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How life can change in 3 years...

Started by Verfall, March 16, 2012, 06:08:32 AM

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So, excluding what snippets those of you who play CoH and catch me on there occasionally know, the last 3 years of my life have been the roller coaster ride of a life time. It took 26 years on this rock before I started "living" I guess.

Been with my current GF and her little rugrat for 3 years now. Bought a house last summer. Just started a new job at the start of the year with Ranch Ehrlo Society, working with autistic, FASD and other low cognitive functioning kids and adults.(they tell me the bite marks will heal  :lol:)  Had my last back surgery in January '09, and have been 80% pain free since.

Long gone are the days of sitting in the folks basement, popping pain killers just trying to get through each day.

Of course with positives come negatives. Lost my grandma in 2010. My mother developed Leukemia shortly before that, but thankfully is in remission. Dealing with those two things at the same time was extremely difficult.

So here I am, turning 30 in July. Got a good job, a nice house, a great girl, a beautiful "step-daughter"...for once in my life I feel like I'm doing something, and that I've finally "grown up". Well, a little bit anyway.  :thumbup:

But I wanna thank a lot of you guys. Many of you were out there for me when I was going through my hell with my back. Whether it be on the forums here, or in any of the various games I played with you guys. Many of you were just as important to me keeping myself together as the friends I have in "the real world". Even when things here weren't always so groovy, this place was still an online home away from home for me.

So cheers my friends, life is short so lets bloody well enjoy the ride!  :thumbup:
"My word and world holds ground and is real
Your word is like floods of poisoned water
A language spoken with spit from different tongues
You can never corrupt me again"



Figure Fan

I'm glad things are looking up for you :)


I do not hold grudges against those who argue with me. If you disagree with me, it can only be because I have not made the correct understanding clear to you. Thus, your ignorance is my fault, not yours.

Let us work together to correct it.


Thanks for the update man! It's been a long time. Glad to hear that things are better with your back.

Isn't hard to believe that we were just in our early twenties when we started hanging around this crazy place!?
I am not, nor have I ever been a Rude Naked Hero!


Quote from: XStream on March 18, 2012, 09:41:46 PM
Isn't hard to believe that we were just in our early twenties when we started hanging around this crazy place!?

And some of us... not in our early twenties...
STO/CO: @bluegeek


Good for you, Ver and when you reach my age, there is a lot more of the ride to reflect on.... :rolleyes:


Hey man, great to hear that life is good. You deserve it!
[img width=145 height=45][/img]

"I hold to a simple philosophy: Just assume everyone's a piece of crap and then be pleasantly surprised if you find anyone who ain't." - Luke Cage

The Phantom Eyebrow

Nice one Verf.  Very glad to hear of it!   :thumbup:


Wow, awesome glad to hear all that man. Ok let me rephrase that into glad to hear about all the good stuff at least.