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Web Hosting Question

Started by Tawodi Osdi, February 03, 2011, 04:51:08 PM

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Tawodi Osdi

A photographer friend of mine is doing a challenge where she takes an artistic photograph a day and posts it on her Facebook page, and I've thought I'd do a similar thing with my writing.  Writing a poem, short story, an opinion piece, or just a scene per day and posting it, and I've been wondering if it wouldn't be better to get my own website to post my work and post my website link to my Facebook wall when I am ready to share, but I have never hosted a website and I have a few questions.

1)  Is this even a good idea?  Would it be better to just use the notes is Facebook or to do it as a blog?

2)  Are there any good, and preferably, free hosting sites I should look at?

3)  What copyright issues should I keep in mind?  I want to maintain the ownership of my original work and avoid any Imperial entanglements should I resort to writing fan fiction.

4)  What technical issues should I pay the attention to?

Glitch Girl

Is you're just starting out, I'd suggest getting yourself a blog-type account somewhere and go from there.  You might want to look into WordPress or Tumblr or others to see which fits what you envision.  You can always move onto a private hosted site later on if things take off.

As for copyright... that's a little more tricky.  There's a thread around here someplace where we did discuss protecting your own characters even though it did focus on webcomic applications of copyright issues.  Might want to check that out even so.

As for FanFiction... that's trickier still and sometimes depends on the fandom how closely its patrolled.  Just don't plan on selling the fanfic stuff and do it only for fun and you SHOULD be okay, I think, but I'm no legal expert.  
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

Tawodi Osdi

Thanks, I'll check those sites out.

Tawodi Osdi

I've got the blog up and running.  I am still trying to figure out the technical stuff to blogging, but I do have my first two entries posted.  Thanks for the help.

Here a link to the blog