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DC Comics Reboot

Started by B A D, August 10, 2011, 04:50:53 PM

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It's a cop in that armor because if you look under the arm there's GCPD written under it.  It might be Bard, trying to redeem himself for what he did in Batman eternal
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Jason Bard.  Ha.  Interesting.  Ohh, Jey's post implies something bad about the character that I almost certainly don't want to know.  Yay.  Well, nothing to see here, I suppose.  Carry on DC, you're clearly not interested in me.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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I'm curious what the story behind Supes new look will be. I can't see him just dressing like that under normal circumstances. My opinion on the costume is dependent on the why of it.

Wonder Woman I'm mixed on. In general I think it's alright, but the arm blades don't work for me - they drag the whole thing down.

This new Batman I'm very interested in. I think Synder has a wild story direction in store. I doubt it's Bruce and a police angle seems likely.
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The symbol design is a little different but the Superman is design is pretty close to what he's wearing in Future's End.

I'm real indifferent to the mecha Batman. It's not as over the top as the mecha Bane currently running around, but it's as out of left field. I'd take Gordan over Bard. They had Bard screw up too big for me to take him seriously as a protagonist.


Quote from: Podmark on March 18, 2015, 04:23:24 AM
I'm curious what the story behind Supes new look will be. I can't see him just dressing like that under normal circumstances. My opinion on the costume is dependent on the why of it.

Maybe it has something to do with the use of his "solar flare" power? But this time he is powerless for an extended period of time, not just 24hrs?


From what I've read, Superman is going to stop being Clark Kent, getting rid of a secret identity entirely. Guess wearing street clothes makes more sense than being in a costume all the time. Aesthetically, I wish they'd made his sneakers red and yellow. The only thing I like about it at all is the logo, and the haircut doesn't work. However, its definitely an improvement over his current costume and the armor before it.

I cannot properly express my opinion on Mecha-Batman, however, because this is a family friendly forum. :)

Wonder Woman's new costume is going to be a pain for artists to draw.


I finaly started Batman Eternal,then I just had to skip ahead and see whos the mastermind behind everything.
...It was tottaly underwhelming,pls lett it be false.ANYONE,but just not that guy...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


It wasnt
behind it all.
The real mastermind behind Batman Eternal is actually
Thomas Wayne Jr.
YES,thank you DC.  :thumbup:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on March 28, 2015, 01:45:11 PM
It wasnt
behind it all.
The real mastermind behind Batman Eternal is actually
Thomas Wayne Jr.
YES,thank you DC.  :thumbup:

I liked both reveals.

I figured that
couldn't be the true big bad-the series had still more time to go. But it was nice to use a more D-list villain that way.

Thomas Wayne Jr be the big bad
though works better, as it ties back to
His being involved in the Court of owls arc

Thanks Dc, and thanks to Scott Snyder.



Almost every Batman villain appears,from Bane to Signalman.
And there is still one issue so a lott of things can happen.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I like that
was the one who came up with the whole, let's set up Gordon and invite all the big guns to town. Whether
Lincoln March
was invited as well or he was with
from the beginning, we'll see on wednesday. Figured that he would appear, since he was hinted at many times.


Spoiler mentions
that she saw Bruce Wayne with her father,and that hes the real boss.
That is also left to be sorted out.
BTW introducing Spoiler and Bluebird was handled extremly well.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on March 29, 2015, 10:48:21 AM
Spoiler mentions
that she saw Bruce Wayne with her father,and that hes the real boss.
That is also left to be sorted out.
BTW introducing Spoiler and Bluebird was handled extremly well.

There is that as well. Maybe
she saw Lincoln who resembles Bruce?


Thats kinda what I thought,but it still doesnt seem like the best explanation.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


And Batman Eternal ends.Now waiting for "season" 2.
Final issue wasnt mindblowing as the previous two.Biggest reveal is that
Court of Owls
is still out there.And that Corrigan will get his own spinoff.
And now the Convergance starts.  :mellow:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer



They did appear in issue 39 of the regular Batman book (which chronoligicaly does happen after eternal). It's actually a pretty cool scene. I liked this issue a lot. Everyone got a moment to shine, and the whole scene with Gordon using signs to motivate people was awesome.


I read Convergance (1st) and Convergance Superman tonight. I read all the prologue stuff so far (Future's End, Earth 2, Multiversity). Wasn't that thrilled with it to be honest. It's real shlocky and despite having some set up it has about as much as Flashpoint/New52 did and reads real out of the blue. The Superman issue did read well enough though but again it's a pretty scrambled tail and hard to get invested in.


