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Problem with thor_v2 gren.

Started by Jimaras8, June 24, 2013, 05:50:52 PM

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Today i tried to transacte my custom heroes to another pc. And hell broke loose... After the catastrophe i did a clean install to MA by deleting the folder from fy :ffvstr: directory and reinstall it among with the patches. However i am having trouble installing thor_v2_gren over ther original thor_gren. What i did to my pc was just deleting every file inside thor_gren and simply dropping the thor_v2_gren files to thor_gren folder. I did the same thing to iron man and hawkeye overwriting the original meshes with AA ones. All three processes worked smmothly to my second first pc. However today is another day and althought iron man adn hawkeye work fine with the new meshes when i click Thor to my characters tab the game crashes!!! I repeat i did exactly the same process to my first pc and thor was working great. I am getting nuts.

Cyber Burn

Technical issues aren't really my strong point, but a few questions, first, what kind of problems are you having with the character, and second, did you convert the mesh for  :ffvstr:?


did you convert the mesh for  :ffvstr:
Oops. no i didnt and maybe thats the whole point. I will update the post as soon as i do it. Thx CB it slipped my mind entirely.