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Hall of Fame

Started by hmarrs, December 15, 2011, 04:18:34 PM

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Hey guys listen I was wondering.

I have been moved and ispired by Bearded's work on the Somthing Big Thread.

You know Baseball has their Hall of Fame.
Boxing and Hollowood have theirs etc.etc.
They Acknowledge their own for contributioons they made in the field.

Well we have some very very talented people on here.
People who stay up late and work hours tiedously on behalf of others.
I feel guilty for years feeling like I have just recieved from these guys all of the fan made stuff for FF.
Really not having anything to give back.
People who Skin,Mod,Mesh etc.etc.
You ask them for stuff and their like "sure here".

Why can't we have our own page or thread to give honor where honor is due.

Why can't we have a Hall of Fame page.

Acknowleging the acomplishments of our peers.

If not for anything else so when these guys feel worn out they can go to this page and see the appreciation.
and feel encouraged.

You guys let me know.

They may just need a page that says Great work keep going.

Maybe somthing like
we like to acknowledge so an so for his work on:
so on and so on.
His or her contributions on this and that.
For the work they did on this.
And then under their name a link that leads to a seperate page where you can leave them comments.
Then a link to their webpage if they have one.


  Hall of Famer
For his contribution in this and that
List his acomplishments
Not every single mesh but his meshing accomplishments
Then a link to his own page.Where you can go and thank him.
Then a link to his webpage NPI.So on and so on.

Hall of Famer

for Alex's Freedom fortess Etc.Etc.
Link to Alex's page to leave comments.
Then a link to his page.

Hall of Famer

for his hardwork and accomplishments
and a link to his own page for comments.
and a Link to his webpage or his demo page.

I didn't mean to leave anyone out I was just giving examples.

However there should be qualifications to a be a Hall of Famer or Nominations.
Not just the average person who does this and that but people who have spent literally time and for some even years. :banghead:
Or based on amounts of work.Or all of the above.

I for one was on here when it first began under the name Lobo then I left for 5-6 years came back and still see the same people and some new still hard at work.I felt guilty  :(these guys have been holding it down and kept Freedom Force alive.
I have tons of meshes,skins,that people have given freely.
It can make all the differance in the world as to whether someone gets burnt out.

So how about it guys....?????

Someone who can make a really nice page. :thumbup:


Dammit, I think I'm the only person left on the board who won't make it into the hall of fame.


its a cool idea but is a double edged sword people could moan and complain who gets in and how doesn't

if it was to go ahead it would need a group to actually vote on who goes in


Why am I not one of the examples? (Moan)
This whole thing is rigged! (Complain)

Haha, just kidding.  I think this is a nice idea, however, TUE's point is valid.  I think most of us are mature enough to be alright with whatever happens, but people can be awfully silly.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Not really that's why we have to have qualifications.
Just like the Baseball hall of fame.
How many runs and Homeruns etc.
I don't think we should vote because that would still leave room for hurt feelings.

Qualifies if:
1. Has created and donated more then example(500) or ? meshes
2.Has contributed in various conjunction (800) ? Skins plus ? (100) ? Meshes plus (5)? maps plus (3)?scripts
3.Has contributed or written more then(10) ???Mods
4.Has created and donated for so many years(5-10)???
5.Has created rumble mod or written any add ons like watch mode or character edit or ???? etc.etc.

Those are just examples.
We have to come up with a stat.Maybe the person hasn't made so many Meshes or Mods but has been a contributer in
a long standing way maybe five years or ten years.

Someone new who comes her passionate and just puts out so many meshes or modes.

I'm not saying the person has to meet all of the requirements maybe a person can qualify by meeting one.

Or all.

All we have to do is come up with Stats that need to be met and no one will be hurt.


I think you might come up with an even bigger problem that way. How do you compare one person's creative discipline against another? Is, say, 8 skins equal to 1 mesh?

I think that might be an impossible question to answer.

Besides, FR has always celebrated quality (and improvement thereof) over quantity.


QuoteBesides, FR has always celebrated quality (and improvement thereof) over quantity.

Awesome news for me...I contributed quality and quantity!  ;)
Clothes make the man and colourful tights make the Super-Hero.


We have to come up with Stats we all agree on.
Once we all agree everything should be okay.
Or we can go by nominations.However I think the persons body of work should speak for itself.


Quote from: Courtnall6 on December 15, 2011, 09:12:45 PM
QuoteBesides, FR has always celebrated quality (and improvement thereof) over quantity.

Awesome news for me...I contributed quality and quantity!  ;)
wow, that is a very big head, on your avatar. love it!
say, if since i might have your attention for a moment, how do you feel about my b.i.g. project? specifically, using some of your skins, or others using your base?
so as to not entirely threadjack, i like the idea of hall of fame, and i feel that quality is not a consideration, as that is matter of individual opinion, so simply calling it the quantity hall of fame maybe? or maybe a better name, but make sure it is understood it's all in fun. or perhaps any contribution at all would count, kind of like a yearbook. that's what we need! a yearbook. avatar pics, grouping based on year joined, team pics, etc.

