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DC Comics Reboot

Started by B A D, August 10, 2011, 04:50:53 PM

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Yep, I did, good stuff. Won't spoil anything ^_^

John Jr.

There are some very interesting things on the Multiversity Guidebook:
- New versions of some Pre Crisis worlds, like Earths 4, X and S.
- Some "Elseworlds" got their own Earth, like Kingdom Come, Generations, Red Son, Tangent...
- Versions of classic teams like the the Golden Age JSA and the Silver Age Legion do exist in DC's N52 Multiverse (both on the Generations inspired "Earth 38").
- There are some "Unknown" realities.
- The "Earth 1" books got their own Earth, called "Earth 1", of course.
- Some of the alternate characters scheduled to appear on "Convergence", like the Tangent guys, exist on the current Multiverse, others, like Pre-Crisis Superman and Supergirl are from parts of the "Old Multiverses". Looks like Multiversity will influence Convergence in some way.


I out of the flow a little so 2 quick questions:
-Whats Hawkmans origin story now?
-Did Lincoln March/Owlman appear ever again after Nite of the owl?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on February 01, 2015, 01:20:05 PM
-Did Lincoln March/Owlman appear ever again after Nite of the owl?

No but
There's a strong possibility that he might turn out to be the villain behind the events in Batman Eternal. We should find out very soon.


Another thing I planed on checking out.So,there is still the question of Hawkmans origin now? :)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Here is the dirt on Batman #38.  Contain spoilers so read at your own risk.
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Quote from: JeyNyce on February 01, 2015, 09:21:19 PM
Here is the dirt on Batman #38.  Contain spoilers so read at your own risk.

Important thing to keep in mind though

Snyder said in various interviews, that he's going to keep it open for interpretation. We as the readers are gonna be dismissing this as another one of Joker's tricks, like Batman is. So if that is to be believed, by the end of the story we won't know whether what Crazy Quilt (lol ya he's in this too) said is true or not. It's supposed to be just another possible origin for Joker, just as valid as the failed stand up comedian or former gang leader etc.


Well, DC is shaking up their publishing line-up a bit after Convergence.  The list of new titles is here:

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that there isn't a single book on the list that catches my interest.  It's interesting that Prez is in the mix.  They're clearly TRYING to expand their line-up a bit.
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"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Ya letting writers tell the story without wrist slapping is something they should have done from the start of the new 52 but you know, better late than never. I like Starfire's new costume. Gleason on writing duties for Damian's book is a bit worrying, won't judge before I read but he has no experience.


DC's new line of titles is interesting. I like the approach, a lot more diversity of tone and characters as well as a stronger focus on story (probably means less meddling and standalone books), but there isn't anything that's got me excited just yet. I am very curious about We Are Robin though.
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There's an awful lot of Batman and Batman-related books in that list.


I have zero interest in anything to do with Damian Wayne, but I have to say that the Bat/Yeti thing on that one cover is really cool looking. 

I'd kill for a DCAU or even YJ style, out-of-continuity book with some of my favorite characters.
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"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Black Canary seems interesting.  I wondering if they are going to do it like Marvel's Hawkeye comic.  Starfire looks like another Batgirl, which could be a good thing.  Harley Quinn/ Power Girl is going to be a buddy cop series.  If you read the last couple of issues of Harley, you'll see what I mean.
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Ohh, and I agree, I like the new Starfire costume.   I'm wondering if DC is finally trying to capitalize on all the love of that character that was generated by Teen Titans...only a half decade late.
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"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Same boat here as with Marvel
- I was just getting my pull list in good shape
- Trying to figure out how many issues to go for in the side-out event (Convergence here, SW there), tough call since these are immediate series
- Not even sure where my list ends up after the event and during the line wide organization (Marvel's obviously more pitch but then again that date is further out).

The pro this time as opposed to Flashpoint>New52 is most of my top DC titles are staying intact, so mostly I'm in the position of having my standard reads and then being able to pick and choose desert dishes. Makes me happy. Now if I can get so lucky with Marvel after SW.


So, I've been looking over the Convergence books, and here are my thoughts:
(Source: )

Why, oh WHY are we not getting a Satellite era JLA book?  I would by that in a hot second!  I'm pretty sure that's not a rare opinion, either.

Ohh hooray, tons of versions of characters I couldn't care less about or actively despise (Paralax-Hal, Hook-handed Aquaman, Az-Batman, and more).

JLA Detroit: Are they serious?

Larry Hama on writing chores actually has me considering buying a Wonder Woman book, despite not having a particular interest in the character.

Earth 2 Robin and Huntress?  Awesome!  I'm going to pick this one up eventually.  I would happily read an entire series set in that Pre-Crisis Earth.

Speaking of which, classic JSA?  Cool!

Ray Palmer AND Ryan Choi?  Color me curious, DC.

Classic, space cop Hawkman and Hawkwoman written by Jeff Parker?  Ohh man, TAKE MY MONEY!  If only this would spawn an ongoing, I'd be delirious with joy.  I would KILL for DC to start an anthology book set during their Bronze Age.  I'd buy a book like that ten times over.

All in all, there is more here of worth than I expected, but also a bunch of odd choices.  Is anyone really clamoring for a return to JLA Detroit?
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I seriously gave it hard thought as I said I'm trying to lock in what I actually will purchase, and I can't get excited about Detroit. Noted though it seems to feature some fan favorites so it probably appeals to someone. That's the source of any apprehension I have really, which is were being sold nostalgia but not quite since these are not actually works time traveled her from the past but rather nods to the past from the present. I worry, as I'm pretty carefree more so for others that these books may end up not appealing to their inner child once read through then the selling point may insist. Only time (punny bunny) will tell I guess.


DCs new line has me intrigued too. I'm curious as to how Earth 2 :Society relates to either version of Earth-2. I like the idea of out of the box comics like Bizarro and Prez-its ideas that will expand the audience reach even further. I hope Dc's new approach works.



Im reading New 52 version of Stormwatch,and I actually liked it.There is just one thing that doesnt seem right.SW is so powerfull that it can easly manipulate Justice League and Green Lanterns.Whats with that?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Well, you know of course that ANY Image  character could kick ANY other character from any other company's butt.

(See previous comment about having swampland available for sale)


That isnt exactly correct.Captain Atom:Armaggedon show that ENTIRE Wildstorm universe isnt even a threat for Cap.Seriously he backhands Apollo.
I was thinking more how they manipulate the media and social networks to hide from JL(?).Like Superman needs to check Twitter for monster attacks.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


... what was it, the Godzilla Warning/Monitoring system?...


^I always imagined something like that XD.
But come on,the Moon comes alive and nobody notices it?
SW fights Etrigan in London.Several members of JL Dark are shown going like: What was that...meh...probably nothing.
Just...idk...implementing SW into DCU wasnt handled that great.
Or,if Stormwatch fights alien,they sure missed a lott of them,like Darkseid,or very ironicly Helspont.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I'm curious as to what folks here think of the big 3 costume changes come June.

Superman:  seems to be the return to the Morrison Action comics shirt and pants sans cape look. Also invokes Connor's look as well.

Wonder Woman: Nice new costume, mores towards the new movie one but more colorful.

Batman: Full on Mecha it seems.

I'm not a fan of the Superman or Batman ones. I'm not sure why Batman would need to be running around in a full robot like armor. But I do like Wonder Woman's costume change.



Batman has this armor suit due to something that happens at the end of "Endgame". We won't know until issue 40 hits in April. It is implied that it's not even Bruce in the suit. I think it could be Gordon due to red and blue lights. This cover implies ties to the police as well:

Don't like either of the 3 tbh. They still have their standard new 52 suits in the JL book. DC did say post convergence will have"looser continuity" cause they don't want editorial to interfere with writters' visions anymore, but JL is still canon so it might happen after all the upcoming stories that feature new suits.
Snyder also said that "all new Batman" story will last until issue 50 or 52, and that things that you shake up too much have to go back to normal eventually.


If Wonder Woman didn't have the super 90s wrist-blades, I'd like it.  Robo-batman is fine for a temporary thing, but Superman without a cape is blasphemy.


The mecha is cool,but it just isnt Batman,if you get me?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Just think what might happen in the Batman/ Superman comic.  It should be interesting, but it won't last long
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Quote from: Spade on March 17, 2015, 05:23:31 PM
The mecha is cool,but it just isnt Batman,if you get me?

Oh totally. It's so off model that I don't see it lasting very long. But it's also one of those things like Doc Ock Spidey that is so crazy that I'm interested in seeing what are they gonna do with it. And like Superior Spider-Man it can't last very long (Snyder himself said so), so if the story is good, just gonna enjoy the ride myself.

Another look:

If it's Gordon, that would be a really interesting take. There's also a slim chance it might be Jason Bard following Batman eternal but I hope for the former.