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DC Comics Reboot

Started by B A D, August 10, 2011, 04:50:53 PM

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Quote from: Cyber Burn on October 06, 2011, 11:47:05 PM
Quote from: murs47 on October 06, 2011, 10:40:47 PM
Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on October 06, 2011, 10:16:21 PM
Quote from: laughing paradox on October 06, 2011, 07:22:12 PM
I really like Harley Quinn's design.

seriously stop sniffing the magic markers

I really like it too.

Harley's costume or sniffing magic markers?  :P

Hold on one second. Cyber Burn, i know you ain't picking on my friend... my associate... my project... my charity... on Murs! That's rude.
Disappear when you least expe--

laughing paradox

Quote from: murs47 on October 07, 2011, 04:42:05 AM

Amen, bud.

What's so wrong with Harley Quinn's costume and sniffing toxic fumes?

Besides, it can always be worse. She could be wearing a fur bikini.  ;)


I can't believe I actually bought any new DC books, but I did buy the first two issues of OMAC and I like it quite a bit.  Its rated "T" so it is pretty safe.


Thus far, the only DCnU book I'm really enjoying is Action Comics.  I'm in for a couple more issues of a few; let's see if they can turn it around.


I've been a long-time lapsed comic reader, but between moving to a new house down the street from a comic shop and the whole DCnU initiative I'm officially buying comics on a weekly basis again! And I am SO HAPPY about that! :D