Amazo Version 2.2

Quote from: Reepicheep on December 15, 2011, 08:35:06 PM

Besides, FR has always celebrated quality (and improvement thereof) over quantity.

agreed. i would think that maybe an induction a week into a hall of fame type website. demonstrate and/or point links to the creaters content.

let the current inductee nominate/submit the next? people can only be sumbitted once.

but i would make sure that there is a way to recognize past creaters as well. i know the community has lost quite a few memebrs over the years due to one reason or another.

I like the "yearbook" suggestion as well.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.


Quote from: Reepicheep on December 15, 2011, 04:23:40 PM
Dammit, I think I'm the only person left on the board who won't make it into the hall of fame.

Despite us not talking in, what, a good year, you're in my hall of fame. Friends/Rivals/acquaintances for life!

Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on December 15, 2011, 07:18:48 PM
its a cool idea but is a double edged sword people could moan and complain who gets in and how doesn't

if it was to go ahead it would need a group to actually vote on who goes in

No one cared when I was doing spotlights, and I pretty much covered a lot of the big dogs that had the time or cared enough to respond.
Disappear when you least expe--


Hey these suggestions are great it seems to be rolling.
Maybe we need to take a second look at the Spotlight and maybe transport that info over and start a new thread.
I think we can do both.A thread where like hand out an award that says:
So n so gets an  :ffvstr: for his contribution on FF2 this week.
Or so and so get an  :ff: for his work on FF1.

But the Hall of Fame.
We have to keep it real that should be a whole nother level.
Let's face it there are some guys in here who literally go above and beyond on behalf of others.
They deserve their props.
Maybe it should be by nominations.
Maybe start a nominition page seperate from the Hall Of fame and then vote for that week or so.

then put it on the Hall Of Fame.
We have some real legends here.

I mean I know I probably won't ever make the page but that's okay because I have recieved so much from the Talent here.

Maybe Nominations are the best.
Because every one of us can recall somthing we got from someone else.

I would like to nominate so and so because of his work on this this and that.
Then a review board should vote.
Or maybe just ask how many people second the motion.

Were grown and we have each others back and we have always been positive with each other I don't that will change.
I think we will be happy for each other no have hurt feelings.

I been on and off for 10 years and I know some people have even past away.
It would be nice to do a Memorial page as well.

I don't know we have been doing this for so many years now.Maybe it's time to really acknowledge each other as people.
If we don't do it for each other.
Then who will?

Consider it.

A Nomination Page

A Hall of Fame page.

An Award page.

A Memorial page.

C'mon guys lets not let this blow over.


Just make sure you leave me off the list, or it will detract from the prestige of everyone else.    ^_^

I like it, especially if whatever it ends up being has some images as an example... it would be a good publicity piece for the game.

Also I nomiante Ink, he really changed the face of Fredom Force meshing and was prolific in an insane way.


Quote from: Previsionary on December 15, 2011, 10:07:47 PM
Quote from: Reepicheep on December 15, 2011, 04:23:40 PM
Dammit, I think I'm the only person left on the board who won't make it into the hall of fame.

Despite us not talking in, what, a good year, you're in my hall of fame. Friends/Rivals/acquaintances for life!

Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on December 15, 2011, 07:18:48 PM
its a cool idea but is a double edged sword people could moan and complain who gets in and how doesn't

if it was to go ahead it would need a group to actually vote on who goes in

No one cared when I was doing spotlights, and I pretty much covered a lot of the big dogs that had the time or cared enough to respond.

Ahem. :P
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I second that your right Ink really has done alot to change the face of Meshing.
Will anyone Third the motion.
And ummmm....Who's going to make the pages and who has info. :huh:


Quote from: Previsionary on December 15, 2011, 10:07:47 PM
No one cared when I was doing spotlights, and I pretty much covered a lot of the big dogs that had the time or cared enough to respond.
Well, i really enjoyed them. (Wish there could be more actually. there's still so many people i'd like to see spotlighted..) Sorry for not commenting on it. Most of the time, i'm really shy and don't want to post much.  :blush:

Sorry for posting so much today....and if it's off the topic... :banghead:


*shrug* I guess my problem is that there's such a crazy learning curve here... Pod, TUE, AA, myself, C6... we've been doing this craziness for YEARS. Outside of flukes like Murs, very few people can reach that same level with any sort of speed, and making an impossible "hall of fame" would be very discouraging to newer members who are already intimidated by the giants of FF lore. And really, outside of TUE's occasional dip into self-doubt (because he's stupid like that) most of the guys at the top already know we're awesome.

I would MUCH rather see something either highlighting A. Fresh talent coming onto the boards, or B. The more obscure artists who've made their mark. That would serve to encourage the people who really need it, as opposed to being just another "C6/AA are teh awesome!" thread.


Quote from: Previsionary on December 15, 2011, 10:07:47 PM
Quote from: Reepicheep on December 15, 2011, 04:23:40 PM
Dammit, I think I'm the only person left on the board who won't make it into the hall of fame.

Despite us not talking in, what, a good year, you're in my hall of fame. Friends/Rivals/acquaintances for life!

Damn right it was a good year!

Amazo Version 2.2

Quote from: Previsionary on December 15, 2011, 10:07:47 PM
Quote from: Reepicheep on December 15, 2011, 04:23:40 PM
Dammit, I think I'm the only person left on the board who won't make it into the hall of fame.

Despite us not talking in, what, a good year, you're in my hall of fame. Friends/Rivals/acquaintances for life!

Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on December 15, 2011, 07:18:48 PM
its a cool idea but is a double edged sword people could moan and complain who gets in and how doesn't

if it was to go ahead it would need a group to actually vote on who goes in

No one cared when I was doing spotlights, and I pretty much covered a lot of the big dogs that had the time or cared enough to respond.

enjoyed reading the spotlights and now regret not posting or commenting. i fuuly believe that the members of the community should be recognized in a posative manner.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.

President Raygun

I like the idea, but maybe instead of calling it a Hall of Fame it could be more of a tribute page, recognizing folks for contributing their time and talent, and maybe add an "Honorable Mention" for people who've contributed in other ways (for example Cripp12, who's megalist of skins and meshes is incredibly useful tool to have) or those who've haven't contributed as much, but what they've contributed is very good (for example Outcast, whose great Ronin skin actually made my like that design). Just something to consider.


Antoerh possibility is a content specific "ring the bell" thread similar to the one we have for the general forum. We can simply celebrate a particular achivement of any creator.

Deaths Jester

Quote from: Tomato on December 16, 2011, 07:32:35 AM
*shrug* I guess my problem is that there's such a crazy learning curve here... Pod, TUE, AA, myself, C6... we've been doing this craziness for YEARS. Outside of flukes like Murs, very few people can reach that same level with any sort of speed, and making an impossible "hall of fame" would be very discouraging to newer members who are already intimidated by the giants of FF lore. And really, outside of TUE's occasional dip into self-doubt (because he's stupid like that) most of the guys at the top already know we're awesome.

I would MUCH rather see something either highlighting A. Fresh talent coming onto the boards, or B. The more obscure artists who've made their mark. That would serve to encourage the people who really need it, as opposed to being just another "C6/AA are teh awesome!" thread.

Ack...and yet he forgets those that came myself, gryphon, Firestorm, Volt, Glitch Girl, Copper know, all of us true old-timers!
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Quote from: Deaths Jester on December 20, 2011, 07:28:30 PM
Ack...and yet he forgets those that came myself, gryphon, Firestorm, Volt, Glitch Girl, Copper know, all of us true old-timers!

First, I've been around since before FF was released (I was AA over on the skindex boards looooong before AfghanAnt showed up and stole my initials), so I'm actually "older" then at least a few of the skinners you listed. Second, I didn't forget anyone... I was actually referring to the older, more obscure artists (well... obscure to the newer members, anyway) specifically in that same post.

Deaths Jester

Quote from: Tomato on December 22, 2011, 03:16:25 AM
Quote from: Deaths Jester on December 20, 2011, 07:28:30 PM
Ack...and yet he forgets those that came myself, gryphon, Firestorm, Volt, Glitch Girl, Copper know, all of us true old-timers!

First, I've been around since before FF was released (I was AA over on the skindex boards looooong before AfghanAnt showed up and stole my initials), so I'm actually "older" then at least a few of the skinners you listed. Second, I didn't forget anyone... I was actually referring to the older, more obscure artists (well... obscure to the newer members, anyway) specifically in that same post.

I know 'Matter...I was giving you a hard time...that's all.  Remember I was around right around the time you started...:P
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


This is not a good idea.
I do not hold grudges against those who argue with me. If you disagree with me, it can only be because I have not made the correct understanding clear to you. Thus, your ignorance is my fault, not yours.

Let us work together to correct it.


Ha! I nominate myself for making the first map (although I doubt anyone used it)
and I nominate mikeb7 for hosting it


Quote from: captainspud on January 10, 2012, 01:59:21 PM
This is not a good idea.

Respectfully, Mr. hmarrs, I must agree with Primo Potato (and with TUE, Benton, and anyone else who has shared a word of caution on the matter).  Even under ideal circumstances--i.e., everyone responds to the Hall of Fame with maturity and grace--there is often a very fine line between enshrining and entombing, and I would hazard a guess that many FR Community members might find their frames a tad uncomfortable to wear before they are hung in the museum.  IMHO, the entire forum strikes me as a dynamic, velvet-ropeless Hall of Fame, and the labour proves to be its own reward, the empowerment of others a sort of sufficient, silent acclaim.


With that said, I nominate Dr. Manbot.  ^_^

Phantom Bunburyist and Whirled Braker
Two words: Moog.