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DC Comics Reboot

Started by B A D, August 10, 2011, 04:50:53 PM

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So in the latest Batman:
One of the Court of Owls was revealed to believe he was Bruce's secret brother Thomas Wayne Jr. Bruce didn't seem/or didn't want to believe what he said but I'm very interested to see how this story progresses.

Synder's Batman is pretty great stuff. I recommend it.

I also got the Batman Incorporated hardcover and finished it this week. I really enjoyed it. It follows Bruce as he goes to different countries recruiting international heroes for his Batman army while new and obscure villains that Grant Morrison has given a spin all linked to Leviathan. The more time goes on the more I enjoy Morrison's Batman. I was a bit surprised by how much I enjoyed this series. The idea of Batman going around recruiting heroes I didn't really care about sounded like it'd be hard to get into but I didn't have any trouble with it.
Now I'm trying to decide whether to pick up the new series monthly or continue with trades. It reads well in trade format.
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Giving Batman a brother might be a breath of fresh air...Making Batman's brother his enemy would be a bad cliche, though (IMHO).  I've noticed that nearly all heroes (at both DC and Marvel) are only children...Weird.



Quote from: Podmark on June 15, 2012, 12:19:53 AM
So in the latest Batman:
One of the Court of Owls was revealed to believe he was Bruce's secret brother Thomas Wayne Jr. Bruce didn't seem/or didn't want to believe what he said but I'm very interested to see how this story progresses.

Synder's Batman is pretty great stuff. I recommend it.

I also got the Batman Incorporated hardcover and finished it this week. I really enjoyed it. It follows Bruce as he goes to different countries recruiting international heroes for his Batman army while new and obscure villains that Grant Morrison has given a spin all linked to Leviathan. The more time goes on the more I enjoy Morrison's Batman. I was a bit surprised by how much I enjoyed this series. The idea of Batman going around recruiting heroes I didn't really care about sounded like it'd be hard to get into but I didn't have any trouble with it.
Now I'm trying to decide whether to pick up the new series monthly or continue with trades. It reads well in trade format.

Snyder's Batman is really, really, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally good. Latest issue blew my mind away.

You know I missed the initial run of Batman Inc. But I picked up the first issue of the new run thinking it tied into Night of Owls. Much to surprise, I was not disappointed that it didn't. I'll be checking this series out more and probably picking up the trade of the previous run.

Quote from: cmdrkoenig67 on June 17, 2012, 12:24:38 AM
Giving Batman a brother might be a breath of fresh air...Making Batman's brother his enemy would be a bad cliche, though (IMHO). 
I've noticed that nearly all heroes (at both DC and Marvel) are only children...Weird.

Good sir, you've forgotten to include your spoiler tags.


Oh crap...Sorry about that, Murs.



for those of you not following the "little league" comic on tumblr (you need to. srsly.) they've been running a little arc where they adopted some of the new 52 costumes temporarily... and I thought the conclusion was a pretty good summary of what DC's missing with the current reboot.

John Jr.

Scott Lobdel strikes again:

It can be hard for reporters to stay objective when it comes to news. When Scott Lobdell first said at the Young Justice panel at SDCC 2012 that Tim Drake was never a "Robin" and had simply adopted the guise of "Red Robin" upon first becoming Batman's sidekick, that objectivity was bound to be tested in a big way. Add in that he "was one of the few people to get really close to tracking down who Bruce is" and it seems we're dealing with an almost entirely new character.

This is some major revisionist history whether you're for or against it, and appears to hurt what made Tim Drake fundamentally different from the other Robins: he and he alone recognized that Batman needed a Robin. He alone figured out that Batman was Bruce Wayne (not to mention the identities of his associates). And he gave up everything by being Robin: his parents, his best friends, and his girlfriend all died along the way (yes, the latter three all came back, though two have just met him for the first time and one seems to be obliterated from all of DC Entertainment with The New 52).

Taking away Tim Drake's time as no-adjective Robin, or reducing his initial, natural detective skills, quite simply makes the character a different one from the sidekick, and from the hero that readers grew with for the last nearly 25 years. This may all lead to great stories -- everything has potential -- but it will need to do it fast to avoid giving long-time DC fans one more thing to be upset about. (Lucas Siegel/Newsarama.)

