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DC Comics Reboot

Started by B A D, August 10, 2011, 04:50:53 PM

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Quote from: kkhohoho on June 16, 2015, 05:05:39 PM
Apparently, DC wanted to kill off Nightwing/Dick Grayson during InfiniteCrisis. And before that, they wanted to make him a gosh-darned Supervillain, among other things. More info at the link below.

I guess that's why they killed him in Injustice and faked his death in Forever Evil.  His also became evil in The Dark Knight Strikes Again and was killed off.  What do people have against Grayson???
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Kinda justified in the Frankverse since Crazy Steve kidnapped him,locked him in the basement and forced him to eat rats.People hold grudges for that sort of thing.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: JeyNyce on June 16, 2015, 05:32:14 PM
Quote from: kkhohoho on June 16, 2015, 05:05:39 PM
Apparently, DC wanted to kill off Nightwing/Dick Grayson during InfiniteCrisis. And before that, they wanted to make him a gosh-darned Supervillain, among other things. More info at the link below.

I guess that's why they killed him in Injustice and faked his death in Forever Evil.  His also became evil in The Dark Knight Strikes Again and was killed off.  What do people have against Grayson???

Because he didn't know his place and tried to be anything other than Dick Grayson, Age 12; that's why. Why do you think Wally West got replaced with a black kid who has nothing to do with the original character? I'm also pretty sure Donna hasn't been seen around lately either, or at least not outside of Covergence. Basically, you either die a sidekick, or live long enough to see yourself become fricked over.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Quote from: kkhohoho on June 16, 2015, 07:07:20 PM
Quote from: JeyNyce on June 16, 2015, 05:32:14 PM
Quote from: kkhohoho on June 16, 2015, 05:05:39 PM
Apparently, DC wanted to kill off Nightwing/Dick Grayson during InfiniteCrisis. And before that, they wanted to make him a gosh-darned Supervillain, among other things. More info at the link below.

I guess that's why they killed him in Injustice and faked his death in Forever Evil.  His also became evil in The Dark Knight Strikes Again and was killed off.  What do people have against Grayson???

Because he didn't know his place and tried to be anything other than Dick Grayson, Age 12; that's why. Why do you think Wally West got replaced with a black kid who has nothing to do with the original character? I'm also pretty sure Donna hasn't been seen around lately either, or at least not outside of Covergence. Basically, you either die a sidekick, or live long enough to see yourself become fricked over.

Actually Donna Troy came back and challenge Wonder Woman for the throne and got her behind handed to her.  It still proves your point thought
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It's the internet, don't take it personal!


And they tried to recreate Daredevil: Born Again with Nightwing.Donna Troy will stick around.WW #41 will clarify on that.
And not everything is so bad for Dick Grayson.He has his own Bond  style comic. XD
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Justice League of America #1 Justice League Delta.Ah,DC and their wacky fonts. XD
At first I was like: Did they just recycle The Kingdom,but then I was like: That escalated quickly...
Wonder Woman #41 starts a new story-line.It was okay.
Started reading Injustice and my God,its Civil War :(
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Supposedly Dan Didio isn't fond of Nightwing. IIRC it was him who wanted him to die in Finite Crisis but other creators (don't remember who) talked him out of it.

Spade, I haven't gone to the shop to pick up JLA yet, and I'm not sure if I'm going to want to pick it up regularly at full price. So a few questions:

1. How's the pace? I have it in my head for some reason that this book is going one of those arcs that take 6 issues to tell 1 issues worth of plot (maybe because that's how New 52 Justice League started, but maybe also because Bryan Hitch tends to do those kind of books.

2. How's the writing? One of the reasons I'm not sure about this book is because Hitch is also the writer, and I don't know if he can write.

3. How's the art? Hitch is great when he's not rushed, but he also has trouble getting a book out on time. The divide between "rushed Hitch" and "legit Hitch" is a fairy pronounced one. I saw preview pics earlier this week and those looked alright, probably not his best work but decent.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Artwork is pretty standard.Story is a bit slow for the first half,but thats a given since its the first issure.It was a good "debut" IMO.
Btw,Dicks death in Injustice was something out of Scary Movie.And Kyle Rayner suffers.Thats fresh...
Prez 01 - Political satire worthy of DK2.And is that the guy from Assasination Classroom?
Black Canary 01 - What was this actually about?Feels like I missed 20 previous issues.
Finished year 2 of Injustice.Like somebody roled the worst Marvel storylines into one.Its the comic equivalent of a car accident.Its horrible,but you cant look away.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Bit into the DC stack though mostly catching up on Bat books. Did read Starfire. Conner has been good to me with Harley so I thought why not. Wow, she drops more exposition than I do. Else reads like the serious version of the Harley book with the exception of Starfire herself who behaves like the character from the animated series. It is a well composed book though and if Conner has shown me anything she has a tendency to make her star come off airheaded only to surprise us later when they heel turn and show how smart and compassionate they can be (see Harley Quinn). I'm glad I saw the names on the cover, I was going to pass on this series originally.

