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DC Comics Reboot

Started by B A D, August 10, 2011, 04:50:53 PM

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So Kon-El died/became Silver Surfer and Superman's alternate future son with Lois is now Superboy? Does anyone else have any details? I was so confused why Superboy was being called Jon.


I did some research on wikipedia (We can argue for days on the accuracy of that, but I'll take that over having anything to do with the teen titans comic) and... Superboy (Kon El) was killed, but it turns out that Kon-El is actually a clone of Superman and Lois' future son, Jon Lane-Kent, who has now gone back in time and plans to kill all metahumans, or something. It sounds immensely dumb, but no more so than anything else in the Teen Titans books lately.


Regarding Superboy as best and short and sweet as I can, Kon and Jon are two separate characters. I read all the related stuff so I'll try and pull the important bits from memory

- Begins during Forever Evil. The Crime Syndicate hijacks all of Earths communications via the character Grid and sends out a televised message to the world that they have Nightwing and reveal his true identity. Red Robin leads the Titans on a rescue mission but they are met by Johnny Quick and Atomica. Quick senses something in Kid Flash and " tugs on the timestream " which results in several of the Titans being tossed about time.
- The Titans will eventually converge in a single future timeline, which is the one where Kid Flash came from and participate in both a criminal trial revolving him as well a rebellion. Before Kon can meet up with them he runs into Jon, and evil alternate timeline Superboy. They fight and Kon beats Jon senseless.
- Kon is pulled through time and space again before reaching the Titans, now to Kryptons past to join in the at the time Superman cross-over (unsaid but Kon was essentially ripped from one story arc to other other here), along with Superman and Supergirl (Kara) against H'el, a foe who had been giving the three grief for some time.
- Kon pulls the big hero sacrifice play cementing himself as a " true hero " (Damian) and seemingly dies. Superman and Supergirl lament the fact.
- Meanwhile Jon is resuscitated (still in Kid Flash future here) and handed back to the Titans whom believe him to be Kon. Jon plays this out and returns to the present with them (Kid Flash and Solstice remain), It's hinted that Raven may be aware of Superboy's true identity.
- Jon poses as Superboy in the present in both his series and the Titans (Did this book end? It seemed like in the Annual this was the case?), like Octavius to Spider-man but not really the same body, and more malice intended than heroics. This is were it currently stands.

So about as convoluted as you figured. The quality of the Superboy comic feels the same if this means anything. Kon being the center character feels out of place and left field to me personally, though I also feel it's to soon to make a call on it as I don't know the extent of where this is going.


Forever Evil #7
Much of what I expected happens. Because of it's late release from other books I already knew 1.) Dick Grayson is presumed dead 2.) The CSA are beaten and the heroes return, not really a hard call to make 3.) The teams are reorganized and Luthor is in the League. I suspected as well that Dick wouldn't be dead rather said to be publicly in light of his secret identity becoming public knowledge. The fact that Nightwing is still ongoing in solicits was a clear indication of this. All in all I'll say it's a pretty good series in itself. Like most events I liked the mini-series that came next to it more, like the Gotham one and Rogues in this case. I'm not sure how to take Justice League United yet. With New 52 I tend to be more into the dark books, Green Lanterns and Superman series than all else. Really not feeling the upcoming creative shift on Superman. As usual everyone in his art looks like Kick-@$$ and constipated. Bleh. Red Daughter (Supergirl/Red Lanterns) is excellent imo. Sad to see (via JLU) that it isn't slated to last.



It's...kinda ugly. It's the top of the mask that's bugging me most. Maybe it'll look better if I see more images.
Of note this is the Future's End Wally from 5 years later. Regular Wally doesn't have powers yet from what I've heard.
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^ What Podmark said. That's from Futures End which is an alternate future story with an even further in an alternate future Batman Beyond running around in it.
In present day in the Flash series Wally is just a powerless pre-teen. Though with the time shenanigans going on that book this could come to pass. A lot of people already got confused by solicits and thought the alternate future " blue Flash " was also the " new New 52 " present day one but this didn't turn out to be the case.
Agreed it's a gaudy look just by the image. Though it would make a good looking skin. So would the blue Flash. Hmmm?

