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DC Comics Reboot

Started by B A D, August 10, 2011, 04:50:53 PM

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Glitch Girl

Speaking of things that have nothing to do with facial mauling...

December's variant covers are all foldouts by Darwyn Cooke, and they are absolutely FANTASTIC.

-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka


Quote from: JeyNyce on September 09, 2014, 07:47:05 PM
Instead of killing her off, I would make her the new Joker.  Joker's daughter is a stupid name.  Make her the Joker and let her run around and do crazy stuff and in a year bring back the real Joker and then we can have The Battle for the Smile (Joke or whatever).  It would be just like Battle for the Cowl

Mhm-mhm. *nods with approval*

Quote from: Glitch Girl on September 09, 2014, 11:03:56 PM
Speaking of things that have nothing to do with facial mauling...

December's variant covers are all foldouts by Darwyn Cooke, and they are absolutely FANTASTIC.


I want so many of those. Geez, my wallet may dislike me that month.


The covers are nice, but it seems like there's a new gimmick every month.  First the selfies, then the 3D Future End, then the LEGO and then the fold out...Sheesh!
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Quote from: JeyNyce on September 09, 2014, 11:50:58 PM
The covers are nice, but it seems like there's a new gimmick every month.  First the selfies, then the 3D Future End, then the LEGO and then the fold out...Sheesh!

To be honest, the selfie one was clever, fresh, silly, and original. Ditto these Cooke ones. To me, that's worth shelling out the cash for. Opposed to the "(insert notable artist's name) drew it and we only printed 1 for every 100 copies" variant.


Those covers are pretty snazzy! I like the Batman and Robin, Detective Comics, and GL Corps ones best.
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The He-Man Cover looks awesome!


Holy crap. I just want an entire Darwyyn Cooke DC Universe. The new Frontier was amazing, but I need more, MORE!


I think it's meant to have throw back shout out appeal. Duella Dent's old skool claim to fame was being know as " Joker's Daughter " then went through several personality changes before coming into her own. That may be what they're trying here? I like her personally but I'm hung up on Joker type characters. I liked her in the Catwoman series anyway, the story lined up. I'm partial to her in New Suicide Squad but the outline seems to cater to tossing several popular characters in one book, like many of the Bendis era Avengers books did rather than going for original. I liked the second tier characters in the previous book. Then again those unknowns were probably part of the reason it didn't catch on.


Quote from: SickAlice on September 11, 2014, 02:53:04 AM
I think it's meant to have throw back shout out appeal. Duella Dent's old skool claim to fame was being know as " Joker's Daughter " then went through several personality changes before coming into her own. That may be what they're trying here? I like her personally but I'm hung up on Joker type characters. I liked her in the Catwoman series anyway, the story lined up. I'm partial to her in New Suicide Squad but the outline seems to cater to tossing several popular characters in one book, like many of the Bendis era Avengers books did rather than going for original. I liked the second tier characters in the previous book. Then again those unknowns were probably part of the reason it didn't catch on.
Lol, preach it to the choir.
A lot of great books with B Listers, C Listers, and D Listers often get cancelled because no one buys em'
It's pretty ironic how everyone complains about having too many Batman and Spider-Man books yet these books always reach the Top Ten Highest Sellling every month.


I can't finger the readership since it's just inherent. I do appreciate that the companies take the gambles anyways. Everyone has a limit to how much they can spend and read and their natural going to go first to the characters that brought them into the craft to begin with. How many of those first wave NOW! books vanished into the wind? Then again how many units of Red She-Hulk and Morbius where actually going to ship? On the other hand Superior Foes got an extension so sometimes the gamble pays off. But I digress they have a business to run and I get that. One of the Top Cow guys (Matt Hawkins) went pretty in depth on Facebook about this a week ago and how the bottom line was as a comic creator he had to sell the book to make the book and therefore do what sells the book as opposed to not. Nature of the beast even if it sucks to come to love something or at least care enough where the character goes from here only to see them swept under the rug. I've learned to practice some hesitation in deeply appreciating new books and characters though as a geek it's a little hard to fight the addiction at any rate.


So I've seen some interesting DC news today relating to Futures End and future events...


Seems that an alternate reality, most likely the pre-New 52, Booster Gold appeared and some kind of future story will involve pre-New 52 Brainac and other universes. Takeaway seems to be that at least a version of the previous continuity still exists and will be playing a role in future stories.

I used to read the Booster Gold title, it was a lot fun, and if things are as they appear it will be nice to see that character again.
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Quote from: Podmark on September 25, 2014, 03:32:15 AM
So I've seen some interesting DC news today relating to Futures End and future events...


Seems that an alternate reality, most likely the pre-New 52, Booster Gold appeared and some kind of future story will involve pre-New 52 Brainac and other universes. Takeaway seems to be that at least a version of the previous continuity still exists and will be playing a role in future stories.

I used to read the Booster Gold title, it was a lot fun, and if things are as they appear it will be nice to see that character again.

I think that was confirmed with Multiversity - which everyone should read. It's amazing.


Ohh man!  I wish the insides of these books matched the outsides in terms of tone.  I would read almost ALL of those books!  Those covers are just plain beautiful!
God Bless
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I'm assuming they are gonna have a crisis event next year which will end with minor tweaks to new 52. 


Yeah, and they'll leave a door open to tell 'elseworlds' tales set in the old 'verse.  If the old universe was in better shape when they left it, that might mean more to me.  This whole thing continues to break my heart because of the wasted potential of every step of the process.  Man, I'd kill to read stories about the type of comic universe that Cooke's covers suggest. :(
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!



