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Cyber's FX Thread

Started by Cyber Burn, March 18, 2012, 02:57:15 AM

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Seems like I remember the original Porcupine have smoke quills, but I don't remember offhand if he shot them or they were an "area" attack. Ice or fire quills?


I know that Porcupine also has a Knockout Gas and Electrical attack to go along with the Explosive and Piercing ones you have already done. Honestly, though, I don't know which attacks are quill related or just mini-bombs that he uses the old fashion way. An Electrical Quill FX would be cool looking, though.

Cyber Burn

Alex, Benton, and Spyder:

After spending a little more time going through the FX I sent you, I realized I just wasn't totally happy with how the last batch of FX turned out. I would say to just delete that set, and I'll send you guys updated versions. I am basically going to start from scratch for both Shocker and Electro, I really don't want to release something that I'm this unsatisfied with.


Cyber Burn

Sorry, I need to vent...

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

It really irritates me to no end when I spend hours and hours trying to create something, just to try it in-game and then realize that it looks nothing like what I had wanted it to.

Venting done, thanks for listening.

Cyber Burn

I know I asked this before, but, if I wanted to extend the length/duration of a Area/Rally FX, does anyone have any ideas on how I would do that?

Basically, I removed the Flags from Minute Man's Rally FX and replaced them with a Billboard/Plane, but now the FX ends very quickly, so I'm not getting the full visual effect of the FX.

This was done on the FFvt3R version I think.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: hoss20 on July 29, 2014, 08:02:50 AM
I know that Porcupine also has a Knockout Gas and Electrical attack to go along with the Explosive and Piercing ones you have already done. Honestly, though, I don't know which attacks are quill related or just mini-bombs that he uses the old fashion way. An Electrical Quill FX would be cool looking, though.

Sorry Hoss, I thought I had replied to this, I put an Electrical Quill FX on my "To Do" list.

Cyber Burn

Ok, kind of a stupid question, but is there any sort of viewer (Like "Character Tool") that could play an FX through? I have to say, it does become a bit time consuming having to go through the process of loading the game to try out an FX, just to have to do it again 5-10 minutes later to check it again.


If you have Irrational's Nif Viewer from the Mod Tools installed, it halfway works. I haven't worked with this tool a ton, so there may be a way to get it to run a full FX through, but right now, I am able to click on individual nifs (start, core, end) and then hit the 'Play' button to have that portion of the FX play. Before you open a nif, you will need to go to File->Set Image Subfolder and got to the textures directory in order to see the skin for the FX. Unfortunately, it appears that the Nif Viewer only displays tga files. If an FX has dds files for textures, the FX shows up pink. I find this odd as, I believe the Nif Viewer was made for FFVTTR which uses dds files. I don't know what format you have been using for your FX, but if you check out my Cap_Shield_AoX FX, you can see it fully rendered. Depending on the FX, you may to do some zooming in or out to see the FX fully.

Cyber Burn

This definitely helps, thanks Hoss.  :thumbup:

Cyber Burn

I updated my initial post with finished FX. There are a few that I'm not totally happy with for one reason or another, so I may update them somewhere down the line.

While I have made a few FX, I can't really consider myself an "FX'er" yet since I really have so much more to learn. To that end, I'm still interested in taking requests. I may be slow getting things done because of a decrease in free time, but I will do my best to fill any requests that are made.

Cyber Burn

Well, I think I blew it again, I was doing a final check in-game for some of my FX (All the Blackout ones), and they were looking the way that they previously had, I'm thinking that I overwrote my files with previous versions (Not very bright trying to work out of multiple folders). But so far, it just looks like the Blackout FX are affected so far. But while I'm working on fixing these, I figured I would make a list of what else I currently am, or will soon be working on.

1. Re-Do my old FX's

2. Electro - Various (FFvt3R Only)

3. Shocker - Various (FFvt3R Only)

4. DOTFJoker_Gren - Various Projectiles (FFvt3R Only)

5. Jay_Garrick_Flash - Hat Throw

6. Avatar FX (Cyber Burn)

7. Dr. Spectrum - Various

8. Atlantean Soldier - Various (FFvt3R Only)

9. Ringer - Various Projectiles

10. Tommyboy Meshes - Various Projectiles

This is a pretty basic list, and I'm sure I'll deviate from it as needed, but seeing it in writing helps me stay on task.

Cyber Burn

1.) So I've got the "Core.Nif"s set up for the Joker projectiles, but I'm kind of struggling with the "End.Nif"s. I'm debating whether they should be a solid color, maybe Purple or Green, or if they should be more "Clowny" and colorful. I can't seem to find any decent reference pics online, so I figured I would ask here. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

2.) While I've never been able to successfully add animated textures to any of my Skopes (I only tried a few times though), is it possible to add animated textures to FX?

Cyber Burn

New question time (Yay!): If I want to shrink the "Core.Nif" of an FX, would I do it at the "Scene Root"?

In this case I'm referring to Alchemiss' "Arcane Bolt" FX, which has multiple pieces attached to it.

Thank you in advance for any help on this.


Late to the party. Reading this thread a little so I can try and learn some things. Noticed the Joker question: purple or green is about standard for most Jokers effects in the comics. Blood of course for anything he does using a typical weapon though (gun, blade, waylay, et cetera).

Cyber Burn

Quote from: SickAlice on October 30, 2014, 01:20:00 PM
Noticed the Joker question: purple or green is about standard for most Jokers effects in the comics. Blood of course for anything he does using a typical weapon though (gun, blade, waylay, et cetera).

