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Federation Reborn Fleet Discussion

Started by BlueBard, January 17, 2011, 04:38:19 AM

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The Federation Reborn fleet has now been chartered.  It is open to anyone from this site and beyond.  It is open to both serious and casual players.  (I'm semi-casual, myself).

We have a Fleet Bank and a Fleet Uniform, with more goodies to come.

If you would like to join, please contact myself or pr1983.  Any full member of the fleet can invite.

We have set up a fleet newsgroup at .  Contact myself or pr1983 for an invite.

Federation Reborn - Fleet Charter

Our mission:  To restore the ideals that the Federation was founded to promote and that Starfleet was formed to protect.  We are dedicated to the rebirth of these ideals and to the fellowship and defense of all who uphold them.  Because every fleet should have a noble purpose to inspire them.

Fleet Regulations will be guided by these enduring principles (The 4 F's):

Friendship:  The Prime Directive, as far as Federation Reborn is concerned, is Friendship.  We are to enjoy each others' company and rely on each others' support.  We should help to make the game more enjoyable for everyone, not just for ourselves, and we hope that the friendships we will form can extend outside of the game.  Let us not forget that our virtual world is filled with real people who deserve common decency, respect, and consideration.

Freedom:  Federation Reborn is not about enforcing any particular brand of gameplay on anyone.  PvE, PvP, casual gamers, serious gamers, Role-Players, non-Role-Players, canon, non-canon... there's room for every kind of gamer.  Teaming is encouraged, not mandatory.  Donations to the fleet are encouraged, not mandatory.  Differences of opinion are to be respected.  Power-tripping by Fleet Officers will not be tolerated.  That said, Freedom needs boundaries if it is to be encouraged for all and this is the reason for any Fleet Regulations that will be established.

Fun:  Federation Reborn's goal is to have fun together and make friends.  The principle should be, if anyone is not having fun then it's not fun for anyone.  All members are encouraged to have a sense of humor, just like the original series and all of its offspring had.  Jokes are welcome, if they are not at anyone's expense.  If your shipmate is not having fun, you should try to help them to have fun.  That means pitch in and help when you can.  If you're in a team and someone has to leave the game, try to find another shipmate who's online to join in.  Above all, explore strange new worlds... seek out new life; new civilizations... boldly go where no one has gone before!

Fair-Play:  If Friendship, Freedom, and Fun are to exist, there has to be a sense of Fair-Play.  This is where those ideals come in.  Malicious lying, cheating, stealing, taking unfair advantage, and mean-spirited attitudes are all unworthy of a Starfleet officer and may be grounds for demotion or even expulsion.  Starfleet officers who exemplify Fair-Play will be on the fast track for promotion.
STO/CO: @bluegeek



Post repurposed and reserved for Fleet Information...
STO/CO: @bluegeek



Quote from: growlermike on January 17, 2011, 07:50:56 PM
sounds good to me where do I sign? :)

Still want to sign up Kreegah@Growler6183?  Or do you have another alt in mind?  (Alts are welcome, by the way)
STO/CO: @bluegeek


I'm having this weird issue with the game and the fleet bank.

basically i go to the fleet bank to have a look and to deposit any components i don't need that others might (as i play on normal), but lately i've found that it's been saying that i'm withdrawing stuff that i'm not.

ok, here's my screen when i first open up the fleet bank and my inventory.


now, here's my screen when i take ONE engine battery.


And here's my screen when i put it back.


All fine and dandy. Except for this:


I didn't take 15 batteries out of the bank, and i really don't like it saying that i did. i'll submit a bug report at some point, unless i'm simply not reading it right.


That does seem strange, Pr. 

I trust you, but I'd hate to use that log as an auditing tool to decide whether fleet members are abusing the bank.

My guess (and my hope) is that this only affects stacked objects.  When you touch the stack, the game logs it as a withdrawal probably because you effectively do withdraw the stack in order to remove anything from it.  I'd be okay with that if it registered you "putting back" the rest of the stack, which it doesn't.

I wonder what happens if you "grab" a single item but don't actually move it to your inventory?

Were I you, I'd not only log a bug but I'd put it on the STO forums as well.  Might be a known issue; it would be good to know that if it is.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


i think i might do that.


from what i've been told:

QuoteThe logs are generated because of the way the game handles transactions. It doesn't matter if you move an item or withdraw, the act of modifying the item transfers it to your character inventory. In the case of moving items, the transfer is only temporary. Dropping it back to a different bank slot will cause the item to transfer back to the bank. It is a transaction based event so that items don't get lost if the request fails for some reason (such as a client crash that happens in the middle of a move operation). If the transaction fails for any reason, the change is rolled back to prevent losing the item.


We are missing one very important fleet amenity... A Federation Reborn website.  Recruiting any new members or providing any structure for our fleet without at least a basic site will be very difficult.  Unfortunately, I don't currently have the time to build a decent site by myself, nor (more importantly) the artistic ability to create quality artwork on my own.  I'm not what you'd call an experienced web architect, though I am familiar with much of the back-end technology.

Any ideas?  Or volunteers?

I'd like to leverage Google for free resources if possible.  But, I also want to maintain the relationship with Freedom Reborn by linking back here.  I wonder if an RSS feed would be possible?

I created a Google Group ( and would be happy to invite anyone who wants to be a member (not sure if you need a Google account or not).  I started working on a Google site as well, but didn't get very far.

STO/CO: @bluegeek


i can do basic html, but it's been a few years, so i wouldn't know much bar the basics. i'm willing to pitch in though, and i'm not useless at photoshop.


One thing we could possibly do is to take some in-game screenshots that we can slice, dice, and blend.  Not sure how much of the UI elements can be turned off to get clear pics.  I've started looking for trek style clip art as well.  If we can figure out how to place things in a Google site, we should be halfway there.

Pr, if you have a gmail account, can you PM me with your address?  I can then add you.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


sent. and iirc, when you take a screenshot using the prt sc button, the ui isn't included. it will show shield impacts and the like, but otherwise its pretty neat.


Ok, Pr... you are now a manager of the group and have edit privileges for the site.  When we have something fit to be seen in public we'll open it up, but for now the site is set as Private.

STO/CO: @bluegeek


all right, cool. ill whip something up as soon as i get the chance.


Ok, guys, we now have enough Fleet energy credits to open a 3rd repository, if we so choose.  If I sell off some Very Rares, we might even have enough to open a 4th.

We need a plan, though.  Given the nature of what items bind to a character, unlike in some other games there really is no concept of 'Fleet Property' in STO at present.

Here's what I'm thinking:

1. Donations - Deposit Only, withdrawal limited to Senior Officers and above, used to sell off overflow to increase the Fleet energy credits.

2. Common Storage - No limits, store at your own risk.  Intended for non-food consumables and trading/offloading common items.

3. Armory - Limited deposits and withdrawals, used to store truly special items.  We should form a policy on how this gets used.

4. Research - Don't know about you, but a lot of my personal inventory is taken up by data samples.  This would be a good reason for fleet storage.  Unlimited deposits, but limits on withdrawals.  I'm not sure I'd suggest storing any rare particles up here, though.

5. Requisitions - Storage strictly limited to Senior Officers and above... to store or remove an item, you need to send mail to a Senior Officer.

STO/CO: @bluegeek


By the way... could someone please sticky this topic?
STO/CO: @bluegeek

Tawodi Osdi

If the Fleet is still active, I have been playing for a little while and have a couple of characters in need of a fleet.

Tawodi Osdi@capspectacular for the Feds


Gypsy@capspectacular for the Klingons.