My pull list for this month includes:
Edit: Spoilerized due to length

-Action Comics: this is just a straight up fun adventure comic. Really liking the humor, intrigue and action. Superman's characterization here is FAR more interesting than what's happening in Superman. I was happy to see that #2 kept up the pace.
-Animal Man: I'll be honest, I'm mostly reading this one because of all the buzz happening. After two issues, I can definitely say that I think it's interesting, and I think the guys working on it are VERY talented but I'm not sure whether I'm enjoying it or not. There's too much weird and not enough fun in this one for me and, honestly, might be getting dropped after next month...
-Aquaman: Really really liked this one. Aquaman's characterization was a ton of fun and I think there's great possibility for intrigue and action here.
-Batgirl: We'll see how #2 goes, but #1 just didn't grab me as much as I had hoped. It felt... bland. And with so many other Bat-Books on my list it'll need to work harder to earn my readership. I'm giving this one till #3.
-Batman: Oh man. One of my favorites of the New 52 so far. Just a freakin' blast. THIS is what superhero comics is all about. Adventure, excitement, some mystery, some great subtle humor.. Also, I love me that art. Really looking forward to #2.
-Batman & Robin: Not quite as good as Batman, but still enjoyable. Damian and Bruce's relationship isn't quite as great as Dick and Damian's, but I'm optimistic that it'll turn around.
-Batwoman: Like Animal Man, I picked this one up because of all the buzz. And, like Animal Man, I think that the creative team is really talented, but.. sigh.. it's just not grabbing me. The panel layouts were great, but the art felt a little... stiff to me. I guess maybe I'm just not big on the supernatural thing..? Giving this one till #3 to prove itself.
-Blue Beetle: Issue #1 was sadly bland but I'm sticking with this one because I frickin' love Jaime Reyes. I'm optimistic that it'll turn around and hopefully make for some madcap hijinks and space battles.
-Demon Knights: I really wanted to like this one more than I did. I'm sticking with it for now because it seems like it has the opportunity to be really fun, but none of the characters are grabbing me yet as much as I'd like. I'm giving it till #3.
-The Flash: Like Batman, this is, in my opinion, what superhero comics are all about. Buccaletto and Manapul did fantastic work here. I actually cared about Barry, the characters are all really nuanced and the art is just stunning.
-Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE: This one was so much fun! I initially dismissed it, thinking it would just be weird, but then I gave #1 a shot. Boy, am I glad I did because this was definitely one of my favorites of the month. Wacky, weird adventures ahoy!
-The Fury of Firestorm: Golly. This one was, uh, a little muddy, huh? One of the ones dangerously close to being cut on my list... I just didn't like any of the characters, the new shtick of 2 (3?) Firestorms was weird, and the opening with brutal terrorists was just weird...
-Green Lantern: Loved Sinestro's absolute disdain for being a GL again and I loved Hal being unable to adjust to normal life. Looking forward to seeing where it goes!
-Green Lantern Corps: I love the whole Green Lantern mythos, so I'm psyched to get some more verdant goodness in my life, but this one definitely wasn't as good as Green Lantern. That being said, Guy and John have the potential for great character work playing off of each other, so I'm tentatively letting this one stay on my list.
-Green Lantern: New Guardians: Oof. I love what's being promised down the line, but this first issue was a MESS. I love Kyle Rayner, so for his sake it gets to stay on my list.. for now.
-Grifter: Aie. This issue was just boring, boring, boring. Seriously, why should I care about this character? I met Nathan Edmonson and he promised that good stuff is coming, so Cole Cash gets one more chance. But honestly, if it continues at this pace I'm chucking this snore-fest.
-Justice League: I'm buying this one for no other reason than that it's billed as the 'cornerstone of the DCnU.' The first issue was pretty mediocre. I hope it picks up fast.
-Justice League International: Bought #1 because the previews teased the possibility of Plastic Man. Even so, I'm sticking around for the wacky sitcom-like character dynamics. Rocket Red promises to hopefully be a standout character.
-Mister Terrific: Picked this one up on a whim and thought it was pretty great. Fun character, great vibe. Love the James Bondian feel it gives off and I LOVED that it threw you right into the action. Waaaay too many 'origin books' this past month that only have the character in costume on the last page. (I'm looking at you, Blue Beetle, Grifter and Firestorm...) We'll see how #2 does.
-Nightwing: One of my favorites. Kyle Higgins obviously gets Nightwing. Looking forward to seeing where it goes.
-Penguin: Pain and Prejudice: Picked it up on a complete whim. Really great writing paired with a delightfully sinister tone - loved #1.
-Red Lanterns: Ehhh it's been kind of boring so far. #3 promises to be where the team starts forming and some actual stuff starts, y'know, happening. We'll see.
-Static Shock: Was not expecting to like this one so much, but he's a great character! Fun writing, good art.. Thumbs up from me!
-Stormwatch: Oh man. I really really want to like this one. I really do. But... I haven't been. It's been confusing and convoluted and weirdly paced and I have no idea who any of the characters are. This one stays for now, but it's on thin ice..
-Superboy: Actually quite enjoyed this. Really intrigued by the super sci-fi angle they're taking and I'm looking forward to when Conner gets out into the real world.
-Superman: Eww. Did not like this at all. Poorly written, terribly paced and with really poor characterization of Superman. I'm keeping this one on my pull list but I don't really know why.
-Swamp Thing: Loved the first two issues and it seems like things are only picking up from there. Wonderfully weird adventures seem to be in store and I'm really liking the character!
-Teen Titans: Oh my dear Teen Titans, what have they done to you? I was obsessed with Impulse and Young Justice back in the day, and then I followed the YJ gang into Teen Titans for one of my favorite comic runs in a long time. This though.... Hm. I'm hanging on because I love Bart Allen, but I'm worried this is going to be a relationship that ends up just leaving me hurt...
-Wonder Woman: Goodness I enjoyed this one far more than I thought! Picked this one up last minute and it was all kinds of good. Mysterious, exciting, dark and dangerous... Consider me a brand new Wonder Woman fan.

Already cut:
-Red Hood & The Outlaws: Ugh. UGH. As I said above, absolutely adore the Teen Titans. Screw everything about this book. Gross gross gross.

Anyhow. Those are my pulls so far. Obviously, for the sake of my bank account I'm hoping I can begin to cut down my list a bit over the coming months. :blink:
In any case, it has been so awesome getting back into comics again.



Good to see ya on the boards CM :thumbup:
Its been a long time.
Gotta agree with ya,I was against the whole reboot at 1st,then decided to go in with an open mind and ended up really liking some of these.
Flash was very impressive and I actually liked Teen Titans especially Bart being impulsive in the opening sequence.
Green Lantern was good but I didn't care for New Guardians,Red Lanterns or GL corps which is disappointing cause I was really looking forward to Red Lanterns.The change from Rage to Vengeance just doesn't work for me.
So far,I like the new 52.........That said my wife and I will NOT buy any book starring this Crappily designed knock off that is supposed to be Harley Quinn :angry:


DC takes another hit.  :unsure:

QuoteWe are disappointed that Barnes & Noble has made the decision to remove these books off their shelves and make them unavailable to their customers.

