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I need help utilizing mods.

Started by denclock, February 10, 2011, 09:12:48 AM

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I am very new to this game.  I kind of stumbled upon the two FF games by accident.  I researched them a little and can't believe it has been around for almost 10 years and I had never heard of it.  In my research I saw all about mod packs that people did and then I googled  it, and found tons.  I have downloaded at least 4 mods, and I can't get any of them to work. First couple of times I figured it was just a bad mod, but now, I realize I am not doing something right. I make sure that the mod goes into the main directory, and then when I go to play the mod, it tell me that the pathway isn't found. 

Thanks, and sorry if this is the wrong place, but I am really excited about playing these different mods, but have had no luck.


Sound to me like your game simply isn't installed were the mod is expecting it to be.  Right click on the mod shortcut and click properties.  If the path it shows does not match you install, all you should have to do is to change it so that it does.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


It will not all me to change the path on the properties of the shortcut.  I don't know what to do it is frustrating.


I imagine I am sending it in the right pathway, even though I have to change the default to the right folder on the mods with installers.  Could it be a problem that I am using Windows 7 Pro 64?   Maybe someone can show me the right pathways starting from C:


Right click on the shortcut to the mod and get properties:

Change the path of the "Target" field to:
"C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe" -game modfolder -log

Make sure you:

A) change the name "modfolder" in the example above to the name of the actual mod folder you are trying to run.

B) include the "-log" command, this is what makes FFX actually do its magic

C) If you have installed the game to something other than the default location (or have installed it using Steam or GOG that changes the defauld path the CD installer used) change the path to where your "ffvtr.exe" executable is located.


Googles, that may not be correct at all.   In fact, that is probably what the mod is set to, and is probably the problem.

There are current several different version and publishers, like the Steam verson, the GOG version, a couple of European budget versions, that are all functionally identical, but each has a different install path.

denclock, if you'll tell us how and where you got your copy, that should allow us to determine which version you have.  Or just tell me the install patch into which your game is installed.  If it's not the same one the mod was built for, that simply has to be adjusted, which is not hard and is one minor change.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 13, 2011, 04:56:23 AM
Googles, that may not be correct at all.   In fact, that is probably what the mod is set to, and is probably the problem.

There are current several different version and publishers, like the Steam verson, the GOG version, a couple of European budget versions, that are all functionally identical, but each has a different install path.

denclock, if you'll tell us how and where you got your copy, that should allow us to determine which version you have.  Or just tell me the install patch into which your game is installed.  If it's not the same one the mod was built for, that simply has to be adjusted, which is not hard and is one minor change.

Hence my requirement "C" if you have the Steam, GOG or other version where you path is different, change the path to where the executable is...


catwhowalksbyhimself and googles,  thanks for you help.  I honestly don't know what versions of the program I have.  Someone had downloaded the files and that is how I ended up with a group of games that I haven't play but were fun.  I told him that I like stratedgy games and superheroes, and what should I play. 

I have uniinstalled them, and I and going to install them again, If this helps, I know that Freedom Force has patch 103.  I am going the try to get both games in the same folder, in Programs, as one went in the irrational games folder in programs (x86) and the other attached itself by FFVTR in the programs folder (x86).  Thanks for the help and I will post the folders in a short time. 


You do not want both games to be installed in the same folder. They each reference their own versions of files which have the same names, so it's important that each game have it's own folder. BTW, have you successfully gotten either (or both) games to play their default campaign modules (the Irrational campaigns that they came with)? Also, which exact campaign mod are you trying to play and with which version of the game (FF or FFvTe3R). Each mod will only run with the game it was designed for, so it can be a problem if you try to play an FF mod in FFvT3R or vice-versa.

If you can tell us 1) where the game is installed (some examples of how to do this are this post in the Game FAQ) and 2) where the mod's shortcut thinks the game is (again, some help with this is also in this other post in the Game FAQ), then folks here can perhaps give a little better advice on how to get the mod working.

Check out those links and see how far you get. If you are stuck again, then give the most exact info you can on the problem you are having, including what you did, what you thought would happen, and what happened instead. It's a good idea to include file names or exact errors, if you get any.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


Thanks Stumpy, Goog, and Catwalk, I finally go it to work (through you guys help), and I am pretty pleased with it, though seeing as I haven't played the game that much, as it is new to me, I didn't take into consideration about the potential difficulty of some of the mods, but that is all on me, and I will catch on.   

I had to change the directory path which I knew, but I didn't know about the -log and the two together made it work.

It is obvious that people who made these mods spent a lot of time, and effort, because on everyone I have tried, the character detail is excellent. 
Thanks again, for all the help, consider me a happy camper.