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DC Comics Reboot

Started by B A D, August 10, 2011, 04:50:53 PM

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I'm seeing reports that we're going to get another Black Superman very soon. I'm interested in seeing how that all works out.

ETA links:
Disappear when you least expe--


Conner Kent and Donna Troy no longer exist.

The Hitman

Quote from: AfghanAnt on February 11, 2012, 05:21:35 PM
Conner Kent and Donna Troy no longer exist.

... On Earth- 1. Who's to say that this isn't some form of E-2 Infinity Inc or something?

Tawodi Osdi

DC Robots?  First zombies and now they are giving us robots. 

Ohh!  Wait!  That's reboot.  That's even worse.  Why don't they just admit they don't know what their doing and stop trying to repair an irrepairable continuity?  They should just concentrate on writing stories that people would want to read.


Awesome DC. Complicate your newly re-booted universe with alternate parallel universes then be baffled as to why new readers don't understand wtf is going on when they pick up an issue to try. (run on sentence...blah blah blah)

John Jr.

I always saw the all "DCNU" thing more like a move to get back some of the relapsed readers than a plan to get new ones. Didio said several times he wanted to get back the readers who went away after the 90's. And with guys like Jim Lee, Rob Liefeld, Bret Booth, Scott Lobdel and Howard Mackie at the helm I think they never were really thinking about new readers.
Titles like Action and  Wonder Woman are trying to get something different with classic characters, but JLA, Superboy, Titans, etc, etc are too much of "New for 90s" to get new reader IMHO.
Still it's selling better, so DC is happy.

laughing paradox

Can I just officially say that Wonder Woman is definitely the best book from the whole NuDC group? K, thx.


Quote from: laughing paradox on February 23, 2012, 04:07:18 AM
Can I just officially say that Wonder Woman is definitely the best book from the whole NuDC group? K, thx.

Nope, it's Batman. Ur welcome.

The Hitman

Quote from: murs47 on February 24, 2012, 11:45:19 PM
Quote from: laughing paradox on February 23, 2012, 04:07:18 AM
Can I just officially say that Wonder Woman is definitely the best book from the whole NuDC group? K, thx.

Nope, it's Batman. Ur welcome.

Sorry dudes, Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. is pound for pound the best book.


Don't be silly gentlemen, it's The Flash, hands down.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Really Benton? I know Aquaman's kinda iffy, but one would think you'd be backing that book (which is working toward trying to make Aquaman cool again) so hard your tongue would be falling out.


Actually I like Aquaman better than the Flash (but that Mob Rule arc was amazing,  the latest issue, not so much)

It's sad to know that Lemire is leaving Frankenstein,  but he'll pick up writing Justice League Dark with issue #9
Its also sad OMAC is ending,   one of the most fun books of the relaunch

Cyber Burn

Quote from: BentonGrey on February 25, 2012, 07:33:57 PM
Don't be silly gentlemen, it's The Flash, hands down.

I'm with Benton on this one.

That said, I'm pretty bummed that Hawk and Dove is being canceled.

John Jr.

DC's new Earth 2 will be a "darker" version of "New Earth" with more "edgy" costumes:
I'm so out of this...

John Jr.

Quote from: laughing paradox on February 23, 2012, 04:07:18 AM
Can I just officially say that Wonder Woman is definitely the best book from the whole NuDC group? K, thx.

While not my cup of tea, WW is pretty good. And it's a new, different take on the character, unlike Teen Titans and JLA...
Action Comics is the best title IMHO, because it's "new-retro" take on Superman and his cast.



See, now I'm somewhat terrified. The natural next step after E2 is E3, which is a world I have a lot of love for... but with DC's current track record, there's just no way they'll do it right.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: John Jr. on March 02, 2012, 11:14:20 PM
DC's new Earth 2 will be a "darker" version of "New Earth" with more "edgy" costumes:
I'm so out of this...

