Debated on posting this but figured a few folks might be curious

Started by Mr. Hamrick, March 05, 2012, 08:02:53 PM

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Mr. Hamrick

Alright.  I've been half here and half not here for the past few weeks.  I apologize to the folks in the "Writer's Reborn" thread and I will try to be caught up by week's end.  Wanted to let everyone know what is going on.

Some of this dates back to 2009.  For those who are not aware, I went through a double hernia surgery and a brief ICU stay amidst some professional issues that carried into 2010.   This is in addition to the other medical problems I have had over the years that have lingered a bit.  This is not even touching some other other things that are suspected to be wrong with me.  (Depression and a few other things have been suggested) 

The pain that originally came out that led to the discovery of the two hernias never quite went away.  A few weeks ago, the area on my left side where the hernia was found started hurting again.  Prior to this, it had just been a pain in my left rib cage.  I have gone to the doctor (or more precisely a free clinic here in town because I no longer have insurance) but the 1st doctor said that basically given my medical history it's hard to tell what is new and what is lingering from what has been there a while.  I went back to the clinic a few weeks ago with the pain in my rib cage and left lung that reminded me of the pain I had around the time I wound up in the ICU.  They did some X-rays but I have not heard back from them.  I am due back to see the doctor this Thursday. 

What I do know from that visit is that I did have a respiratory infection similar to the one that I had in 2009 (that led to the ICU trip).  What I do not know is what is causing this pain in my ribs and hip area.  The pain has also been shooting into other body parts periodically.  This morning, the area where the hernia surgery was done started hurting a little bit.  I don't think my health is in danger but I didn't think that either went I wound up at the ER and then the ICU back in October of 2009.  Again, I am due back to see the doctor on Thursday.

In the midst of all of this, I was trying to plan a charity show for a domestic violence charity here in metro-Atlanta.  The charity is part of the whole "VDay" thing.  (If you are not familiar with it, google Vday . org).  Basically, I had to replace half my cast one week before the show.  I wound up on stage reading one of the monologues myself which I had not intended to do but the show went well all things considered.

In the midst of all THAT, I have had a few things land on my plate of interest.  The first is a Kickstarter campaign that an acquaintance of mine is running for a student film called "Butterfly".  It is a student film and her first time using Kickstarter.  I am keeping an eye on it and helping her if I can because the kid had a good production plan and she seems to have a bit of talent. If it is okay with the admins/mods/titans here, I'd like to link to the project in case anyone wants to donate or can help get the word out for people to donate.  The second is a little more "ify" but not in the way you might think.  I ran into an old acquaintance who I worked with on a disastrous project back in 2010.  Thankfully, he holds me no ills over the matter and has expressed interest in working together again if the script is good.  (Given the aforementioned disaster in 2010, I don't blame him on the script issue.  Thankfully, I had nothing to do with the writing of it.  I suspect this might have been part of the problem.)  Basically, I have a project that got started but never finished because of some location issues and an issue with the DP that worked with me on the project.  (In short, I will not work with him again unless I am given no other option.)  I'd love to get this short film finished, though.  I am sure a few of the actors involved would not mind either.  The third is somewhat related to the first two.  Basically, I have someone who would be potentially interested in matching funds from a kickstarter project if I raised a certain amount.  This is another reason why I am keeping an eye on Katherine's project. 

So anyways, it's been a little over a week since the show and I am trying to get things semi-caught up.  I still am behind on stuff that I have been meaning to do since last September (or earlier).  I could use some assistance with some assorted website and technical stuff.  I am not overly adept at the technical stuff as some of you should be aware.

Alright, just wanted to give a head-ups.


I'm very sorry to learn of all your unfortunate health issues, Mr. H.  I hope you enjoy a complete and swift recovery, and, until then, I will keep you in my thoughts.

Phantom Bunburyist and Whirled Braker
Two words: Moog.


One of my track team buddies has a hernia right now, so I can pretty much guess how much it sucks.

Get better soon and know that we are all praying for you.

Tawodi Osdi

Mr. Hamrick

Thanks guys.  Right now, just hoping its not another one or two in the same area as the last two.   And honestly, I don't think it is.

Still, it was surprising to roll out of bed a little over a week ago and barely be able to move my leg then have something similar happen over the weekend.  Both looking forward to and dreading the doctor visit this Thursday.

I've been plagued with health problems all my life.  It's just these couple of relatively new ones that are being total buggers.


I sincerely hope you get well soon, Mr. H.  As far as posting long as the site being linked to does not violate the rules you're free to post it. 


I'm sorry to hear about all of these medical issues MH.  I've had some experience with that, and it ain't much fun.  We'll keep you in our prayers here.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

The Phantom Eyebrow

All the best there, Mr.H.  Hope you're well on the mend soon.

Mr. Hamrick

So...  good news, bad news.

Good news:  It's not another hernia apparently just some internal bruising in the area where I had the surgery.  I am skeptical.  The "doctor" who saw me was a nurse practitioner though generally she has been better than the doctor I saw a few times there.     

Bad news:  Seems the respiratory problems I have had for years is not simply "asthma" but rather "chronic lung disease".  Oh, and I still have the respiratory infection that I originally went about back at the beginning of February.  They gave me more antibiotics and sent me on my way.

Still hurting like heck.  At this point, looking at seeing about temporarily getting on disability or something to that effect.  Several years ago, I tried to go through the "Vocational Rehab" program at the Dept of Labor but the lady who handled the cases there was not very... competent, shall we say.  I'll be nice since this is a family forum.


Well, nurse practitioners do often know their stuff.  Here's hoping this latest round of antibiotics will knock that stuff out, MH.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!