DC Entertainment will continue to make our content available to our fans and new readers through multiple distribution channels including locally-owned comic book retailers, independent bookstores, other bookstore chains and other widespread means such as online through Amazon and through our apps on iOS and select Android powered devices as well as new and exciting devices going forward.
Disappear when you least expe--

Cyber Burn

Quote from: Bloodshadow on October 08, 2011, 01:32:19 AM
Green Lantern was good but I didn't care for New Guardians,Red Lanterns or GL corps which is disappointing cause I was really looking forward to Red Lanterns.The change from Rage to Vengeance just doesn't work for me.

Now for me, I liked the directioin that the Red Lanterns book was going, and of the four Lantern based books, I actually thought that it was the most enjoyable.


Quote from: Previsionary on October 08, 2011, 04:54:20 AM
DC takes another hit.  :unsure:

QuoteWe are disappointed that Barnes & Noble has made the decision to remove these books off their shelves and make them unavailable to their customers.

DC Entertainment will continue to make our content available to our fans and new readers through multiple distribution channels including locally-owned comic book retailers, independent bookstores, other bookstore chains and other widespread means such as online through Amazon and through our apps on iOS and select Android powered devices as well as new and exciting devices going forward.

Is it really a hit though?  Barnes and Noble are pulling them in response to DC's exclusive digital deal with Amazon & it's ridiculously cheap tablet.

John Jr.

"Andy Kubert Joins Grant Morrison on ACTION COMICS in 2012

DC announced Sunday on their official publicity blog The Source that Andy Kubert is illustrating Action Comics #5 and #6.

The issues, written by regular series writer Grant Morrison, will guest star the Legion of Super-Heroes. DC hints that Krypto, whose New 52 status had been unclear, will also make an appearance. "

More here:

Morrison said in a convention the Legion and Superman still have a connection, let's see how he'll explain it.

WONDER WOMAN Gets a NEW 52 Origin, Parent in November
As Monday on DC's official publicity blog The Source, in the current continuity, Wonder Woman's mother is Hippolyta and father is Zeus. This is a significant change to the character's history, who traditionally has never had a father figure and was said to be formed from mystical clay.

More here:


Demon Knights continues to be my favorite comic out of the new 52. This could easily have been pre-dcnu but whatevez.

Superboy #2...
The weapon aka Superboy killed all of the scientists who were in the first issue with the exception of "Red". "Red's" Gen-factor or whatever activates on command ala She-Hulk. Rose is the only good part of this comic. NOWHERE is going to send Superboy (who spoke Kryptonian) after the Teen Titans. Superboy does a telekinetic blackhole and can now has x-ray vision through Tactile Telekinesis (maybe Superman's powers are TK similar to the Post-Crisis reboot). All and all I felt meh about this comic still.


thanks for the synopsis Cardmaster.


I'm with you, AA, Demon Knights was great! Loving the chemistry of the team. Speaking of which... I've also really been loving Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #1 was just straight-up awesome and issue #2 did not disappoint. Journeys into 'dead space,' crazy backstories, hilariously morbid technology... It's all fantastic. If you like awesome adventure with a healthy dose of weird, you should definitely give this one a try..
Mister Terrific's been good too - Great character with a really neat vibe; the over-the-top SuperScience that this comic barrages you with just makes you want to punch the air and say "F#* yeah science!" :)
Batman and Robin was a little flatter this month, but I still enjoyed it. Superboy, however, went waaay down for me from issue #1. I'm not sure what they're going for in this book, but it may not be for me...

- :cardmaster

ps. Bloodshadow: it's good to see you again too! :)
pps. Cripp: No problem! I apologize for such a lengthy post; I've now put my synopses in spoiler tags for the sake of brevity, haha.


Quote from: Talavar on October 08, 2011, 01:01:20 PM
Quote from: Previsionary on October 08, 2011, 04:54:20 AM
DC takes another hit.  :unsure:

QuoteWe are disappointed that Barnes & Noble has made the decision to remove these books off their shelves and make them unavailable to their customers.

DC Entertainment will continue to make our content available to our fans and new readers through multiple distribution channels including locally-owned comic book retailers, independent bookstores, other bookstore chains and other widespread means such as online through Amazon and through our apps on iOS and select Android powered devices as well as new and exciting devices going forward.

