FFedit cant read characters i created with in game editor!!

Started by Jimaras8, April 19, 2013, 04:35:31 AM

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Hiya fellas, i need your assistance on something. Recntly i have created a bunch of heroes with a combination on personal experience over their powers, alex s EZ hero and USAgent hero files. However after installing Benton terrific mods i noticed that characters powers are divided in two tiers. That IMO is very practical. When i launched FFedit i found oute tha the program cant read my custom characters even when i order the data path to my custom folder. I really need to divide the powers into two tiers so any help is welcome, Jim


So, are you just trying to move your hero files to the game itself?

As in, are you trying to make your custom heroes built-in heroes?


The way you put it sounds more easy than i had imagined  :D. Yes, kind of what you stated, i want my custom heroes to be "seen" by FFedit so i can divide the tiers.


FFedit doesn't read hero files. It only reads information from the character.dat and so on (I.E., Built In). Alex's Hero Tool can do that with the Send to Dat option or you can use M25's add-on to send multiple heroes to your dat files at once. Make sure you backup the files you plan to modify.
Disappear when you least expe--


Prev could you post a link for m25 s add on? I will try that out. Thx