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Irrational's BioShock Infinite

Started by Outcast, April 03, 2013, 04:25:35 PM

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So, Irrational Games just finish and released it's latest game/project. BioShock Infinite. Well, i'm just curious as to what you guys think of the game. Have any of you guys bought or tried it yet? Or are first person shooters not your kind of thing. I'm surprised that almost all of the reviews it's getting are positive and most are giving it a high score/rating. :huh:


I haven't played it but have heard some really good things about it. There is a racism side to the story that could offend people though.
Villianizing Abraham Lincoln and making heroes out of guys like John Wilkes Booth, there is a statue of him honoring what he did to Lincoln. The founding fathers are practically worshiped and people of color are not considered equal.
It looks very interesting and I will eventually get around to playing it.


I'm playing it on Xbox 360 and I'm enjoying it.  Great story.  The "racism side to the story" is very poignant, especially given the setting (1912), and serves to create an empathetic connection to the characters.  I'm not a huge FPS fan, I prefer third-person shooters (I like to see my character!) but the story and abilities keep it interesting.


Quote from: Outcast on April 03, 2013, 04:25:35 PM
So, Irrational Games just finish and released it's latest game/project. BioShock Infinite. Well, i'm just curious as to what you guys think of the game. Have any of you guys bought or tried it yet? Or are first person shooters not your kind of thing. I'm surprised that almost all of the reviews it's getting are positive and most are giving it a high score/rating. :huh:

Why would this surprise you?  The first game was a massive hit, both for its gameplay and for its philosophical based storytelling.  The second game was made by a different studio.  Now the original studio, Irrational, creators of our favorite superhero game, is back and one again has a game with unique gameplay and philosophical based storytelling.  Why wouldn't it be as acclaimed as the original?
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on April 03, 2013, 09:17:12 PM
Quote from: Outcast on April 03, 2013, 04:25:35 PM
So, Irrational Games just finish and released it's latest game/project. BioShock Infinite. Well, i'm just curious as to what you guys think of the game. Have any of you guys bought or tried it yet? Or are first person shooters not your kind of thing. I'm surprised that almost all of the reviews it's getting are positive and most are giving it a high score/rating. :huh:

Why would this surprise you?  The first game was a massive hit, both for its gameplay and for its philosophical based storytelling.  The second game was made by a different studio.  Now the original studio, Irrational, creators of our favorite superhero game, is back and one again has a game with unique gameplay and philosophical based storytelling.  Why wouldn't it be as acclaimed as the original?

Agreed, mostly everyone I know aren't surprised by the scores because these guys know what they are doing. Its an awesome game rlly, got it yesterday, its beautiful and the characters are nicely developed.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on April 03, 2013, 09:17:12 PM
Why would this surprise you?  The first game was a massive hit, both for its gameplay and for its philosophical based storytelling.  The second game was made by a different studio.  Now the original studio, Irrational, creators of our favorite superhero game, is back and one again has a game with unique gameplay and philosophical based storytelling.  Why wouldn't it be as acclaimed as the original?

Well just to explain my side, the fact that the first game was a massive hit doesn't necessarily 100 % ensure the success of it's sequels. I think Freedom Force was successful in it's own right, but look at what happened when they made the sequel FFVT3R. Making sequels would be just as tough, since people would often compare it with the first game. Resident Evil 6 was another sequel that got mixed reviews too. I believe Irrational themselves would have their own apprehensions on whether their sequel would be warmly received and be as successful as the first game. I'm just considering that people have different tastes when it comes to anything, including games.

Personally, I'm one of those people who isn't too big on FPS games (i tend to prefer seeing my character in action, much like what Tortuga said). Still being it's Irrational and all, and the fact that they worked so hard to make an enjoyable game for all, i should give them more credit. Though i'm not a fan, I'm glad that it's being warmly received by many and hope their success continues. All the positive reviews just had me curious and made me ask myself. Would this be a FPS game, i could actually enjoy? But still...hearing how it has racism, i dunno.


Quote from: Outcast on April 04, 2013, 03:39:04 PM
But still...hearing how it has racism, i dunno.

The racism is there to show that this place which may seem like a paradise at first glance is definitely not that, the racists are shown in very negative light etc.


Quote from: bat1987 on April 04, 2013, 05:00:58 PM
Quote from: Outcast on April 04, 2013, 03:39:04 PM
But still...hearing how it has racism, i dunno.

The racism is there to show that this place which may seem like a paradise at first glance is definitely not that, the racists are shown in very negative light etc.

Basically, the Bioshock series deconstructs a particular belief system or philosophy by showcasing a fictional society in which it has been taken to its logical exteme in order to show all the ugliness thereof.  The first game was a criticism of Objectivism shown through the underwater city of Rapture, now devolved into a pit of monsters.  The second game was made by somebody else and can probably be forgotten about, but it was supposed to be criticising Communism, also through Rapture.  The new game is a criticism of American exceptionalism through the floating city of Columbia.  So yes, part of the that criticism is to show the ugly side of what that way of thinking could mean if taken to the extreme and part of that is indeed racism.  That does not mean this game is racist--it means pretty much the opposite in fact.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


It is hurting me to not play this game but my new years resolution is "consume less, create more". that said as soon as they put it on any sort of discount (even 20%) I'm gonna cave and pick it up. I think Irrational (even if you ignore freedom force which is why we are here) is one of the few really big idea companies out there that is out to make people think.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on April 04, 2013, 11:06:23 PM
Quote from: bat1987 on April 04, 2013, 05:00:58 PM
Quote from: Outcast on April 04, 2013, 03:39:04 PM
But still...hearing how it has racism, i dunno.

The racism is there to show that this place which may seem like a paradise at first glance is definitely not that, the racists are shown in very negative light etc.

Basically, the Bioshock series deconstructs a particular belief system or philosophy by showcasing a fictional society in which it has been taken to its logical exteme in order to show all the ugliness thereof.  The first game was a criticism of Objectivism shown through the underwater city of Rapture, now devolved into a pit of monsters.  The second game was made by somebody else and can probably be forgotten about, but it was supposed to be criticising Communism, also through Rapture.  The new game is a criticism of American exceptionalism through the floating city of Columbia.  So yes, part of the that criticism is to show the ugly side of what that way of thinking could mean if taken to the extreme and part of that is indeed racism.  That does not mean this game is racist--it means pretty much the opposite in fact.

Oh i see.  :doh: Thanks for clearing that up. But I should have known it was just there to tell a story. I'm really curious and tempted to buy the game to show some support for Irrational and to see what all the fuss is about. But right now, i'm still busy trying to get my money's worth on some recent games that i bought. Maybe after a few months when the prices go down. :P We'll see. :)