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Writing Character Bio

Started by Jimaras8, May 10, 2013, 01:13:17 PM

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Howdy guys, i have a question about character bio. I have managed to brand my heroes and make them built in but for a sense of realism i would like to add their bio. I thought that this could be done in FFedit when i saw an origin box in character section but it didnt work. Any advice appreciated.


Do you mean the description that shows up in the Materials panel?

If so, in the strings.txt file in your Lang/English folder, just add a line that looks like this:


Just make sure that you generate the language files afterwards, though.


So you say i have regenrate the lang files and merge the dats again? For every single description that i make? Well i guess i can write the descriptions all at once and generatwe the files only one time. Anyway do i have to merge any dats?


The only time that you would have to merge dat files is if you're copying over an entire archive of information.

If you are making the information from scratch, or even if you're copying parts of text over from another mod's lang files into your mod's lang files, you only have to generate the language files.

Also, I'd highly recommend finding the m25 language generator tool. It generates language files in a second or two, rather than the several minutes that the FFEdit tool takes to do so.

If you cannot find it, I can send the tool to you.


Thx spydey i realised just now that i have it. Ok so i write the descrptions generate the files and then copy them over my lang folder. Did i get right?


With the m25genlang.exe, you can just write whatever you need to in your text files and then generate all of the lang files in that folder.

I have a custom mod with a ton of custom attributes with basically one attribute for every hero that I make that I need to make descriptions for. In that mod's Lang/English folder, I have three files: captions.txt, speech.txt, and strings.txt. Your folder should have at least those three files and their .dat variations.

Now, with the m25genlang.exe, just browse to that Lang/English directory and click "Generate Language Files." Just wait for 2-3 seconds, and it should be done, and you should now have what you are looking for in-game.


Thx man i get the whole picture now. Sorry for the many questions but my progress these past weeks is at least decent. Things that scared me look far more easier now thx to all your advices. Kudos. Now that you mentioned attributes i was wondering if some of them like magnetic or super tk work for you. aWhen i adress them to heroes like magneto nothing happens. Do you have the same issue? Thx again for the support man, you have made my day


Don't worry about the amount of questions, mate. I'm always glad to help :)

As for magnetic and super tk, they work just fine for me. What exactly is the issue? Do they not work when you make custom attributes or do they just not work period? Is it just that the AI doesn't use the abilities, or is it that you cannot use them at all?


I cant use them at all. And not just them. One example i remember is air superiority attribute. I added that to nova without a flier attribute and he cant even fly. Magneto has just tk attribute cause when i added magnetic the lift command didnt appear. Any thoughts?


Have you tampered with any of the attribute files?

The only thing that I can think of (right now) that would cause that issue is that there is an error in code somewhere, like a misspelled attribute name or syntax errors.


No man i did nothing. The funny thing is that any attributes in built in hereos like wolverine for example in Marvel Adventures work fine. But when i add a enhansed senses the scan command doesnt appear. It is drving me crazy ause i didnt messed with anything. Its crazy


That is very strange.

You have run your characters through the FFXControlCenter, correct?

You made sure to select the correct mod from the drop-down list, selected a hero (does not matter which one), and clicked "Save," correct?


Solved it  :thumbup:. At least the magnetic one. i think it will be the same for the others. I added the attributes in game and i didnt star FFx CC. I guess that was the misfit


Ah, that would be the issue, then. :P

Glad to hear that you got everything worked out. If there are any other issues, I will try and help the best that I can.

Are the descriptions working?


Yes Sir they do  :D. Last wall to break spydey and then i leave you at peace. man i should give youa paycheck for all the help yuo have given me  :P. The tiers! I have branded the hereos and when i view them at characters sections their powers are divided into tier a and b. However in game the tiers dont appear. The powers are all in one tier. Any ideas Professor X?


Well, in FFEDIT, there should be, in the Characters tab, a section that has "Tier A" and "Tier B." Whichever powers you wish to be in those tiers, you place in their respective tiers.

For the number of powers that you wish your hero or villain or minion to have is dictated by "Start Level" at the bottom of each tier. The number you place in each box will dictate how many powers in that tier your character will start with.

Say you have 5 powers in Tier A. If you put "2" in the "Start Level" box, you'll have the first power in that tier at level three and the second power in that tier at level one. If you wish the character to have all powers at level three, put a "6" in the "Start Level" box.

Now, in order to have names for each of the tiers, in the strings.txt, type these two lines:


Once you do that, just run the language generator and everything should be working.


As for the in-game part, do you mean while you are in a mission/rumble room battle?

Or do you mean in the characters tab?


In the chat tab the tiers show up fine. When i iniate rumble room the chars i have created dont have tiers. That happens only for chars i have created. bneton heroes have tiers in game and they are pretty useful thats why i wanted yo categorise the powers. I have already tried with FFedit and it didnt work, deleted winter soldier powers and readded them through Ffedit in two tiers. Still in game no tiers appear. I repeat this happens only with the heroes i created. Mods heroes work dont have that problem


I am unsure of what you are talking about.

The only tiers that I see are the energy bar tiers.


In marvel adventures alla characters have their powers divided in two tiers. tier A and tier B. I have created for example winter soldier and made him built in. Now when i view him in characters tab his powers are also divided into two tiers like i wanted to do. however when i start a rumble room game when i point an enemy character i see my powers dont have tiers, the powers are monoblock.


I looked at the Marvel Adventures mod by Benton, and I do not see what you are talking about for "tiers" during a battle.

I shall post an image soon.


Say you have 5 powers in Tier A. If you put "2" in the "Start Level" box, you'll have the first power in that tier at level three and the second power in that tier at level one. If you wish the character to have all powers at level three, put a "6" in the "Start Level" box.

Now, in order to have names for each of the tiers, in the strings.txt, type these two lines:


Your quotes. Thats what i mean. I will give you an example. Iron man has his iron punch, repulser, repulser shot and iron assault. Then there is a line that divides his rest abilities so there is better management of them. Thats what i mean.


I'm sorry if I am not getting exactly what you mean, but this is what I see in-game.

I am using Marvel Adventures (by Benton), and this is the command menu that shows up:



My mistake sypder  :banghead: iwasnt clear enough and i have tired you long enough. I meant in rumble room when i RIGHT CLICK on an enemy char my chars powers appear. In my example of Iorn Man his has iron punch, repulser shot, repulser and iron assault. then there is a gap that dvides his rest abilities: sonic emmiter, smart bomb. jammer etc. Thats what i was saying. Any ideas of how i can achieve that cause right now when i right click my powers are pretty monoblock.


Would you mind taking a screenshot so that I may see what you are talking about?

I want to be able to help you out, but I honestly don't understand what you are talking about. I have never seen powers separated by tier when I right-click on enemies; only by how much energy they use.


I have taken the phtos but i dont know how to post them in the thread  :banghead:


Firstly, upload the images to a photo-hosting site. I use imageshack; very reliable.

Secondly, when you are done uploading the pics, go to your posting window. In the top panel of buttons, you should see a picture that looks like this:

Click on the picture and paste the image's URL between the img tags.


i can tell from your image. you are using angel. His attack go like this: angelic punch, aerial attack in a box, then another box containing wing storm, gas gun, feather storm, flying charge, aerial domination. Finally a third box containing great wings, angelic assault. I have figured oute that the boxes are divided due to their energy cost, however that doesnt always cut it. For example iron man has iron assault in the first box indicating no energy cost althought when he performs the power some energy is drained. I have winter soldier and i want his two melee attacks to be in the first box and then a second one that has all his ranged abilities. Can i do that?


Ah, I think I know what you mean, now.

There is a setting for FFX3 that adds 5 energy points to your characters so that you may overpower 3-bar attacks as well as lower-bar attacks, much like you could in the original FF. And like in the original, it will allow you to overpower even if you don't have the energy, thus risking a stun state on your characters.

Now, to either activate or deactivate this setting, open FFXControlCentre, and select your mod.

At the bottom, you should see "Overspend Energy w/Stun Risk". Check or Uncheck the box to get the effect as per above.

The reason that some of the powers in the first-tier, despite showing that they use no energy, is that they actually use an energy bar. With the setting enabled, all powers are shown to use one bar less than they actually do.

I hope this has helped you.