Cyber Burn

Quote from: SickAlice on May 24, 2014, 02:01:36 PM
Agreed it's a gaudy look just by the image. Though it would make a good looking skin. So would the blue Flash. Hmmm?

Agreed, I think both would make for some nice Skins, but as for the Comics, both are just really overdesigned. Clean them up a bit, unclutter them, and I would be very happy.


Is anybody reading the Flash?  How is the new Wally?  Is he still funny or at least a wise-cracked or is he moody?
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QuoteIs anybody reading the Flash?  How is the new Wally?  Is he still funny or at least a wise-cracked or is he moody?
Moody,annoying,rebellious....pretty much the average teenager with an attitude,I personally only still get Flash because of Brett Booth's fantastic artwork on speedsters but even Brett's rendition of Wally's outfit looks terrible to me.I just don't like the design at all whether its the colors,the armor look...I don't know,I just think it sucks and so does the current storyline.Hopefully with......
The debut of the New52 Anti Monitor we'll have a new Crisis for the 30th anniversary and get OUR Wally back&Donna too!


I haven't been reading Earth 2 ( a lot of you guys said it's good) Are they going to destroy that Universe?  If they do, could it be possible that the Superman over there (the good one, not the evil one) will come over to the New 52 as ICON?  I miss ICON and I would love to see him come back to the DC Universe
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Soooooo, this just happened.
Anyone alarmed by the development between Lex and Bruce?

Silver Shocker

I already knew because they mentioned it in the solicits.
Don't know about the Bruce/Lex development so can't comment on it. Dropped the book after the (admittedly really good) Forever Evil. While the Lex stuff in FE was fantastic and totally sold me on the new status quo, right now I'm too disenchanted with anything DC comics to care about anything not called Scott Snyder's Batman to bother, and I'm tired of DC's "let's do a crossover every five minutes" nonsense, and since Justice League is ALREADY about to do one with Justice League United, I opted to bow out and wait for the trades.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Quote from: trebean on June 27, 2014, 12:47:52 PM
Soooooo, this just happened.
Anyone alarmed by the development between Lex and Bruce?

As a long time fan of Rex, Larry, Niles, Rita, and Cliff, I have to wonder if this might be as bad as the last one (which I saw the first issue of and NEVER EVER WANTED TO SEE AGAIN!

Silver Shocker

In the interest of fairness (and since some people might not know) I should probably mention:

Tecnhically, The DP already appeared in Forever Evil. But it was only obscure C list members who havn't appeared in comics in decades, and, this being a Geoff Johns event story, they only appeared briefly before being gutted like a trout. This debut is more the kind I think a long established team like the Doom Patrol deserved in the New 52, regardless of my feelings about the property or characters, or the quality of their last few runs of comics.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Yeah, other than Morisson, I don't think anyone has managed to write a Doom Patrol book that great. I'm gonna be a bit openminded to this since ELEMENT WOMAN!! and I liked Johns writing of the Doom Patrol in his TT Run (Albeit even just for a few issues)

Anyway, whatever happened to Ivan Reis? Mahnke is cool and all but his depiction of Element Woman looks off character IMO.

Silver Shocker

Funny you should mention: I loved Element Woman in John's JL book. I genuinely think that book got a lot better when the rookie characters were introduced. And you know, that splash page reminded me of that Teen Titans storyline and how much I enjoyed it (Tony Daniel's version of them looked way better IMO than Mahkne's here).
Yeah I missed Reis. Mahke is and always has been very hit and miss for me.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Quote from: trebean on June 28, 2014, 05:16:16 AM
Yeah, other than Morisson, I don't think anyone has managed to write a Doom Patrol book that great.