I fail to see the point of the change, it only makes the character less recognizable for the people who discovered him on the tv shows like BTAS or Young Justice.




This baffles me as issues of Teen Titans and Batman and Robin have already implied that Tim was a Robin. This just seems like a needless change.
The solicits for that issue also claim that Tim is an Olympic class athlete and computer wiz. Being a high level athlete doesn't mesh with Tim's pre-reboot identity and has me concerned.
I will wait to read the issue before really judging it. Tim is one of my favorite comic characters and I don't have any real complaints with the reboot Tim yet.
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Seriousley? Lobdell is the worst thing about the new 52. Everything he is writing is garbage...and I'm easily entertained person.


Quote from: murs47 on July 18, 2012, 05:44:56 AM
...and I'm easily entertained person.

I guess you are more self-aware than most give you credit for. Congrats, home girl.
Disappear when you least expe--


Ok, latest issue of Wonder Woman was too good to be true...but it was true...and good. I do have a question though. Is the power set she revealed after removing her bracers new via Nu52?


I'm beginning to tire of most of the New DC titles I've been getting.  They just keep doing the same types of things that they did before the reboot, and I'm just really not interested in many of these ideas.  I've been thoroughly enjoying their new Flash book.  In fact, it's been just about my favorite of the set, but several events from recent issues have left me disappointed.  The same is true of the recent Aquaman arc, though for different reasons.  If I can scrape out some time in the next while, I'd like to write up some reviews about what's happened so far in these books.  Justice League has been entirely mediocre for most of its run so far.  If I had to put a name to the vague disease these DC titles awaken in my mind, I think it would be this: Many of these books reek of desperation.

In the end, it seems a foregone conclusion that DC's shortsighted conduct will see my return to their books being rather short-lived in turn.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Well Benton, if you're in the market for a decent replacement dc book, the YJ books by Weisman have been amazing. I've told you this before, but no one listens to the crazy tomato man.

laughing paradox

Quote from: murs47 on August 18, 2012, 03:47:25 PM
Ok, latest issue of Wonder Woman was too good to be true...but it was true...and good. I do have a question though. Is the power set she revealed after removing her bracers new via Nu52?

That's a new thing. How great was that book? I've been sayin' it since the reboot: Wonder Woman is definitely the best DC book out now.


Quote from: laughing paradox on August 18, 2012, 11:35:19 PM
Quote from: murs47 on August 18, 2012, 03:47:25 PM
Ok, latest issue of Wonder Woman was too good to be true...but it was true...and good. I do have a question though. Is the power set she revealed after removing her bracers new via Nu52?

That's a new thing. How great was that book? I've been sayin' it since the reboot: Wonder Woman is definitely the best DC book out now.


Please. It's Batman...then Wonder Woman.


Batman and Wonder Woman have both been quality titles since the relaunch last year, as has Flash.  From a sales standpoint the New 52 has been quite a success for DC, but creatively I have some misgivings about it still.  I don't actually think DC is putting out any more books that are high quality, but I do think that more of their quality books happen to be high profile characters compared to before the relaunch, where most of the quality books were the ones flying under a lot of people's radar.


Wonder Woman and Aquaman are the only titles that still receive my money. JL never got good (I was holding out), Teen Titans fell off a cliff (seriously this comic is just bad), and Superboy/Supergirl's pace just hasn't kept me interested.

Here's to year two of Wondy and the New Gods and Aquaman going somewhere with this Green Latnern-like talisman quest. Also where is Aqualad? He was such a huge part of Aquaman and it seems like Geoff is just deciding to ignore Jackson even though he and the Bermuda Triangle Mera people /Black Manta thing was infinitely more interesting then the "SEVEN".


Yeah AA, I hear you.  I haven't read much with the new Aqualad, but I certainly liked what little I had seen.  There were pretty interesting ideas behind him, which is more than can be said for a lot of characters.  I have been fairly unimpressed with A) the character designs Johns is so proud of in this arc, and B) the general quality of the writing and plotting.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Has he even been seen post-52? According to wikipedia he was gonna be in TT (thank god that fell through) but "will instead appear in another book," but I don't see what else they could reasonably put him other than Aquaman.

