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Favorite Mass Effect Class

Started by Deaths Jester, May 29, 2012, 06:23:47 PM

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What is your favorite Mass Effect class?

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Total Members Voted: 8

Deaths Jester

For all those ME players, what was your favorite class?  And if you really want to get downright picky, list your chosen spec too.

For me it was Infiltrator with an Assasin spec.  Something about creeping around with a sniper rifle and picking stuff off form long distances without anyone seeing me just feels right to me. (Yes, I'm a camper in other multiplay deathmatch games like Quake and such.)
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


I likes the Snipey snipey too...but I forgot the different classes and chose wrong.  The sniper rifles in ME (especially ME1, haven't played 3) were very satisfying.  However, since we're on the subject of sniper rifles (in games), I gotta give out shout out to my all time favorite.  The Tenloss Disruptor Rifle in Jedi Knight II.  The saber/sniper combos are unparalleled.