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something big

Started by bearded, September 27, 2011, 01:56:17 PM

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I personally like Phone Booth. Unique name, clearly invokes the idea, and is a bit humorous to boot.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


i like it also, great name.
i'm tempted to try and make one for it.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on December 20, 2011, 05:33:04 PM
I personally like Phone Booth. Unique name, clearly invokes the idea, and is a bit humorous to boot.

And if this catches on it will be what people will think of when they hear the term Phone Booth, since those are pretty much extinct. I think these days Superman mostly changes in Starbucks Bathrooms.

I like the idea of unlocking costume elements... DC UNIVERSE ONLINE does a good job of this. Each costume part gives you boosts while worn, but you can default to your old costume esthetically speaking. That means that I can find gloves that do more punching damage, but since they dont go with my character all I get is the stat boost form equiping them without them changing the look.

That said I love the concept of superhero rpg... start with a really low level character with barely any powers and a fairly lowsy costume (sweats, ski mask) and work your way up into the caped crusader by unlocking bits. Of course at the heart Im mostly interested in a danger room, but any game elements besides that are highly welcome.


Yellow Lantern smash!


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


the drawing board, love it. that will be the character tool. i will use the phone booth ingame as a way to level up.

i just discovered cloth tearing! if i can find the right settings for movement, that means bullets and fire and things will tear your cape up!


I love drawing board too... I was originally gonna suggest "sketch pad" but it sounded too lame... drawing board really nails it.


here is a good beginning, i think. the problems i already know about; the weapons coloration, the cape clips badly on hulk, and a bit on heavy, but looks pretty good on basic, i think i found the right settings. i plan on making a lot more features, masks, helmets, basically, this is an interactive "nifskope" to design characters to be used directly in the game itself. i'm going to see if i can figure out how players can drop parts in folders, and have them show up in the board. also, the scaling on the cape isn't working well. scaling and the interactive cloth parts don't play well together.
or if you want to download it and tinker with the assets:
i need parts! masks, hair, etc, anything. you can use any modelling software, it takes nearly everything, but fbx works best. just make sure the pivot point is centered.
also, any skins would be welcome.
and that license, we will need that eventually. specifically; render to texture, asset bundles, and proper shadows. the first 2 especially, they help frame rate a lot.
any troubleshooting advice welcome, and more ideas for how to do things, using this as a base.


FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


I just downloaded it at work and I'm playing around... THIS IS TOO COOL!

I need to go through my folders and see if there is anything useful I have that I can contribute from my skinning past... there are a few faces, logos and accesories I was pretty proud of.

Also: I highly suggest getting those "robot, cyborg, stone, reptile" etc bases. If they can be applied a limb at a time that would make for great cybernetics. I used to do it (as intended) by using some of those great bases and coppying and pasting the limb I needed. If the creators are not interested, well, we can create new bases.

Faces would be cool too.. there are some collections of expressions out there, like eyes, mouths, noses... we can probably mix and match that into a dozen preset faces.

Sorry, I'm feeling hyper after too much coffee and too much cool character creator.

EDIT: btw resizing a character (a feature I did not expect.... cool!) does not modify the cape, so it ends up in an odd spot. Weapons and other accessories seem to work great. LOVE the logos!


great logos.
i appreciate you like it. right now it is a low rate coh. my plans are to include a pivot slider for each item, and possibly a scale slider also. my biggest concern is a place on the screen for all the arrows and sliders. maybe give the option of placement? the best part is the placement is based on mounts.
if anyone is nifskope friendly, and wants to help, gren gave his permission to do anything with his nifs, and so has tommyboy with his versatile. all i need are the parts exported individually as .obj, any volunteers?


Fantastic work BiL,  I just played around with the web version and I thought it was great.

how difficult is it to export to .obj with nifskope? I've never tried that before.


super easy, just tedious and time consuming. all you have to do is open the nif, make sure the part is selected and then under...i think it's the 'file' tab, there is an export as obj function.
from versatile, i have already taken the usable hair and the capes. i don't think the versatile masks are usable, unless anyone knows how to center the pivot points? i haven't tried any of the gren parts yet.


How about:
1.Hero Tool
2.Hero Creator
3.Character Creator(I think I like that one best because their not all hero's)

Character Creator!!!


Okay, new rule, hmarrs doesn't get to name things.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Hey, how can I break open the assets file and look at the bits and pieces when I get home? Not sure if I can do much about it but seeing how you are handling the images will tell me how much I can contribute.


sorry, sorry, christmas requirements.
i haven't had time to try and get into the asset folder. i can only guess how. if you manage to get in, you should see some folders with tga files in them.

Figure Fan

Whoa..this character creator is awesome. It has so much potential.

Also, this is going to sound pretty silly, but I actually *didn't* realize you are "Beardedinlair". I thought you were another person..


Holy Smokes :blink:
I didn't realize you were Beardedinlair myself.All respects and apologies I thought you a some new Jack.
Het you see they are calling it the character creator already! :thumbup:


sometimes i am another person, but that's not important right now. leslie nielsen?
i've decided to sell some of my comics to add to the license fund. does anyone know of the best venue for that?


Probably either Mile High Comics or Lonestar comics ( I've had good sucess with selling on ebay as well, but that can be iffy.


a few materials that you might find useful

there's also links to alot of other textures in the right corner


Maxwell Render Resources has a ton of freebies.  I'm trying to use these with SketchUp, but am having some trouble.  Lots to choose from.


Quote from: bearded on December 26, 2011, 04:55:42 AM
sometimes i am another person, but that's not important right now. leslie nielsen?
i've decided to sell some of my comics to add to the license fund. does anyone know of the best venue for that?

Dont do Ebay... people usually end up selling comics "for shipping" there, like I got a full run of Marvel Comics Presents for like $20.


Any updates?????????On Somthing Big.


Hope all is well?


holidays and blues, and the limitless programming possibilities are stymieing me.
planning on getting back in the saddle tonight.


I got time to play with both demos a bit more this weekend. This definitively has potential, Bearded! I've send some money your way for the licence.

Speaking of which, if you're unsure what to tackle right now, I'd suggest working on your site a bit, to show what you've done and what you intend to do. It'd also help to state how people can contribute, what you intend to do with the money and why it's useful to get Unity Pro. You might also want to clarify your game's intended business model and licence type. For example, if you're looking for contributors, the cvarious open source and copyleft licences might attract more collaborators and donators.

And of course don't forget to recap this in the first post here and to add a link to your site there and in your signature/profile.
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


thank you!
good advice, needed that.


not much, i found some random words from the internet and designed a random mission maker. hopefully, end result will be based on this.
i would like to make a game where players can create the rules of their own world. sliders for how much magic, or super tech, or mutants, or aliens are in their 'verse. then random missions based on their settings.