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DC Comics Reboot

Started by B A D, August 10, 2011, 04:50:53 PM

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Quote from: murs47 on September 23, 2011, 04:12:32 AM
Did you happen to check out Scott Snyder's 10(?) issues on Detective Comics too?

Not yet. I may get it in a trade at some point.
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Can't say I follow the mainstream comics closely to begin with... although I do try to stay up-to-date on major plot arcs and character developments in the respective universes.  But from those links that were posted about Batman, Catwoman, and Starfire, even I have to say I'm really disappointed that the professional comic industry seems to be catering more and more into gross fan fetishes.  This reminds me why I pay more attention to the cartoons than the comics, since the writers actually have to focus on story and character development and less on drawing the characters as suggestively as possible in every panel.  With all the hype and pressure that DC had riding on this universal reboot, it is very disappointing to see that they have lost most of their credibility in the very first month.

Quote from: Previsionary on September 23, 2011, 03:09:05 PM
Obviously, you don't have an issue with Starfire's changes, Murs. That's a big ol' duh. Buuuuut, someone does:

Thanks for sharing the link, Previsionary.




Ha!  Haha, ohh man...that made my entire freaking day.  Thanks TUE.  I want to print this out and mail it to DC. :thumbup:
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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John Jr.

The smiling Didio is the perfect final touch for this sad history.


I think we can all agree that the Starfire issue is by far the more egregious of the two.  Catwoman has always been a sexualized character - overtly or otherwise.  Last week's Catwoman #1, particularly the final image, may be more graphic than it has been portrayed in the past, but it's an issue of gradation rather than major change.  Starfire's characterization in Red Hood is a major change however, and one that greatly diminishes the character.




That was awesome, TUE...And kind of sad.



So...Teen Titans...
Tim is a super-boy genius collecting information on metas for some unknown reason. Cassie is a thug (ironic given Lobdell's stance on DCAU Superboy) and a thief (she steals relics, cars, you name it). Bart is not only slow-minded but annoying (this is not Impulse or Kid-Flash Bart but some other creature entirely. I have no clue how they are going to shoehorn the being Barry's grandson into this). The series ties heavily to Superboy. This whole issues read just like the issue of Justice League (hero is chased, hero meets other hero, one of them is reluctant, helicopter goes boom, close with an impressive shot of a Kryptonian).

Funny, heroic, mysterious - a great number one issue.

Long, kind of dull despite all of the action, they are playing up this "lonely alien" thing too much. Newspapers are dead, long live newspapers!

Amazo Version 2.2

Quote from: AfghanAnt on September 28, 2011, 06:43:04 PM
So...Teen Titans...
Tim is a super-boy genius collecting information on metas for some unknown reason. Cassie is a thug (ironic given Lobdell's stance on DCAU Superboy) and a thief (she steals relics, cars, you name it). Bart is not only slow-minded but annoying (this is not Impulse or Kid-Flash Bart but some other creature entirely. I have no clue how they are going to shoehorn the being Barry's grandson into this). The series ties heavily to Superboy. This whole issues read just like the issue of Justice League (hero is chased, hero meets other hero, one of them is reluctant, helicopter goes boom, close with an impressive shot of a Kryptonian).
sad  :(
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.

John Jr.

Thew "New DC" is getting more and more bad reviews thanks to Catwoman and Red Hood:

Meanwhile, DC reactions was this:
" We've heard what's being said about Starfire today and we appreciate the dialogue on this topic.
We encourage people to pay attention to the ratings when picking out any books to read themselves or for their children."

DC needs better PR guys...


Neither DC nor Marvel have been very good with PR as it concerns comics for the past decade.

Further evidence of this:
Disappear when you least expe--


Now that all of 52 were released, some of them I enjoyed, others not so much.

My picks:
Action Comics, Aquaman, Batman, Batgirl, Justice League

Rest of the books were on the "meh" side IMO.


Quote from: John Jr. on September 28, 2011, 11:07:02 PM
Thew "New DC" is getting more and more bad reviews thanks to Catwoman and Red Hood:

Meanwhile, DC reactions was this:
" We've heard what's being said about Starfire today and we appreciate the dialogue on this topic.
We encourage people to pay attention to the ratings when picking out any books to read themselves or for their children."

DC needs better PR guys...

Who cares about children!? I was offended by the way Starfire was acting and while I can forgive Catwoman (because she has always been a sexual character) - I can not forgive slutty Kori or Suicide Girl Harley Quinn. Next up Batwoman is going to be having lesbian orgies with Flamebird and the Question and Wonder Woman is going to get raped by Zeus before finding out it is her real father or something. Besides Demon Knights and Stormwatch I'm not really impressed by any of the DCNU and I'm actually annoyed I committed to purchasing 3 issue of these terribly written, completely unfamiliar characters.

I really hope the status quo is back by Spring because even though sales are through the roof now, I guarantee month two is going to see a dramatic drop.


