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Xbox One

Started by Midnite, May 21, 2013, 06:13:26 PM

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That's prolly the dumbest name for 3rd console in the series. Good thing they are focusing on exclusives this time around though.


I think I want to go with PS4 just because I've been so happy with my PS3.

I agree the name is goofy, I'm sure everything next-gen is going to be sweet, when's the last time we went a year without having more awesome games to play than we could ever comprehend? Before I was born I bet.
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


I don't care what they call it.  I"m going to spend money on a big bad PC instead.

laughing paradox

They are apparently going to charge a fee for when you play a used game... so I think my next console is going to be a PS4.

I just hope that if a new Left 4 Dead comes out, it'll also come out for the PS.


What I picked up from reading all of the press coverage of their X-BOX ONE announcement...

- If you buy a game you get a code that comes with the game which becomes locked to your X-BOX account. If you take the game and let a friend borrow it or buy it used then they will be faced to pay a fee of play it.. which X-BOX reps confirmed is THE FULL PRICE OF THE GAME brand new or later adjusted down when they become cheaper in retail. Now, If the person who owns the code logs into their account on their friends system then they can play the game as they normally do for FREE but only if they remained logged in while your friend borrowed your game. Which of course nobody will do unless they were visiting on vacation and that one single system was the only X-BOX in the house.

- If you RENT a game.. well, you are screwed because unless they make generic rental accounts for each game then you wouldn't be able to play a unique game experience cause the same account would be passed from one gamer to the next.

- If you wanted TO SELL your game... you would have to unregister your code from your system and then trade it on X-BOX's Swap Network for another code for another game you bought used.

Does this seem worth ALL the hassle?

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Quote from: crimsonquill on May 24, 2013, 09:42:58 PM

Does this seem worth ALL the hassle?

No, thats why this guy will be buying a PS4.


Unfortunately, I'll be surprised at this point if the PS4 doesn't do something similar for used games.  The game production industry hates used games and the whole Gamestop/EB pawnshop business model with the fire of a thousand suns - this is actually a bone Microsoft is throwing them, not something they're just doing because they're jerks.


Well physical copies are on the way out. I think since most people will be downloading games in the future, it makes sense to have them tied to an account rather than a disc. And with that, having the ability to trade in old games with the code is kind of cool. There's some pros to go with the cons.
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


Well, you can justify it all you want, but that right there is enough for this guy, a staunch XBox owner, to go with Playstation if they don't do something equally asinine.  As far as that goes, if Sony DOESN'T screw their players like this, I imagine they'll pick up a HUGE piece of Microsoft's business.  This is going to make a lot of folks very and justifiably angry.

For my part, I'm going to resist the rental model for software and digital property as long as humanly possible.
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"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Well, Sony's Stock value jumped 20% alone just from all of the fallout from X-BOX's confirmations of everything they announced during their reveal.

That should show a huge deal of what folks think about Microsoft's "big plan".

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."

Mr. Hamrick

I can only speak for myself here. 

I've owned two Xbox 360s.  The first one I traded in shortly before moving out of my apartment back in 2008.  I got a new one in 2010 and still have it.

I won't be getting an Xbox One any time soon, if ever.

As I explained to someone the other night, there are only a few games that I would be willing to go out and buy new with this new format in place.  The primary ones on that list are the Fallout series and the Elder Scrolls series.  I might could throw in the Batman Arkham games if the quality stayed up but even then I am not sure.  Most of my game purchases are when the price comes down on the games  or are bought used.  Even then, the purchases are not that frequent.

Looks like if I get another device to play games on then it will be a PC built specifically for the Elder Scrolls and Fallout game series playing.  Time will tell.

If I do at some point get an Xbox One it will not be primarily for game playing.


With E3 being only weeks away bits of news are slowly being leaked about the X-BOX One's new features.. some are just odd and others just make you more paranoid...

First up... Television Achievements?

Yeah, you just read that right. Microsoft has just made being a couch potato an interactive experience. X-BOX: "You just had an all day marathon of watching Game Of Thrones, You have achieved THRONE OF NERDS and unlocked Season One of King Of The Nerds on your DVR downloads."

*facepalm* I could only imagine what kind of hype Microsoft will give this new exciting feature at E3.

and finally...

X-BOX One's Kinetic will be ON 24/7/356 to enable some of it's recent features.. especially those for it's television achievements which will recognize you holding up certain objects during key scenes during television shows and games. Which sounds pretty interesting until those who are slightly more paranoid will realize that big brother just found a way to put a microphone and camera right into the room where you will be hanging out, gaming, and watching TV.. all the time. Good idea Microsoft. I see this going over very well. *rolls eyes*

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Is anyone excited about the Xbox One at this stage? All the new information in the features has been so disappointing.