Iv read 00 and 01 of Convergance.Its basicly DCs version of Warworld(thats probably intentional).
New take on Brainiac is interesting,but the story is sort of bland.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Early to call it but it's not terrible or something it just reads like " this is happening " (Realities just up and fighting other realities cause') and I'm supposed to use a full suspension of disbelief towards it. As well I'm burnt on both Brainiac and " Earth 2 is ending " after reading about both for so long, or at least for so many issues. I grabbed the Harley Quinn one in addition to the other two but only because Harley and Sirens throw back going on. I may get the Question one but I'm just not compelled by this. More compelled as I am with Secret Wars to use the time to take a break and read less imo.


Im probably not gonna read the tie-ins(Im not so sure about the mini-series itself,either),but maybe revisiting 2-3 good Elseworld stories isnt that bad.
And a soft-reboot could be a good thing,or it could be bad.We will see,I guess.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


So post Endgame Batman identity has been leaked. And even though I usually avoid these things, I just couldn't help myself.

It's Gordon. No surprise there tbh, was one of my first guesses. He gets one last cigar, gets a marine-style haircut, shaves his 'stache and puts on the mecha suit. Also saying "this has to be the dumbest idea in the history of Gotham". It's so crazy that I'm really looking forward to it. Guess we'll see what happens to Bruce when Batman #40 hits.


Quote from: bat1987 on April 14, 2015, 02:52:02 PM
So post Endgame Batman identity has been leaked. And even though I usually avoid these things, I just couldn't help myself.

It's Gordon. No surprise there tbh, was one of my first guesses. He gets one last cigar, gets a marine-style haircut, shaves his 'stache and puts on the mecha suit. Also saying "this has to be the dumbest idea in the history of Gotham". It's so crazy that I'm really looking forward to it. Guess we'll see what happens to Bruce when Batman #40 hits.

Predictable,but I can live with that.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Convergence is going nicely.It brings in everyone,from hook-hand Aquamen to Azrael and Donna Troy and many,many more.
I hope some of them will stick around after this is over.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I wish the feeling was mutual. I don't like being interrupted suddenly and that's happened across the board and just when I was warming up the New 52 characters. Some of the books are amusing reads and it's nice to see characters from my yesterday depicted however it's hard for me to get past just hokey it is. I mean " life in the dome one year later "? Okay, too bad I didn't read any of that. And the man in the sky comes along and says everybody will compete in Mortal Kombat and they just do? Here's some other heroes like yourself, now kill each other. That's pretty hard to digest that any hero would just be going along with this. I like comics so not a total loss but my interest really isn't piqued either here.

The Batman thing. I dunno. I'm not as fond of Snyder's stuff as most to begin with. With this I guess it's a wait and see thing. If it turns out being a good read then I'm for it, else it doesn't matter to me what the cliche itself is. Sort of like Superior Spider-man was I guess. Whether it was Octo or Peter or anyone else the only thing matters to me is if the story is good.


Well,the premise is a little dumb.And it obviously took aroung 2 minutes to come up with it.Everyone losing powers is just Act of God unbelivable.
But its nice seeing some past characters.Thats the primary reason why Im reading this.And Divergance looks promising.I dont think you can go wrong with ending the New 52. XD
Convergance Titans #1 is named Try for Justice.Meta humor?
And also,I liked the 2 father-son moments this week.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on April 18, 2015, 05:18:36 AM
And Divergance looks promising.I dont think you can go wrong with ending the New 52. XD

Technically they are only ending the label "new 52". Post convergence stories are still set in "new 52" continuity.


That what I meant.The New 52 initiative is over,but the continuity  stays.With some slight changes.Like Starfire being more like her animated portrayal,for example.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


And the highpoint of this weeks Convergence is the return of Nightwings disco costume.Yeah,it was pretty boring.Swamp thing was okay,I guess?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I'm liking the main Convergence series a little more as of issue #3. The characterization and story structure are tightening up a bit as well the plot is a little more intriguing. Plus I liked the Earth 2 stuff and this is continuation of that of course. Still feel in the wind as to what happened with all the Multiversity stuff though I'm sure they'll come around to that.


Frank Miller returns to write the final instalment in the trilogy started by Dark Knight Returns...and continued with DK Strikes again.
Oh...boy...   :blink:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer