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...then I got a job...

Started by daglob, December 14, 2011, 04:59:38 PM

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As some of you know, I lost my house a couple of years back. I've been unemployed or under-employed for 'way too long, and I just finally ran out of time. So, I moved back in with my mother. My brother was already living with her, and he had been for a few years. But he had finally met someone he believed he could grow old with, and as thinking of getting married. This seemed perfect.

Back in June, my mother took ill. We kind of joked that if she hadn't had her flu shot, we would have thought that was what she had. She got to feeling better, but noticed some blisters on her feet. Big blisters. REALLY big blisters. Her doctor didn't like the looks of them either, nor the two toes that were turning black. She was put in the hospital, and a blood screen produced a bacteria that no one recognized. The hospital staff had visions of zombie-laden movies as they sent off samples to the CDC, and tried to keep my mother quiet in bed. Now, this is not something you do with someone who has congestive heart failure, unless you think that they have some kind of necrotizing flesh-eating bacteria coursing through their veins.

None of the symptoms were connected. The blisters, so I've been told, were just something that diabetics get sometimes. With diabetes, of course, anything that affects your feet is a cause for worry, but this was not serious if taken care of. The situation with her toes turning black was caused by her coughing or straining while she had the flu (I've heard a report since then that last year's flu vaccine did not meet the government's required level of effectiveness- and I got the same thing she had the next week, and it was either the flu or something exactly like it) and plaque or a blood clot getting in her toes and cutting off the blood supply. The CDC's report was basically "Why are you wasting your time; this is pneumonia", and by that time my mother had a large cake of infection in her pleural cavity putting strain on both her lungs and her heart. This was despite being pumped full of antibiotics.

So, three weeks after being admitted to the hospital, she had to undergo surgery or scrape out the infection. The good news was that she came though surgery just fine, and was recovering nicely. The bad news was, she had a stroke. This was probably caused by the same kind of plaque that caused her toe problem. She went downhill and died within another three weeks.

   I'm still living in her house. The insurance settlement will let me do that for awhile longer. My brother, sister, and I are now co-owners, and the house is paid for. Neither my brother nor my sister wants to sell the house, since I would have no place to live, and they probably couldn't get a decent price in the present housing market.

   I'm also still unemployed. Unless I can get some kind of income, I won't be able to pay the utilities when the insurance runs out. I don't have an internet provider anymore, so I've been using the library's computers. They, however, block sites relating to games and gaming, so I can't get to TOF or FR (or most Yahoo groups, including Character Obscura). I don't know when or even if my situation will improve.

   So, anyway, that is what is going on. I don't know when I'll be back; my daughter is letting me use her computer this time so I can get here. I have posted something a CO7, a little gift for the holidays (further explained in the proper forum). I have done a bunch of other stuff, and maybe I'll get it posted sometime.

But, let me take time to thank all the people who make meshes, scopes, mods, SFX, voices, skins, and any other add on to this silly game we play. All of you give me something to do or something to aspire to. The past few months that has been something. Here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, Happy Channuka, Joyous New Year, Season's Greetings, or a celebration or winter's vacation-whichever you prefer. I'll be back when I can.

'Til then

laughing paradox

I'm really sorry to hear about the passing of your mother and the other ordeals you had to endure. I wish you and your family the best, man. Happy holidays.


I'm sorry things aren't going well for you right now. You're a great guy and I'll keep you in my thoughts.


Daglob, we've been keeping you in our prayers, man.  I'm so sorry for everything that's been happening, and especially for your loss.  Keep looking, you'll find something worth doing.  And whatever happens, we'll be here.  Get back on your feet man, and we'll be glad to see you whenever you can make it back. 
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Really sorry to hear this, daglob.  I appreciate all the work you've done over the years.  I will pray for your family and financial situations.


Sorry for your loss as well. I know about the job market - I've been laid off three times this year already and my girlfriend lost her job as well. Thankfully, I'm working again. The job market right now, no matter where you are, is terrible. Working on FF and NVN while I was laid off was one of the things that made it not quite so bad. This is a great community full of great people.