Read Secret Six #3...yeesh I didn't even remember this one existed. I guess that's what happens when events suddenly break the cycle. Anyways it still holds up. I like the dynamic where most of the characters are hopeless villains through and through. I don't think this series is generate enough draw to keep going for a long time though.

Earth 2 remains E2...sort of. If I'm reading it right basically everything got mashed up into one book, that being Earth 2, Power Girl/Huntress and the mixed city dynamic from Convergence? It's a rough read mostly focusing on Dick. Everything else zips by and we don't get a lot of quality time with the rest. Hard to swallow that a what was it again...planet limited to twelve cities with sparse populations cultivated and monitored by super heroes became chaotic and over run by crime in a years time? I guess that's no less convoluted then convergence was. I like the characters so I'll stick in there.

Valentine's Catwoman remains a top pick and still surprisingly as I never thought I would be regarding that title so highly. It's just smart, elegantly done and has anything else a proper story should. I don't know how to feel about Gordan Batman. Gordan and the GCPD read fine but they did regardless of the upset here. The suit...well it's an eyesore. It looks like if the Tick and Mothman had a baby together, and it was a Gundam. Gordan's Batsuit however is pretty sharp. The stories are fine (Batman/Detective). I have a feeling it's the usual going to end in disaster to show the world (reader) why we need " X " character, in this case Bruce however. I hate that but I'm becoming more adjusted to atypical super hero book archetypes being in place so I'll swallow. Someone in the biz once told me there's only twelve possible plot combinations in Hollywood once? I never spent the time to research that but in at least a round-a-bout way it sort of factors into expectation. Or as many people put it " They can't all be Watchmen ". So it doesn't unfold badly just predictably so. New Batman will have obstacles in not being experienced in Batman's world. Eventually have showdowns with classic Batman rogues as well revamps of some to match his own new model. At sometime there will be this climatic battle where it all goes to hell and the original guy has to return and reign everything in. So going rate but the characters hold up.

Oh, I also read the New Suicide Squad ish. Eh. A bit of a tonal shift where Deadshot is once again center stage (likely movie props here) and Black Manta has been pushed to assist character position. An odd upheaval since the series started off on Manta. The team is still uncoordinated something that doesn't add up since most of them are veterans who have done this job together for some time now. The series continues to push into a military vs. terrorism dynamic mirroring real life news, this round featuring a take on Isis. That's better then the Marvel books focusing on fracking I guess but not my cup of tea. I read comics to escape reality and especially the news, not run straight to it. Another book where love for the characters justifies that I keep reading it but otherwise this ones getting pretty stale.


Didnt we already see in Battle for the Cowl what happens when Batman isnt around?And nobody but Bruce can be Batman for long.God forbid if they actually have different moral views.Poor JP,I still miss him.Batsuit actually reminds me of Shockwave.Its not very Gundamesque.Thou that would actually be cool.
Earth 2 heroes stayed on Telos for real?How does that work?
Suicide Squad-Its pretty obvious who the League is supposed to be.Not sure why did they do that.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

The thing about the current volume of Secret Six is that it has been delayed to an absurd degree. There doesn't seem to be a lot of talk about it, but I'm certain it's the artist's fault, as the book's switching to the artist who did the original Villains United miniseries that launched Secret Six, Dale Eaglesham (who I like a lot better anyway).