You have read the original 60's Arnold Drake run, haven't you? Because that was some pretty darn good stuff, especially for the time.
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Quote from: kkhohoho on June 30, 2014, 04:17:59 AM
Quote from: trebean on June 28, 2014, 05:16:16 AM
Yeah, other than Morisson, I don't think anyone has managed to write a Doom Patrol book that great.

You have read the original 60's Arnold Drake run, haven't you? Because that was some pretty darn good stuff, especially for the time.
Not really but now that you mentioned it, I'm gonna try look for an archive or omnibus.


There are a couple of Showcase Presents with the original stories in them.

I alwasy felt that it was DC's attempt at dong a "Marvel" comic, and, while it had rough edges, it was pretty good.

Try to forget Mento's second costume, though...


Aside from Drake and Morrison, I didn't hate Rachel Pollack, Paul Kupperberg and Keith Giffen's runs on Doom Patrol, either. The only runs which haven't been enjoyable were from John Byrne and John Arcudi.


This sounds awesome!

Gail is a good writer. But her Batgirl was depressingly dark. The new direction sounds like something they should have started with.
And the new costume looks cool. Definitely different from the rest of the Bat family.


Cool, but it sorely reminds me of Steph as Batgirl.
Looking at the context of the pitch, that costume is an appropriate change for someone who just lost resources, Babs isn't the Multi Billionaire Bruce is. I wont be surprised if this costume caught on in cons seeing as how simple it looks and how easy it probably is to make.... but enough coddling, I think this is just DC's answer to Ms Marvel, a great teen based comic series which reminded me a lot of Jaime Reyes as Blue Beetle (I miss that title, the plot was extremely original, something I've never even thought off or seen) seeing as how it's teenagers inherits veteran superhero name, tells friends, hijinks.


Quote from: trebean on July 10, 2014, 03:44:46 PM
Cool, but it sorely reminds me of Steph as Batgirl.

It really does. Then again, Babs had upbeat fun stories before. Batgirl: Year One is my favorite Barbara story and its def the tone I'd like to see here.


I like the costume, but it looks like they are going to make her younger, like around Tim's age and she is suppose to be around the same age as Nightwing.
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Sad to see Gail is leaving, but this does sound pretty good! The costume looks neat and if the writers can pull off this "best elements of 'Veronica Mars' and 'Girls,' with a dash of 'Sherlock' thrown in for good measure" then that could be a good move for DC.

I've noticed DC trying to get a little more variety in their line. Seems like they're following Marvel a bit more.
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Silver Shocker

Quote from: bat1987 on July 10, 2014, 02:57:32 PM
Gail is a good writer. But her Batgirl was depressingly dark.

Gail has publicly said on twitter that that was due to editorial meddling (due to an editor who's not on the book any more) and that she opted to leave the book on her own terms. She's said she's happy to see the new run will be more fun and light-hearted.

I really like Gail Simone as a writer, and she's a wonderful human being in an industry full of jerks, but unfortunately she's rarely been on books I'm interested in reading (especially after Secret Six was cancelled). I won't lie, her Batgirl run was tempting (especially when Ragdoll from Secret Six showed up, I may have to buy that issue some time) and I do have some issues of her Birds of Prey run I need to read at some point. If she was writing the new Suicide Squad series I definitely would have tried it.

The new costume looks pretty cool.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


SS, yeah, I like her as a writer as well, but the only book she's ever been on that interested me was The All New Atom, which was awesome.  It's a shame that she's had such a hard time at DC.

Batgirl is best served with a lighter tone, methinks, though the headlines I've seen of "hipster Batgirl" make me hurt inside. :P  Ha, hopefully that's not what the writer is actually doing. :)
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Honestly, to me, the 'new' costume doesn't look that much different from the old one, just a bit more modern. If you're going to advertise a 'new' costume, at least have it be truly new. Otherwise, you might as well just stick with what you've got.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Unlike most of us, I don't care for the costume much.  It just seems...I don't know, too big of a departure, but then I wasn't crazy about the New 52 one either.
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