For the record, I've been reasonably ok with Green Lantern. Sure, it's still more flash then substance, but it's been that way since Rebirth and nothing really changed with the book post N52. The origins of the indigo tribe were interesting, the black lantern stuff isn't really objectionable, at least not yet (I was worried that they were going to go all black lantern army on us again, but they scaled back black hand's powers a lot) and I'm hoping the conclusion of this arc, assuming it goes how it seems, will FINALLY end the constant "ZOMG the guardians are total pricks" storylines they've had going for an eternity.


Quote from: Tomato on August 20, 2012, 01:50:17 PM
Has he even been seen post-52? According to wikipedia he was gonna be in TT (thank god that fell through) but "will instead appear in another book," but I don't see what else they could reasonably put him other than Aquaman.

I'm glad he also didn't get Teen Titan-ed, none of those characters save Tim Drake have any connections to their mentors. Also I'm pretty sure they are going to reveal that "Bart Allen" is not in fact the grandson of Barry Allen (which sucks). It is sad that Teen Titans was always the book where I could a youthful perspective on heroics and their relations with their adult mentors but now it is just random dren happening to people with names of characters I use to love plus a gay (yet fun) character.

I miss the good ol' days of comics... :/


Quote from: AfghanAnt on August 20, 2012, 08:22:08 PMI miss the good ol' days of comics... :/

Whoa, careful there.  That's a very slippery slope before you start sounding like an opinionated illustrator (on the sixth go 'round) or a certain aqua-fan.   ;)
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


speaking of wonder woman

so apparently they vanish away supes marriage, kill steve trever just so we can get the most boring, standard and crappy love story in the dc universe.

yaaaaaaaay originally

Cyber Burn

I echo Midnite's sentiments, I just wish he walked before he ruined Hawk and Dove for me.

John Jr.

About Liefeld leaving:
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

About the "new Justice League couple":
While I agree with TUE about how obvious is pairing Superman and Wonder Woman, they never were a couple in any "main" version of the DCU, only in Elseworlds and such. So there are some interesting and new things they can do, BUT...Will the Superman and WW writers follow this? They will be treated as a couple in their own titles? Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, but I don't have a lot of faith on the DC guys.
Anyway, Stephy will be happy beyond words.


On the chance that it might have actually be good, I bought and read Teen Titans #12. Not only was it not good, it was terrible and yet again I am questioning why these teen superheroes have my favorite characters' names and powers are pretending to the 90s X-Men.

The only interesting piece of this confusing puzzle was...

I'm like 100% certain Cass has nothing to do with Amazons, Greek Myths, or Wonder Woman. She screams "HELA" which is an obviously a connection to Norse myths and they mention the end of the world. Pretty sure Cass' bad boyfriend Diesel (By Odin's Eye geez...) is going to be called Ragnarok or cause it. Cue Thor references and more pretending to be Marvel Comics.

Oh also...
I'm going to go ahead and call it now Cass is a Valkyrie or Odin's spawn or something...


I thought Rob left a few weeks ago? I recall news of him twitter ranting being in the comic-sphere and how some of his comments were taken as insults to other creators. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else? Doubt it though.

Also, someone else is leaving DC. Odd exodus over there, yeah?

QuoteBefore San Diego Comic Con, I began to hear rumours that Robert Kirkman had been approaching Marvel and DC editorial staff on behalf of his publishing imprint Skybound.

That seems to have born fruit today. Sina Grace has announced that Kirkman has hired Sean Mackiewicz as a Skybound editor, to replace Grace so he can focus on his own comic, L’il Depressed Boy and an upcoming graphic novel Not My Bag.

Sean Mackiewicz was an editor or assistant editor on New 52 books such as Aquaman, Green Lantern: New Guardians, Stormwatch and Suicide Squad, as well as  Earth 2.
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: murs47 on July 18, 2012, 05:44:56 AM
Seriousley? Lobdell is the worst thing about the new 52. Everything he is writing is garbage...and I'm easily entertained person.

I thought Liefeld was the worst thing about it?  Oh well...

Dana :D  :yipee