appears to be effective, especially in situations where the character could engage in melee attacks in a scenario that isn't favorable to the character. It tends to push them back and prompt them to use ranged/direct attacks.

However: I have noticed that the more parameters you add to TSpreadOut, conversely, the more likely that the character will simply freeze, especially if there are multiple targets. The game allows for some terrific customization, but making it all play nicely together...well, that can sometimes be kinda tricky.

That being said: From what I recall from using the first game as opposed to the second game, not all of the movement codes translate well, if at all. But again, that could be because of my skill level, or actually, the lack thereof.


Thanks a lot for your answer ElijahSnowFan. It's very useful to me.

If I understand you correctly, you believe, from your observations, that TRandMove does nothing? Although a shame, cause I would really have liked to use it on some of my speedy characters,  it's nevertheless nice to know that it's (perhaps) not something limited to my specific FFX/game.

I was, as stated, a little uncertain about TSpreadOut, because I on several occasions noticed the character freeze with this code applied , implying that something was taking place, as opposed to TRandMove and TDodgeMissiles where nothing happened at all. Which coincides with your observations. So in this case I've probably just added a parameter to the mix that somehow lead to trouble. I'm gonna look into that.

Does anyone use TDodgeMissiles to effect?