Excellent, thank you my friend. I had put those on hold until I received a response, so now I can move forward.

Quote from: SickAlice on October 30, 2014, 01:20:00 PM
Late to the party. Reading this thread a little so I can try and learn some things.

While I am far from being anything above a "C List" FX'er, if there's anything I can do to help you out, definitely feel free to ask.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: Cyber Burn on October 18, 2014, 03:05:57 PM
New question time (Yay!): If I want to shrink the "Core.Nif" of an FX, would I do it at the "Scene Root"?

In this case I'm referring to Alchemiss' "Arcane Bolt" FX, which has multiple pieces attached to it.

Thank you in advance for any help on this.

Just want to give this one a little bump. Any advice on this would really be appreciated.


Sorry, I missed this question when first asked. Scaling the Scene Root should do the trick and since it has multiple pieces, it's probably the best way to go.

Cyber Burn

Thanks Hoss, that's what I was thinking, but I'm in the mindset that changing size should be done in the "Handle" Node of the Nif, and I've been a little off lately. I should have just experimented and tried to figure it out before I posted, a  :doh: moment, I guess.

Cyber Burn

Just to give myself a little motivation (And a kick in the tail to get these done), I figured I would post an approximate list of what I currently have in progress:

Electro (Marvel Comics) - 16 FX to allow for variety.

Joker (SickAlice's "DOTF" Version) - 5 FX

Superman (DC Comics) - 2 FX (Cold Breath - 2 Versions to allow for variety, thinking about 2 more)

Cyber Burn (Avatar) - 9 FX

Shield Throws (Using Murs' and AA's Shield Textures) - 6 FX

Rock Python (Marvel Comics) - 8 FX (Serpent Society kicks tail, so I'm open to suggestions for other Characters)

The Shield Throw FX's are only possible because of Hoss20's initial work, and by permission given from Murs and AA.

There are others that are just at the starting stage, but the ones listed above are closer to being finished.

These are all for FFvt3R because most of the Meshes these are for are for FFvt3R.


I'm looking forward to these. :)



I'm super excited to see what you come up with, Cyber!

You haven't failed to impress so far :P

Cyber Burn

Thanks guys, in all honesty, the biggest delay has just been that I've been a bit burnt out with dealing with FFEdit and installing the FX. I've also been having some color issues with some of Electro's FX which has been a bit frustrating.  :banghead:


That sounds promising Cyber, can't wait to see those fx, especially Electro's and the cold breath ones.
And to burn out with the fx is normal, just take a break from them for a while and it'll be okay when you go back to work on them.

Cyber Burn

Well, the good news, is that, with the exception of Rock Python's FX, the rest have been set up in my (FX.Dat), which leaves me with the (Sounds.Dat) to work on.

The bad news, at least for me, is that I keep all of these on my USB Drive as a back up. Unfortunately while I was backing up my files last night, instead of copying from my PC to my USB, I copied from my USB to my PC.  :banghead:

Since I only copied my "generic" and "_textures" folders, my (.Dat) Files should be fine. It's mostly the textures that I'm concerned about, and unfortunately, I won't have time until this weekend to check them out.

Murphy's Law strikes again. I apologize to those who I promised these FX to for yet another delay.

Cyber Burn

I want to start putting up Screen Caps of my FX. Basically, this is an attempt to get some feedback so I can improve on what I'm doing. I've been trying to re-do the FX that I lost ( :banghead:), but I haven't been totally happy with them.

First off, we have the Gas Grenade for SickAlice's "DOTF_Joker":

Ideally, I would have liked to have had the Text appear as the Starting point, but I'm going blank on an FX that does that. I know I still need to re-size the Gas Grenade again, as it's still a bit difficult to see, and I also think I need to darken up the Gas effect some more as well.

Cyber Burn

Just a little update to keep me motivated:

Electro (Marvel Comics) - In the process of adding these to my (Sounds.Dat), plus I still having some color issues that need to be addressed.

Joker (SickAlice's "DOTF" Version) - Added 2 more FX, for a total of 7, but I think I'd like to get some feedback before releasing these.

Superman (DC Comics) - Wasn't happy with the new versions, so I want to re-do them.

Cyber Burn (Avatar) - Need to fix one of the Ranged Attacks, but otherwise, I think I'm done.

Shield Throws (Using Murs' and AA's Shield Textures) - Kind of finished, but I think I'd like to get some feedback before releasing these.

Rock Python (Marvel Comics) - Still haven't gotten around to adding these to my Dat Files yet.

I know I'm not quite finished with all of these yet, but would anyone be interested in Beta Testing what I currently have? I prefer not to release something that I'm not happy with, and I'm hoping a second or third set of eyes will help me figure out what exactly I'm not happy with.

I should mention that these are for  :ffvstr: only.


LOL! I absolutely love it. Glad your taking your time. I'll test some Joker ones for sure. I'm pretty familiar with how his effects and style look.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: SickAlice on January 13, 2015, 08:06:07 AM
LOL! I absolutely love it. Glad your taking your time. I'll test some Joker ones for sure. I'm pretty familiar with how his effects and style look.

That would be awesome!!! I'll send you the Joker stuff tonight. I wanted to make sure that each FX was unique, so I'm not sure how Comic accurate the FX will actually be, so I'm definitely going to be glad to get some input.