Dissappointing. I like my E2 characters to be simpler in design and concept. Where are my WWII "Mystery Men"?  :banghead:


Good man CB!  Yeah 'Mato, the Aquaman book is really quite good, though the recent change in artist isn't helping it.  It's just not quite as good as Flash.  It's been a long time since I've seen such an innovatively drawn and cleverly written mainstream book as The Flash.  I'm nothing if not honest. ^_^

Quote from: John Jr. on March 02, 2012, 11:14:20 PM
DC's new Earth 2 will be a "darker" version of "New Earth" with more "edgy" costumes:
I'm so out of this...

Wow.......that sounds absolutely awful.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

The Hitman

*Enters "Conspiracy Mode"* Anyone else think this is another ploy to garner positive reactions to the "Main" DC continuity? I mean, there are bound to be a few people who will say something to the effect of "I like E1 better. Anything is better than that grim 'n gritty E2 garbage." It's the "Lesser of Two Evils" theory in use, people! *Exits "Conspiracy Mode"*


Another vote for Wonder Woman, even if issues 5 & 6's fiil-in artist isn't on the same level as Chiang. Flash, while uneven, also has some excellent moments.
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Glitch Girl

Is it just me, or is "dark and edgy" basically shorthand for "lazy attempt at attention grab"?

I'm sorry, but I like my heroes as "heroes" not as "people with powers and more issues than National Geographic". Grim and Dark have their place, but it should not be the default setting.  You don't have a meal that's nothing but broccoli - there has to be some variety.
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

John Jr.

Quote from: Glitch Girl on March 05, 2012, 03:10:08 PM
Is it just me, or is "dark and edgy" basically shorthand for "lazy attempt at attention grab"?

I'm sorry, but I like my heroes as "heroes" not as "people with powers and more issues than National Geographic". Grim and Dark have their place, but it should not be the default setting.  You don't have a meal that's nothing but broccoli - there has to be some variety.

While I agree wholeheartedly with you, it looks like "Dark and Gritty" is the only way DC can make comics nowadays, for instance:

"(...) showing what editor Brian Cunningham describes as a "mystical, magical, fantasy feel." The character of Shazam now has a glowing lightning bolt on his chest replacing the regular yellow part of the costume, lightning is emitting from all over, and a hood obscures his face. Gone is the "big red cheese," revealing this New 52 version as a darker character."
More here:

"This is not your father's Earth 2."
"Robinson: Well, you're going to see the status quo of the superhero community on Earth 2, which are the characters that DC revealed last week. And you're going to see them in a pretty extreme situation that has gripped the world at that time."
"Robinson: So instead I'll say, the events of her (Lois Lane's) tragic death are not something that we actually will be showing, but they are something that drives Superman on in his actions in the comic book.

Nrama: And it sounds like Wonder Woman has the same sort of drive because she's lost people close to her (all the amazons) as well, correct?"

More here:

Remember how the DCNU would be about diversity and an easy point to new, different readers?
Forget it, it just a time travel to the (worst of the) 90s.


First look at the new Earth2 Jay


Earth-2 Jay Garrick... You've got to be kidding me... He's the Flash... or one of them at any rate... and the best they can do is fighting mutant rats?  And that uniform... I... Words fail me how bad that looks.

But let me try... Let's see...

If Booster Gold were suddenly given the powers of Shazam, that's what his costume would look like.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


Quote from: BlueBard on March 07, 2012, 02:24:26 PMIf Booster Gold were suddenly given the powers of Shazam, that's what his costume would look like.

I'll do you one better.  It looks like the CSA Earth-3 Jay Garrick.

And I'm still trying to figure out the lines that look like they run from both shoulders to the middle of the chest.  I'd almost think "seam", but the bolt goes right over it, smoothly.  :huh:
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.

Cyber Burn

I just lost my lunch...ugh.  :banghead:

Glitch Girl

-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka


No, I kind agree with Murs here... the characters and costumes we've been shown are much more akin to something out of the Crime Syndicate than good old fashioned Earth 2.


Quote from: Tomato on March 07, 2012, 08:50:59 PM
No, I kind agree with Murs here...

But I've stated no opinion...


Meh... sorry, I thought GG was commenting on the post about it looking like Earth 3 (the one PG made) so I copied your name from her quote.