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Manually Adjusting Light Values on Mesh

Started by Figure Fan, February 11, 2011, 01:45:11 AM

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Figure Fan

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way I can manually adjust the values on a mesh since the EZNif converter keeps crashing when I try to do it. Can I do it in NifSkope?

Figure Fan

I tried looking through Nifskope but I can't seem to pinpoint where I'd change this. Would I need 3DSMax?


To do what I think you want to accomplish you can edit the Material values. Open the model in nifskope and find the material Property for the Mesh in question and double click it. It should give you popup with multiple color wheels to adjust the various material parameters. You will need to play around with values as certain properties affect the others.

Also be aware that Nifskope doesn't always do the best representation of what the adjusted mesh looks like in game when working with material and texture settings.

Figure Fan

Figure Fan

Excellent! It worked. I just had to alter one of the color wheels.