Quote from: AfghanAnt on September 29, 2011, 01:29:57 PM
I really hope the status quo is back by Spring because even though sales are through the roof now, I guarantee month two is going to see a dramatic drop.

While i doubt the status quo will be back in its entirety, because even though sales will see a drop, it won't be worse than it once was (IMO), they could always "adjust" some things that were badly received, like the whole starfire thing. I think the "lady in red" in every 52 has that very purpose.


Quote from: AfghanAnt on September 29, 2011, 01:29:57 PM
I guarantee month two is going to see a dramatic drop.

Yeah there's definitely going to be a drop. I'm fully expecting we'll be back to normal sales levels within 6 months.

Anyway I read Teen Titans this week and I was quite whelmed, perhaps even a little underwhelmed, overall the book seemed kinda meh. Again like Superboy I've come in knowing that we're dealing with all new versions of these characters so that's not that big a deal to me (yet), however I was watching Tim really closely. The Bat books are like 90% intact so I expect Tim to be mostly in line with his previous appearances. So far i think he's alright, but he did have a few iffy actions. Art ranged from pretty good to just a little Liefeld. I'll pick up the next issue at least.

I think I was most disappointed in how meh it was. I was expecting something that was either really bad or pretty good.
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John Jr.

"George Perez Off SUPERMAN Writing Duties as of Issue #7"
How many DCNU titles will Giffen write?

John Jr.

Glitch Girl

Okay, I gotta wonder, did this whole reboot idea come out of a night of drinking and the phrase "wouldn't it be cool if..."  Seriously, there are so many logistical things here that are obviously not planned or thought out, and for a company-wide reboot/reset/whatever-the-heck-they're-calling-it, that's not good or professional. 

EDIT: for the record, I was hoping for the best out of the DCnU, even considering using it as a jumping on point as a lapsed reader, but geez... there have been so many screwups and mistakes in just the media/pr portion of it alone.  As for the books themselves, there are a few I was a little interested in, but many more that just made me go   :banghead:.  Don't even get me started on "Diversity". 
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

Amazo Version 2.2

Quote from: Glitch Girl on October 04, 2011, 03:39:05 PM
EDIT: for the record, I was hoping for the best out of the DCnU, even considering using it as a jumping on point as a lapsed reader, but geez... there have been so many screwups and mistakes in just the media/pr portion of it alone.  As for the books themselves, there are a few I was a little interested in, but many more that just made me go   :banghead:.  Don't even get me started on "Diversity".

i was hoping to be able to jump back into comics with this, at least start a 2 0r 3 book pull, but not sure if its going to happpen.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.

Cyber Burn

Of the titles that I checked out, I'll be starting a pull for:

Hawk and Dove (And I still don't care for Liefield)
The FLash
Green Arrow

Man, it has been years since I've had a pull list. My wife is going to kill me.  :P

John Jr.

Lobdell about the Starfire controversy:

"    So to clear a couple things up, I asked if Starfire was being serious or sarcastic about not remembering the Titans:

    Kory was definitely being evasive/sarcastic because she did NOT want to talk about her past with them and issues that will come up later in the series. She does not have a memory of 'a goldfish' as some people have been saying 'round the 'net.

    Also, Jason was lying to Roy about certain implications he made in the first issue to Roy about Kory. I won't say what exactly because I don't want to spoil the next issue, especially since it's not out yet."


Then what was with her inner dialogue?

The Hitman

That sounds an awful lot like Lobdell trying to backpeddle and "fix" his mistakes with Starfire to me.


men of war is really good. maybe the best of 52 so far, in my opinion.
it is a legacy character. in that a character wasn't rebooted and forced to be young and forget most things he has done. someone did it right.

laughing paradox

I have been pleasantly surprised regarding some of the New DC line.

Wonder Woman really impressed me at how it was truly a reboot with an interesting take on Greek mythology.
Batwing has been interesting. The artwork is absolutely beautiful. I hope this book lasts.
Justice League Dark has characters I was not expecting to see (DC's Enchantress FTW!) and I like where the story is heading.
Legion of Super-Heroes thankfully included all those Legion Academy students, so it's great to have some fresh blood on the team.
Suicide Squad could be good, I'd have to read more of it. I really like Harley Quinn's design.
Voodoo really surprised me. Great first issue, really looking forward to where it's leading.
I'll be picking up both Justice League and Justice League International, and maybe Action Comics. (I like this new take on Superman).
Aquaman had a very solid first issue, too. I just hope that continues with momentum


Quote from: laughing paradox on October 06, 2011, 07:22:12 PM
I really like Harley Quinn's design.

seriously stop sniffing the magic markers


Cyber Burn

Quote from: murs47 on October 06, 2011, 10:40:47 PM
Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on October 06, 2011, 10:16:21 PM
Quote from: laughing paradox on October 06, 2011, 07:22:12 PM
I really like Harley Quinn's design.

seriously stop sniffing the magic markers

I really like it too.

Harley's costume or sniffing magic markers?  :P