The Cancer saga (was:Good thoughts to Glitch Cat and me)

Started by Glitch Girl, August 20, 2012, 12:35:28 AM

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Deaths Jester

Quote from: Panther_Gunn on April 05, 2013, 07:04:38 PM
Quote from: Deaths Jester on April 05, 2013, 03:08:12 PMwe'll serve chicken soup to you! 

Coming from you, DJ, I'm not entirely certain about the "chicken" part of that sentence.   :ooh

It was chicken once!
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Quote from: Deaths Jester on April 08, 2013, 05:22:27 PM
Quote from: Panther_Gunn on April 05, 2013, 07:04:38 PM
Quote from: Deaths Jester on April 05, 2013, 03:08:12 PMwe'll serve chicken soup to you! 

Coming from you, DJ, I'm not entirely certain about the "chicken" part of that sentence.   :ooh

It was chicken once!

In which incarnation?
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


panther, chicken brains are still technically chicken meat.


Quote from: Tomato on April 09, 2013, 02:33:32 AM
panther, chicken brains are still technically chicken meat.

Even though the only thing smaller than chicken brains is Nightdragon's spannage, that's still a whole lotta chickens just to make one bowl of soup.
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.

Glitch Girl

Honestly, I'd never eat ANYTHING Jester cooked for my own gastrointestinal safety.  :)

Well... it started monday, and continues.  Specifically shedding hair like no tomorrow.  Just running my fingers through it removes clumps.  It's not just my scalp, but pretty much all over except maybe my eyelashes (even my brows seem a little thinner) and I expect them to think as well.  Currently, there is a cloud of it in the garbage by my desk just like there was one yesterday.  It is very disconcerting.  I have no idea when it's going to stop.

I am wearing a hat to work, an old ball cap I got at at NYC's Natural History Museum.  I still have quite a bit of hair left on my scalp, but who knows how long that will last.   Since I last wrote, I have manage to procure a wig should I need one thanks to a very nice christian wig shop I happened upon completely by accident.  God does work in mysterious ways, but I am thankful none the less.

And I am now officially 40 with no plans nor real desire to celebrate.  I think I'll just put it off until next year.

-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

Cyber Burn

Happy Birthday Glitch. I know you may not feel like celebrating, but it may be a good idea to do it anyway. Positive energy and all that.

Try to have a great day Glitch, take care of yourself.


Instead of a birthday party, I suggest holding a wake, for your dearly departed youth, with perhaps a marathon watching of Black Adder.  'tis the proper age for dark humor.  And then follow it up with Red Dwarf, just to balance it all out with some silly.
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


Happy Birthday, GG!  :balloons:

I second CB in suggesting you do something special for yourself to celebrate the occasion, be it spending time with friends, doing something offbeat or planning a getaway weekend. (Mind you, I didn't follow this advice when I turned 40. Hopefully I'll do better on the next decade change.)
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


Happy Birthday GG!  Sometimes no celebration is the best celebration of all...hahaha


Happy belated birthday, GG. Sorry this hasn't been your best one, but we are all glad that you will be here for more. Many (and much happier) returns!  :)
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


Yeah, I know it may not feel good on your end, but we're definately happy you made it through another year... And hey, it's hard to go down from here, right?


Quote from: Glitch Girl on April 17, 2013, 05:58:03 PM
And I am now officially 40 with no plans nor real desire to celebrate.  I think I'll just put it off until next year.

Good idea!  Forget 40!  Next year, you can do what my wife did... start counting backward from 40 :)

(Oh, and PG... bad idea.  Traditionally morbidity is celebrated at 50, not 40.  Which makes counting backwards from 40 a really, really good idea.)

Personally, I have a hard time remembering I'm 46... so there is an upside to memory loss and having poor math skills! :D

Seriously, I'd like to echo what 'Mato said... We're all very happy you're a year older and we expect to wish you a happy birthday next year, too.
STO/CO: @bluegeek

Glitch Girl

Thanks everyone.  On the birthday front, last night was "game night" - ie: the night I play video games with friends or occasionally watch movies instead, we alternate houses - and I was present with cake, ice cream, and this beauty [link] .  I have dubbed him Super Ham and he's already devoured some loose change.  :)
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

Deaths Jester

Quote from: Glitch Girl on April 17, 2013, 05:58:03 PM
Honestly, I'd never eat ANYTHING Jester cooked for my own gastrointestinal safety.  :)

Nobody ever wants to eat anything I cook even though I am a pretty good cook...:(

Beware the pig, just cause he looks like a superhero you have to remember, he still wallows in mud.  Nothing ever good happens from things that wallow in mud...believe me I know.

Happy B-day, GG...sorry it was late but hey, at least I got around to it.  :P
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Quote from: Glitch Girl on April 19, 2013, 02:15:28 PM
Thanks everyone.  On the birthday front, last night was "game night" - ie: the night I play video games with friends or occasionally watch movies instead, we alternate houses - and I was present with cake, ice cream, and this beauty [link] .  I have dubbed him Super Ham and he's already devoured some loose change.  :)

Game night...with actual other people in the same room/place...that's awesome!  I havent' had that for quite a long time.  I glad you got something to celebrate your b-day.  I'm a bit toxicated....but I imagnie that when I'm old and gray nursing homes will have to have computer networks for gaming....for our generation.


I vaugely remember 40...

Enjoy each new birthday, anyway. It will annoy your enemies (and some of your friends) to no end.

Silver Shocker

Sorry to hear about your hair GG. Hope things improve for you.

[edited to add] oh and I laughed when I saw that Superman piggy bank. It's too cute by far.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa

The Phantom Eyebrow

Continued well-wishes to you there Glitchie, as well as belated birthday wishes. 
I do rather like the look of Super Ham I have to say  :thumbup:


Ohh, sorry I missed the birthday!  I'm glad to hear that it was a happy one, GG, especially considering the circumstances.  That's really cool, about the Christian wig shop. 

Super Ham is awesome!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

Deaths Jester

Seeing as I missed you b-day GG, I thought about getting you a belated b-day stripper but for some reason he wouldn't take my no least I tried.   :D
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.

Glitch Girl

[ponders DJ's concept of a "stripper"]


Ho-kaaaaaay, enough of that brain-scarirng image.

I've been bad about updating as of late.  My latest treatment was last monday and I haven't really felt like writing about it.  It went about as to be expected.  It was dull, and my nurse wasn't as social this time (couldn't be helped, she was swamped with work) so I read a lot.  Brought some of my own snacks this time, but still dipped into the Snickers bars.  I can't remember where I found out that the reason for all the junk food was because many cancer patients are trying to put on weight, but it was a bit of a revelation.  I left feeling kinda tired but mostly okay.

Next day was another story.

I got up late so I was rushing to get to work on time.  In my rush, I forgot to pack my thermometer. and though I was cold, the temperature had dropped overnight so I figured that was why.  Once at work, things deteriorated - I couldn't stop shivering and was starting to ache.  At lunch I went home, checked my temp and discovered I was walking around with a 100.3 degree fever.  Two phone calls followed: one to work to say I wasn't coming back that day and one to the nurse because of symptoms that are filed under "contact nurse immediately".  Fluids, Tylenol, and rest were prescribed, and if the fever lingered or went up, call back immediately. 

Thankfully, neither happened.  Wednesday was spent mostly asleep with occasional breaks for fluids and the fever broke around 2. 

Since then, things have been meh.  My mouth once again feels like it's been scalded and there's a certain "bleah" quality to everything I taste.  Energy level's been in the "meh" range as well.  Hair loss has slowed I guess, probably because about 4/5s of it is gone off my scalp.  What's left is very thin, which means I don't go out without hat for anything. 

It wasn't all bad though.  My best friend sent me some birthday presents, which included a shirt as shown here and a knifeblock and knife set in black called "The Ex" which I suspect DJ will never let me hear the end of.   The picture is a bit deceptive: this thing is HUGE, a little over a foot tall on the counter.  To give you an idea of scale, the center most knife is a full sized chef's knife.   

Two more treatments to go... 
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

Silver Shocker

Dang. Sorry you're not feeling better GG.

That knife set....yikes, that's some dark humor right there.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


STO/CO: @bluegeek


I'm glad you had some bright spots in the midst of all that GG.  That knifeblock is amazing!  It's described as "cathartic," and that seems apt.   :)

Also, BB, that is awesome.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


The knife thing is scary...very scary.  Is that legal?  lol.  Oddly, it's always what I imagined would happened to me if an "ex" got ever got mad and came after me....good thing I always treat the ladies with respect, cuz I'm thalaw and that's what I do.


Sorry the treatments have had those side-effects, GG. I don't know what it's like, but I've had family tell me about some of those symptoms, particularly on the taste of food (I particularly recall, "I know I'm supposed to eat, but everything tastes like sand"). I'm glad the worst of it has abated somewhat.

That knife set is pretty awesome! It'll probably be the source of an interesting conversation or two, or at least a meaningful pause as the next significant other realizes what it is. ;-)

Love that TMNT hat, BB.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg

Deaths Jester

Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 01, 2013, 04:28:44 PM
[ponders DJ's concept of a "stripper"]


Ho-kaaaaaay, enough of that brain-scarirng image.

It was a real stripper, not one of those "other" types of strippers...why does everyone think so naughty things about me?

I've been bad about updating as of late.  My latest treatment was last monday and I haven't really felt like writing about it.  It went about as to be expected.  It was dull, and my nurse wasn't as social this time (couldn't be helped, she was swamped with work) so I read a lot.  Brought some of my own snacks this time, but still dipped into the Snickers bars.  I can't remember where I found out that the reason for all the junk food was because many cancer patients are trying to put on weight, but it was a bit of a revelation.  I left feeling kinda tired but mostly okay.

From what I know about chemo, most of the patients are trying to put on the weight because the treatments put so much drain on their body that they loss tons of weight which in the condition that they are in isn't good - when the fat is gone the body starts to devour the muscle masses which isn't needed at all.

Next day was another story.

I got up late so I was rushing to get to work on time.  In my rush, I forgot to pack my thermometer. and though I was cold, the temperature had dropped overnight so I figured that was why.  Once at work, things deteriorated - I couldn't stop shivering and was starting to ache.  At lunch I went home, checked my temp and discovered I was walking around with a 100.3 degree fever.  Two phone calls followed: one to work to say I wasn't coming back that day and one to the nurse because of symptoms that are filed under "contact nurse immediately".  Fluids, Tylenol, and rest were prescribed, and if the fever lingered or went up, call back immediately. 

Thankfully, neither happened.  Wednesday was spent mostly asleep with occasional breaks for fluids and the fever broke around 2. 

Since then, things have been meh.  My mouth once again feels like it's been scalded and there's a certain "bleah" quality to everything I taste.  Energy level's been in the "meh" range as well.  Hair loss has slowed I guess, probably because about 4/5s of it is gone off my scalp.  What's left is very thin, which means I don't go out without hat for anything. 

Sounds like you're body reacted unhappily to the last treatment, possibly caught a cold during the extremely reduced immunity situation during the treatment.  You are in a spot that is filled with viruses after all - hospital/clinic.  Sucks that you had to go through it though.  As for the hair....Well, at least it's easier to wash your hair?!?!?!  You never have to worry about hat hair?!?!?!  Yeah, I'm really trying here.

It wasn't all bad though.  My best friend sent me some birthday presents, which included a shirt as shown here and a knifeblock and knife set in black called "The Ex" which I suspect DJ will never let me hear the end of.   The picture is a bit deceptive: this thing is HUGE, a little over a foot tall on the counter.  To give you an idea of scale, the center most knife is a full sized chef's knife.   

You are so right about "The Ex"...I HAVE TO HAVE ONE OF THOSE!!!  You must send it my way or's sooooo perfect!!  Just as long as you never do that to me, then I'm safe.  At least there isn't a crotch knife...heh...that would be
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.



Hey, Glitch Girl. Glad to hear you're doing relatively well. I feel bad about abandoning the Forums just when you need all the moral support you can get- but, then, you seem to be getting plenty of that, anyway (including some from me a while back, of course). I hope things get better. And a late Happy Birthday to you, as well.

I'm in awe of your ability to post in such good spirits, given everything. You're a phenomenal person.

I'm glad you have friends to help you deal with all of this- both in person, and here.

I'd like to end with some clever, lighthearted, witty remark, but I'm afraid I'm tired and somewhat socially out of practice these days, and I can't think of anything that wouldn't feel forced. I wish you all the best, and I'm thinking about you.

Be well.
Fear the "A"!!!


Hey GG,

It's been a while since I was in the forum.  I just found out about your condition. 
I'm sure you're going through some tough times right now and I pray that it will get better.

Until Further Notice,  

No Requests will be be accepted.