What is wrong with DC?  The new Lobo series comes out tomorrow and Both Lobos are going to be in it.  The New 52 Lobo is the real Lobo while the one we all grew up with and loved will be consider the fake Lobo aka Fobo.  Why DC Why??!!!!
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I dunno. At least they kept the original though. That and gave him the " too awesome for even a reboot to kill " feat. Else I don't understand what part is shocking here lest your not reading the comics (and in that case it shouldn't matter then you know?). The whole and only plot involving Lobo since the start and running has been that 1.) the original Lobo survived 2.) the New 52 version got wind of the originals existence and has been hunting him believing him to be an imposter trying to steal his street cred. The plot you described is the only one that actually makes sense to everything they showed so far.


I don't like the new Lobo!!!....the fanboy in me came out.  It happen every now and then, excuse me.
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Quote from: JeyNyce on September 30, 2014, 09:51:38 PM
I don't like the new Lobo!!!....the fanboy in me came out.  It happen every now and then, excuse me.

I don't either :(

There's actually not much that I care for in the new52.


Hmmm. Alright your excused. Only because you are a fanboy which is a good thing and the new canon Lobo is sort of a lame 2d character, lol.


Quote from: spydermann93 on September 30, 2014, 10:15:23 PM
Quote from: JeyNyce on September 30, 2014, 09:51:38 PM
I don't like the new Lobo!!!....the fanboy in me came out.  It happen every now and then, excuse me.

I don't either :(

There's actually not much that I care for in the new52.



Blasphers! D.C. Almighty woot! woot!

Jk. All things considered it's understandable when the books are hard to latch onto. I can say I like a bit of the ones I'm reading currently. Mostly because I'm liking the Futures End bit though so that's a temporary situation. I like the GL books though not much has changed there tonally and I have a weakness for anything that resembles sci-fi opera. Batwoman is my mainstay. Batgirl is hit and miss, Birds Of Prey is steady. The Bat books are a mixed bag for me that drum up different emotional responses depending on the issue. I think Eternal is the best Bruce book right now. The JL books have yet to really captivate me with the exception of Dark. Constantine can be compelling. Love Pandora though I think that one ended on me. Larfleeze was my favorite book so far, complete aces that one. I was turned onto Earth 2 recently and am finding Worlds Finest to be solid. I've liked Supergirl since issue #1, Superboy is pretty good even with the character upset. I like the opening Superman books but I'm not really feeling the new creative team and the Doomed arc seemed like a contrived mess over all. Red Hood And The Outlaws has it's moments but is mostly over the top and I wouldn't miss it. Teen Titans did zilch for me in the last run and less now. I have no clue whats ever happening in Catwoman but I really like Alice's hat? Harley Quinn is a guilty pleasure just because I love Harley and gross out comics (I grew up on MAD, Cracked, Monster Party, Tales From The Crypt, House Of Secrets, Madballs and so on) and it has both. Grayson hasn't tripped my trigger yet but it's fresh so I won't grade it yet. I enjoyed the previous run on Suicide Squad, the new " superstar " edition falls in the same vein as Grayson though. Stormwatch was enjoyable but * looks around to see where it went " ? Phantom Stranger reads well but doesn't punch me in the face either. Flash is the Flash, nothing much to say past that. Multiversity is too new as well to say anything other than it's Morrison so it's as weird as I expected it to be. I think that's everything for me. At the end I think of anything currently ongoing the core Futures End series reads the best and makes me anticipate the next issue and care about it's characters the most.


I have nothing against the new 52, Superman/ Wonder woman is one of my favorite titles.  I don't like what they did with Lobo.  None of the other pre new 52 (whew) characters shown up, but they bring back and then call him a fake?  I feel that just a slap in the face to all the other writers/ artist  out there that have worked on a Lobo book in the past.  Anyway, DC did do their job, because I will be picking up the first issue tomorrow just to see how exactly they going to present this to the readers. 
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See it's that part that confused me. The plot is that New 52 Lobo " believes " the Ultimate Bastich is a fake/imposter. That's so far the entire plot for these two characters. Hence I wonder if a website misconstrued that to mean DC Comics thinks he's fake or is establishing it as true which as far as I've seen so far they haven't. Added I have a hard time believing they would because they went through the trouble to preserve him in the first place and second I chat with various folk in the industry and they love, and I mean REALLY get behind Lobo. I just don't believe wholeheartedly that what you read is actually the case.


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Right. See what I'm talking about there (I hadn't pointed it before but most of the plot I was referencing was shown in the current Supergirl series just to be on it). The New Lobo is the one claiming the old Lobo is fake. That doesn't state that the old one actually is an imposter but that the New Lobo " thinks " he is.

Also and I don't know it took this long to click but at least from the titles I read I can think of two pre-Flashpoint characters outside Lobo whom are present in DCnU: The Presence, whom makes mention of it briefly I think during Forever Evil: Blight, and Ambush Bug who in his last appearance before Flashpoint stated full knowledge of the upcoming reboot and all going-on's in the DC offices and now resides in a pocket reality we see in the end of most books (his news show). Not that it means much of anything (The moment with The Presence is plot important but it was a red herring on Pandora's story at this point) but it just came to mind. Or more rather " popped " in my mind given the character in question ;P .


Well, I picked it up and I gave it a fair shot.  The new Lobo is not bad, he's a bounty hunter, but more of a stealth like.  Like I said, he's not bad, but he's not for me.  Also from reading the issue, they make it seems like Lobo is more of a title than a name.
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I'm in the same boat so there's no argument there. I'm not into the dark cold as steel killer kind of characters. It does look good from the preview you linked and has gotten solid reviews so far. I'm checking it out as well on account of it being a new book, though the LCS visit for me is a week out yet.