I havn't read issue 3 yet, but as for the first two, while I usually really like Gail Simone's writing, including in previous volumes of SS, I wasn't in love with this book. Seems a bit slow moving and I don't find the roster of characters as good as in the past (which makes sense, some of them such as Deadshot are held up elsewhere in DC comics). Might take further reading for it to really click for me.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Yeah the roster is real vague. I was into a few of them (New 52 Ventriloquist, Catman and Black Alice) before so I'm home team backing this one. Catman is an animal lover against abuse which is also a big draw for me. It's not going to measure up to the previous Secret Six of course, that was a cult classic hit. It's best to view this as it's own book or at least as the first three issues have shown Catman's series as he's the star. So it's a toss up whether one should read it. I wouldn't give it top props nor suggest against it though with the exception of it's probable early cancellation. I can't tell the future but I can do trends and pars and this one just isn't going to make it without major event tie-in endorsement and/or bringing in a big name character much as the previous series had Bane. I'd say if you have other books on the list pick them off first lest your looking for some action from those specific characters. The first three issues have all been set-up which agreed makes for a slow moving vehicle.

@Spade: Just a guess but the real life counterparts are infamous for attacking cartoonists for mocking them. Art and freedom of speech are nice and all but endangering ones own family over a value is carelessness. Not aware of the go to reason of course but I wouldn't doubt if there's some red tape to that effect there.


Injustice Year 3 Remember when I said this is Civil war,AvX,One More Day and Ultimatum all rolled into one?Well I was wrong!THIS IS WAY WORSE THEN ANY OF THOSE!
They killed Kyle Rayner,Martian Manhunter,Captain Atom,but when they bend the reality just to kill Swamp Thing,THATS JUST MORONIC!
For the first time in my life I hate Batman.Batman here is a hypocritical ambiguously foreborn,plain and simple.He makes a deal with a demon instead of helping his friends improve the world,the accuses Superman of losing his humanity.What the hell hero,indead?He betrays his oldest friends,claims to fight tyranny while being even worst,manipulates his followers then abandons them,imprisons his own son together with said friends,makes a deal with a demon.And finally,he and John Constantine are responsible for killing the embodiment of nature,while saving the world.AND WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CHEERING FOR THESE PEOPLE!
I was thinking about getting the game,but now-NOW WAY IN HELL!  :thumbdown:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on June 20, 2015, 05:38:57 PM
Injustice Year 3 Remember when I said this is Civil war,AvX,One More Day and Ultimatum all rolled into one?Well I was wrong!THIS IS WAY WORSE THEN ANY OF THOSE!
They killed Kyle Rayner,Martian Manhunter,Captain Atom,but when they bend the reality just to kill Swamp Thing,THATS JUST MORONIC!
For the first time in my life I hate Batman.Batman here is a hypocritical ambiguously foreborn,plain and simple.He makes a deal with a demon instead of helping his friends improve the world,the accuses Superman of losing his humanity.What the hell hero,indead?He betrays his oldest friends,claims to fight tyranny while being even worst,manipulates his followers then abandons them,imprisons his own son together with said friends,makes a deal with a demon.And finally,he and John Constantine are responsible for killing the embodiment of nature,while saving the world.AND WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CHEERING FOR THESE PEOPLE!
I was thinking about getting the game,but now-NOW WAY IN HELL!  :thumbdown:

Still get the game.  The book is suppose to happen before the game, but with year 3 & 4, they went in a different direction.  Year 1 & 2 were great and maybe they should have ended it there
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It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Cant comment on the game.And I commented on Years 1/2.I admit its a good idea,but the execution is horrible.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on June 20, 2015, 06:38:47 PM
Cant comment on the game.And I commented on Years 1/2.I admit its a good idea,but the execution is horrible.

Injustice was basically the poor mans' 'A Better World'. They tried to do a good 'Supes and League go rouge' story, but compared to A Better World, it's like if a grade-schooler tried to write Shakespeare, that's what it is.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Govermants plan for hero going rogue?Have Mirror Master kidnap their parents.Seriously,thats it.
And thats only about fifth dumbest thing here.
About the League being more proactive...they tried that once,and it was horrible.The whole subject was aped HUNDREDS of times by now.And there were only 2 good stories.Both by Warren Ellis.Now why EVERYONE and their brother tries to write a story about heroes being more "proactive"?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on June 21, 2015, 05:29:09 AM
And there were only 2 good stories.

Make that 3; you forgot about 'A Better World'. (That was from Justice League, by the way; the TV show, not the comic.)
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Dvd commentary quotes Authority  as the inspiration.And The Elite is Authority for pretty much all purpoises.But those were deconstruction stories,while Injustice.
Like I said,your supposed to be pro-Batman,but here hes a hypocritical ambiguously foreborn.One side is bad,the other is worst,and likable characters die all over the place.I can not stress this enough: The comic LITTERARLY bends reality just to kill Swamp Thing.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Can't speak for the later years, but I've heard really good things about Year 1-2 of Injustice. I also read the first issue on Comixology a while ago and I really liked that.