Is it really a hit though?  Barnes and Noble are pulling them in response to DC's exclusive digital deal with Amazon & it's ridiculously cheap tablet.

Yes, it's a hit because B&N are doing it out of spite and have effectively removed a portion of DC's audience who may not WANT digital comics and who may not HAVE nearby comic book stores. Speaking of hits, Books-a-Million have followed suit.

To me, a stunt like this comes off as a scare tactic. The remaining big chains of book sellers are trying to tell certain companies rather overtly that if you go through with certain deals they do not agree with, they will simply remove your product and risk losing overall sales themselves just to strike back. It's rather sad.
Disappear when you least expe--


But DC had to expect something like this in signing a digital exclusive with Amazon.  It's "not a hit", in that they're precipitating it themselves.  They must have decided that gaining digital sales will beat losing physical book store sales.


I think it's entirely reasonable for a brick-and-mortar operation to discontinue a product that is expected to decline.

They're not hurting their bottom line a whole lot.  Their other major offline competetor is gone (Borders).  They just gained shelf space and no longer need to worry about stocking those particular items in any large quantity.  Note that you can still order them... you just can't walk in and grab one off the shelf.

You have to remember that this is also about competition between the Nook and the Kindle.  That deal means there will not be graphic novels for the Nook, and that is a big deal for Barnes and Noble.

Exclusivity cuts both ways.
STO/CO: @bluegeek



Well I quite enjoyed the latest issue of Justice League. It's still a slow place but I found it engaging and the art was excellent.

Batman was also very good. The story is a little slow but the art and characterization is great. Definitely a standout among the New 52.
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Cyber Burn

Surprisingly enough, I'm actually enjoying Hawk and Dove (Minus Liefield's inconsistant art), but that just may be because of my inherant love of the characters.

John Jr.

In a typical "I'm too good for you" fashion Scott Lobdell justified his take on Starfire critizating the criticals...

"Newsarama: Scott, I'm sure you've heard about the negative reaction some fans had to the portrayal of Starfire in Red Hood and the Outlaws #1. Did it surprise you?

Lobdell: It didn't surprise me that there were some people who didn't like it.

What surprised me was that it almost caused the Internet to melt.

 Mostly, what has surprised me has been the very vulgar way that people believe they are coming to the defense of Kori: they hurl words like "slut" and "whore" and expressions too disgusting to repeat here that are only used to demean women. 

Lets consider an imaginary woman who has more than one or two lovers. Is it fair to label her with dismissive and derogatory language? Because we disagree with the choices she makes, to do what she wants with her own body? Are we still at a place in society where we're going to call a woman — any woman — names that reinforce gender inequality?

The good thing is that the story has gotten people to talk about issues they are passionate about — and that can only ever lead to a better understanding on everyone's part."


This is clearly an attempt at damage control, but I wonder how much heat this can take before DC pulls Lobdell from the book.  There's already been a lot of writer/artist shuffling in the New 52; a little more wouldn't surprise me at all.


Quote from: John Jr. on October 20, 2011, 07:58:26 PM
In a typical "I'm too good for you" fashion Scott Lobdell justified his take on Starfire critizating the criticals...

"Newsarama: Scott, I'm sure you've heard about the negative reaction some fans had to the portrayal of Starfire in Red Hood and the Outlaws #1. Did it surprise you?

Lobdell: It didn't surprise me that there were some people who didn't like it.

What surprised me was that it almost caused the Internet to melt.

 Mostly, what has surprised me has been the very vulgar way that people believe they are coming to the defense of Kori: they hurl words like "slut" and "whore" and expressions too disgusting to repeat here that are only used to demean women. 

Lets consider an imaginary woman who has more than one or two lovers. Is it fair to label her with dismissive and derogatory language? Because we disagree with the choices she makes, to do what she wants with her own body? Are we still at a place in society where we're going to call a woman — any woman — names that reinforce gender inequality?

The good thing is that the story has gotten people to talk about issues they are passionate about — and that can only ever lead to a better understanding on everyone's part."

I read another article with him talking about this and yeah he's OBVIOUSLY trying to cover up his bad writing. He actually compared her alien race to cats and we as "humans" aren't thinking about how "aliens" would actually react. I had to seriously stop reading the article and just close my computer.  Also his depiction of Roy is EXTREMELY OOC. It appears Roy did not only lose his child but also his self-confidence and determination as a former sidekick trying to prove himself. Jason Todd is practically a mary sue and can do no wrong and the most amazing person on earth....


Quote from: AfghanAnt on September 15, 2011, 01:59:44 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on September 15, 2011, 01:04:11 PM
Apparently, the Wall is now the Stick


So you can have as much diversity as long as the women are all a size 0? That's nice DCNU.

It was done to make her look like Angela Bettis, who played "The Wall" in <i>Green Lantern</i> and has been offered the rule in the <i>Suicide Squad</i> movie (provided it gets out of development hell).  It's not like they randomly decided oh, "Amanda Waller needs to be tall and thin now, just cause."

I don't have a problem with it. YMMV.
"I can't wait to hear this guy's monologue. 'I am the Palindrome! Feel my power! Power my feel! Palindrome the am I!' Peter Piping weirdos." - The Middleman


Quote from: AfghanAnt on September 29, 2011, 01:29:57 PM
and Wonder Woman is going to get raped by Zeus before finding out it is her real father or something.

Well, you're half right...
"I can't wait to hear this guy's monologue. 'I am the Palindrome! Feel my power! Power my feel! Palindrome the am I!' Peter Piping weirdos." - The Middleman

Nyte Dragon

 I haven't read any of the new 52 issues, and I don't know if I really want to anymore.

I'd love to know what comic writers have against married heroes? I read that with the reboot there is no more Lois and Clark.  :doh:

What is it? Do writers have a problem creating conflict with a couple, so they have to keep a hero single? Please.... more like poor writing to me. There is a pitiful handful of heroes that are married.

How much strain would having a loved one constantly risking their life day (or night) after day put on a relationship? Ask the husbands/wives of firefighters, police, or soldiers. Not enough drama, my scaly buttocks. And what about a hero with a secret identity? You know (s)he's going to have fans, admirers, stalkers, etc. And how is that going to impact the home life? Look at celebrities, and the rumors of this person cheating with that one, and think how in the comics world  it would play out. There is so much story just on how things would affect a relationship when one person is leading a dual life.

It's just laziness and lack of imagination, imo, that make writers and editors back away from change and want to go back to the 'old status quo'. Then sit back with a thumb in their bum, and wonder why their sales are also in the 'old status quo' of way back when.

But that's just one slightly bitter dragon's thoughts about it.
We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?
 ⁓Doctor Who


Reboots are almost always ridiculous. People try too hard. I mean look at these new costumes. Mostly garbage. Lois and Clark not being married? Why not? We know they are a couple. That's ingrained on the culture. Amanda Waller better have the same tough as nails, ready to stand down Batman character she's always had, that's all I am saying.

So, anyway, I haven't read any of it. To be honest, I don't read a lot of mainstream stuff, although what little I read of Morrison's Batman stuff was pretty awesome... I was digging the Batman Inc stuff, but I guess that's gone now. I actually just got around to reading Gotham Central.

Is the new Batwoman series like the one they just did, that's all gothy? And she fights "Alice"? Because I liked that.

I am mostly interested in Animal Man and Swamp Thing with a loose interest on the rest of the "dark" titles. How are these?


Quote from: UnkoMan on December 12, 2011, 12:03:32 AMI was digging the Batman Inc stuff, but I guess that's gone now. I actually just got around to reading Gotham Central.

Is the new Batwoman series like the one they just did, that's all gothy? And she fights "Alice"? Because I liked that.

Batman Inc is coming back, and I expect it will be mostly unchanged.
I believe the new Batwoman series is mostly the same.

Both titles are unique in that they were being produced before the reboot was decided and were integrated into it with little changes. In fact I suspect the limited changes to the Bat books were because of Batman Inc.
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The Lois and Clark situation reminds of the same thing with Pete and Mary Jane a few years back with "One More Day". Joe didn't like the marriage, Joe was in charge, Joe gets his way.

Sorry, old rant coming back again.


Animal man/swamp thing and omac/Frankenstein are two pairs of books that are working on developing a cohesive universe. In my opinion they are the top four books, followed by action comics, wonder woman, batman, Aquaman and flash. (in that order) I've dropped all others, but that's still the heftiest dc pull list I've had since johns wrote the flash, jSA and teen titans.