Is anyone really excited about any of the three new consoles from this batch?  I know I'm not.  All of them seem underwhelming, with "features" I'd pay money to not have.  The Wii U is reportedly selling very poorly, being out-competed by the existing Xbox & Playstation (and even the 1st Wii).  The Xbox seems more interested in showing TV than playing games, and the best you can say about the Playstation 4 is that it's looking better than the other 2.  Weak showings so far all around.


Personally I'm less concerned with the consoles, it's the games that sell me. I expect I'll be buying one of these consoles eventually and the deciding factor will be the games released. Essentially best exclusives wins for me.
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Quote from: Podmark on May 29, 2013, 03:15:09 AM
Personally I'm less concerned with the consoles, it's the games that sell me. I expect I'll be buying one of these consoles eventually and the deciding factor will be the games released. Essentially best exclusives wins for me.
I agree with this. I just want a powerful console to play The Witcher 3, thats comparable to a decent gaming pc.


I'm not going to lie, the more news I hear about this console from E3, the less I care for it... also, Microsoft apparently decided that it would be absolutely hilarious to make a scripted defile joke at their conference. Because really, they needed MORE bad press for their more expensive, DRM laden piece of garbage.


Yeah, Microsoft is going to have a stiff challenge making this situation any worse for themselves, but at this point I imagine they might just be up to it.  Bravo for Sony, not following in their draconian, jack-booted footsteps.

I'm not buying anything that I can't own.  I make the exception for Steam occasionally, but even then I try to go with GOG whenever possible.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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You know what?  I'm STILL having TOO MUCH fun playing, The Uncharted Trilogy, the Arkham Duology, COD: Black Ops, Red Dead Redepmtion, Fight Night, GTA 4 and LCS, and Skyrim and will soon be dedicating the next 8-12 months with NCAA Football '14 while trying to sprinkle in months of playing GTA5 and many more months of Arkham Origins, I won't even be thinking about buying another console until Barack Obama leaves office.  Maybe.

Either way, I can't justify shelling out $500+ for a new system and games when the ones I'm playing now are absolutely enjoyable still.


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Haha, yeah, I saw that.  Impressive, only one person bitten by a snake. :lol:
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Well...if you don't have internet access then the boys a M$ say you should buy a 360 and not a One.  I guess all those reports that the company is going to be obsolete by 2016 are true.


Microsoft dumps (most) bad Xbox One policies

So I guess someone at Microsoft finally realized how much people were raging against their used games policies. Still no word on the big brother kinect-must-always-be-on garbage (something I find even more disturbing than the totalitarian used game policies) but given that there's already legislation in the works that would potentially make that illegal, I suspect we'll be hearing that they're removing that shortly as well.


That is really fantastic news!  The first skirmish of the digital property rights war has been won, and that's pretty cool.  I'm actually moderately proud of the internet.  Finally, all of that aimless hatred and vitriol serves a good purpose.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Me too.  This is good news.  Also, the "must connect to the internet daily for verification" is dead too.  This might actually be a horse race again.


I figured this would happen to some extent, but I didn't think it would happen until after console was released. Figured they'd wait to see the affect on actual sales first. Well maybe the pre-orders had an effect.
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Nintendo Wii U owners are probably a little sadder today.  Sales for the slumping console really spiked after the initial details for XBOXone were announced and people figured they'd have less viable gaming options.


Quote from: oldmanwinters on June 20, 2013, 03:24:16 AM
Nintendo Wii U owners are probably a little sadder today.  Sales for the slumping console really spiked after the initial details for XBOXone were announced and people figured they'd have less viable gaming options.

I disagree. There's a ton of hype around nintendo right now, even more then on sony... Super Smash Bros, new Pokemon (not a wii game per se, but you know there will be tie ins there too), etc.

Speaking of nintendo, I loved Nintendo of America's response to the used games issue:

Quote from:
Fils-Aime says that Nintendo is impacted less by the used games market because players don't generally sell the games that Nintendo makes - they keep playing them.

"The consumer wants to keep playing Mario Kart. The consumer want to keep playing New Super Mario Bros. They want to keep playing Pikmin. So we see that the trade-in frequency on Nintendo content is much less than the industry average – much, much less," Fils-Aime said. "So for us, we have been able to step back and say that we are not taking any technological means to impact trade-in and we are confident that if we build great content, then the consumer will not want to trade in our games."


Ha!  That is super awesome...also, kind of true.  I know I'm not getting rid of Super Smash Bros. any time soon.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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