The "proactive hero" thing has kinda been done to death now. Even when the game was first coming out there were eyerolls about the premise on here. It was being compared to A Better World (which I agree, was pretty awesome).
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


I almost bought it when it first came out mainly just for reference material for a skin but I'm leery of cross-promotion/merchandizing ventures as well " try " to keep it down to one reality as not to overwhelm myself (Marvel of course wasn't listening to my pleas). Too many other things on my list of TPB's to catch up on I think to make space for Injustice I think. Probably won't ever end up reading it lest I find an amazing bargain on the trades, like flea market price amazing.


Dont mean to discourage you guys or anything,but I really cant recommend this to anyone.
Btw,wasnt the inability of Green Lanterns to save Krypton already addressed?IIRC,Tomat Tu was the GL of the Kryptonian sector and there was nothing he could do?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on June 22, 2015, 05:10:01 AM
Btw,wasnt the inability of Green Lanterns to save Krypton already addressed?IIRC,Tomat Tu was the GL of the Kryptonian sector and there was nothing he could do?

Back in the 70's, yeah, but DC Continuity is a tricky thing. One day, Supes might have a cousin, and the next he might not. One minute, Batman might have been turned into a gorilla and had a 4th dimensional imp following him around back in the 60's, and then suddenly be crying for mommy and daddy in the cold wet rain the next. In other words, that one story from the 70's may not really apply to current DC Continuity anymore, sad to say. (And that's not getting into the adaptations...)
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


This is the problem with all superheroes in general.  They lived past their time.  Superman & Batman are both 76 years old in our time, if the comics stayed true to that then we should be seeing Kingdom Come, or Batman Beyond by now, but we're not.  Writers have to keep their characters fresh, so things that may have happen in the past (like the multi color Batman suits) would not applied to the current Batman comic.

I believe one time Marvel or DC addressed this by stating that in their universe, time runs slower than our universe, so that's why heroes who should be in a wheelchair are still running around fighting crime. 
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It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Ah,the fabled comic-book time.Because nobody would want a 75 years old Batman.And it varies from story to story does Superman age at all.
Injustice is different universe,so they can do basicly whatever they want,ignoring the continuity.In the case of Earth One thats a great thing,here...not so much.
Im not that familiar with Trigon,but isnt he an extradimensional alien or something,and not THE devil?But I could be wrong.Hell is a very confusing in DCU.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Just how DEVIOUS would a 75-year-old Batman be? (Yes, I've seen Batman Beyond).


Well,there is Batman: Year 100...
Im going thru some Blackest Night tie-in.Superboy-Prime busts into DCs office and blames Dan DiDio for screwing up his life.That was hilarious.
Its PRIME time! I was saving that one! XD
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


DC announced their upcoming collected editions.And its pretty suprising.
Legacy/Contagion,Cassandra Cain:Batgirl,John Ostanders Suicide  Squad and Azrael by Denis O'neil.Im guessing Arkham Knight is responsible for the last one.But thank you DC,in any case.I was waiting for this one. :)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Ah yes, the Blackest Night Superboy Prime story. I read that when it came out. Very meta, I thought it was hilarious too.

That spun out of the ending of Final Crisis: Legion of the Three Worlds, by the way. If you haven't read that I highly recommend it. It was really good. Some of George Perez's best artwork.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Quote from: Silver Shocker on June 23, 2015, 07:51:55 PM
Ah yes, the Blackest Night Superboy Prime story. I read that when it came out. Very meta, I thought it was hilarious too.

That spun out of the ending of Final Crisis: Legion of the Three Worlds, by the way. If you haven't read that I highly recommend it. It was really good. Some of George Perez's best artwork.

Thanks,I might check that out.

Grayson #9 A new storyline,but nothing really changed.If you didnt like Grayson before,this isnt going to change your opinion.

Justice League 3001 I really enjoyed this one.Its really funny and witty.The story arc is Starro War.So they parody a story that isnt even out yet?Impresive.  :)

We are Robin Its a story about a boy from THE HOOD.Yeah,original.   <_<
Robin(s) appear in 1 panel.Kinda dissapointed by this one.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer