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So I ended up here....

Started by Verfall, March 29, 2013, 06:44:23 AM

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Been playing this for awhile now. I'm an officer in the fleet "Sol Trade Consortium", or "Orion Trade Consortium" Klingon side. Just hit tier 4 military, and not far behind on the sci and eng, as well as close to tier 3 embassy. Anyone wants in look for me at @ranvage, or the head of the fleet is @Dailek. Currently have about 250+ members, and a great bunch of guys to run with.

"My word and world holds ground and is real
Your word is like floods of poisoned water
A language spoken with spit from different tongues
You can never corrupt me again"


How's their ranking system, though? All 3 of my Starfleet characters are in different fleets, and I'm considering dumping two of them. One takes participation in events (fleet events, doing pvp with fleet members, showing up to fleet meetings held using Ventrilo, etc) and other things into consideration more than contributing items and marks, and I can't really do those. And the other is insane in my opinion because you can't access the fleet stores until you're the equivalent of Rear Admiral.

I can understand not letting someone buy Fleet ships until RA, or even later, but not letting them buy Fleet weapons and other items until then?


Every month everyone gets upgraded one rank till they top out at the 3rd lowest rank. As long as you play once the first week of each month you'll get your promotion. All members from the 2nd lowest rank and above get access to fleet items and the account bank.

If you donate a lot of stuff to upgrade the fleet, or recruit a lot, they often will give you an officer rank. I'm currently at the 3rd highest rank thanks to donating dil like crazy, heh.
"My word and world holds ground and is real
Your word is like floods of poisoned water
A language spoken with spit from different tongues
You can never corrupt me again"