Good luck on your job hunting and in life as well.


Take care of yourself Daglob and remember we'll always be waiting here for you.
Get my skins at:
my Google page

Glitch Girl

I'm very sorry to hear about all that's happened.  It being the holidays probably doesn't help much.

My prayers are with you as I wish you the best of luck.
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

The Hitman

I'm so sorry to hear about... well, everything. Just keep fighting, sooner or later things will turn around.


Condolences on the recent loss of your mother Daglob.

I sincerely hope you'll be able to find a job to support yourself. Don't give up and keep on trying. I'm sure you'll be able to find one.


Back for just a second. Thanks to you all for your condolences, thoughts, and your prayers.


Rhodora! if the sages ask thee why
This charm is wasted on the earth and sky,
Tell them, dear, that if eyes were made for seeing,
Then Beauty is its own excuse for being.

___Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Rhodora

New stuff at
last updated June 3, 2004


Since I lost my father last Spring in somewhat similar circumstances, I can relate to your grief.

Best of luck for the job; things will turn around.
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


Since the middle of January I have been working for the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission's Council on Aging, but have been assigned to The Community Corrections Department of Mobile County (the Community Service people). It's minimum wage and only 18 hours a week, but it will keep the wolf from the door for a little while (even the racoons seem to have left). I'm basically a secretary, but it beats putting down asphalt (which I have done before).

Now I just need an internet connection and start posting some of the stuff I've done...

And again thank you all for your support.


Welcome back and congrats!. Hopefully your hours will increase or you can move up now that you've got a foot in the door. My GF is in about the same position. After putting in hundreds of aps, she got a total of 2 responses. One didn't work out but she's working 20-25 hours a week with the other.

Its totally rough out there still, no matter what they say about a turnaround.


When I saw the title, I thought the rest of the sentence was going to be "...keepin' kids from hangin' out in front of the drug store."   :lol:

A job is almost always better than no job (there's some jobs that just aren't worth having).  Good to hear things are at least a little better, and that you might actually be back to regular posting sometime soon.
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


It's good to know that you now have a job Daglob, even if its just minimum wage. I hope things do continue to improve for you.


Just saw the original post today.   :doh:

My sympathies for what must have been a really difficult Holiday season. Hang in there, DaGlob.
Yellow Lantern smash!


I STILL have a job, and have applied for another (slightly better)job down where I am working.

Now if I can just get the time and a computer that has access to Freedom Reborn...


We'll keep you in our prayers as you go after the new one Dag!  I'm glad that you're still afloat, man.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

Tommy Troy

Dag, that was a nightmare tale.  I hope that you're starting to recover from the stress and that you find a job that suits your talents.  You're in my prayers too, bud.
DCUO Toons: The Fly, Venusian Voyager, Eagle Woman, Congorella, Flying Fortress, and 12 others!


Just saw this myself was wondering what happened to daglob. Good luck with the new job. Look forward to seeing new stuff from you.

Tawodi Osdi

I can relate.  I am currently working a job I hate doing phonebank customer support for a bank I wouldn't bank at, but it is a 40 hrs a week in an economy where 40 hrs is hard to find.  I have applied for a much better position as a tech support with Conoco-Phillips which is the leading employer in my town, but as the leading employer, getting on can be tough.  If that fails, I am planning to return to college and finishing my degree.


Just caught up with your updates Bill. I hope life is getting better for you mate and miss your contributions to the community, but look forward to hearing from you when things improve as I'm sure they will.

The Phantom Eyebrow

Sorry to read about your troubles Dag.  I just wish you all the best from here; you certainly seem to be going about this in the right way though so hopefully things will improve for you soon. 


Well, I've been told I didn't get the job. It might not be final, though.

We'll see.

Cyber Burn

Glad to see you able to post again, even if it is only briefly.