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Cyber's NifSkope Thread

Started by Cyber Burn, July 25, 2013, 01:02:37 AM

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Cyber Burn

Hey Freedom Forcers, just out of curiosity, is there a newer/updated version of Nifskope that acknowledges  :ffvstr:? When I go to "Render", "Settings", "Auto Detect Game Paths", Nifskope states "Successfully detected the following games: Freedom Force", but doesn't acknowledge  :ffvstr:. Am I doing something wrong or do I have an outdated version of Nifskope, because when I skope for  :ffvstr:, 9 times out of 10, I'm dealing with a white blob. How do I get Nifskope to acknowledge the texture files of the skope that I'm working on.

Also, according to the "CHANGELOG" file in the Nifskope folder, it states "This is version 1.0.22 of NifSkope." Is there a newer version floating around? If so, where would I acquire it from? (And I apologize for asking, but it's been awhile since I have downloaded any form of Nifskope.)

Thank you in advance for any help I can get.  :thumbup:

Amazo Version 2.2

i cant help you with the white blob issue cause i have that problem too but heres the link for the updated nifskope
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.

Cyber Burn

 :doh: :doh: :doh: I should have known to go there first. Such a noob mistake, now if I could just get the white blob thing fixed I'll be good to go, maybe I can even finally finish that Savage_Dragon skope for Billdamn22. Thanks my friend.

Amazo Version 2.2

With all the favors youve done for me, least i can do.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.


Not sure if there is another way, but I'm using the "Custom" way because I couldn't get the"Auto Detect Game Paths" to work:

- Render > Settings > Add folder > Folder (then, pick the folder with the textures and mark the option "Look for alternatives").

You'll have to change the folder with every new skope, but you will see the textures.

Cyber Burn

Thank you Windblown, I'll give that a try.

One more question, does it matter if I'm using (.TGA) files or (.DDS) files? Currently the Savage_Dragon skope that I am working on is set to take (.TGA) files, and that is what I am using for the texture files.

Again, thank you in advance for any help I can get.

Cyber Burn

Well, I changed the texture files in my "Standard" skin folder to (.DDS) files, and so far, that seems to be working. I continue with that and see what happens.  :)


Quote from: Cyber Burn on July 25, 2013, 09:08:39 PM
Thank you Windblown, I'll give that a try.

One more question, does it matter if I'm using (.TGA) files or (.DDS) files? Currently the Savage_Dragon skope that I am working on is set to take (.TGA) files, and that is what I am using for the texture files.

Again, thank you in advance for any help I can get.

I think that by checking the option "Look for alternatives" the program looks for .dds files with the same name if there isn't .tgas in the folder.

Cyber Burn

I hadn't thought about that, I was thinking that the "Look For Alternatives" option meant that Nifskope would look for other folders.

Cyber Burn

Ok...New question.

I am trying to skope the "Plastic_Man_Buff" mesh into an Amazo. On of the things that I noticed was that all the different pieces of the mesh are mapped to "Male_Basic". If I try to change the file of one of the pieces, such as the big hands that appear in "Melee_6" from "Male_Basic" to anything else, say "Big_Hands", every other piece of the mesh changes to the new name as well. Is there any way to change what a piece is mapped to without everything else changing? Thank you in advance for any help and advice that I can get.

Sioux City Dynamo

hi cyber,

I have run into this before.  what I have had to do is copy and past the part into the mesh again.  for some reason, the original is all linked together.  however, the new copied piece can be named to a different .tga or .dds file.


Cyber Burn

Thanks SCD, that's normally what I would do,since that's what I would do with something like a "Tom_Versatile" or a "Pulp_Versatile" mesh, unfortunately, the "Plastic_Man" mesh doesn't seem to work the same. The mesh kind of brakes if I remove a piece and then replace it.

Amazo Version 2.2

didnt sioux city dynamo replace the male basic part of the mesh for daglobs avatar? maybe you could look at that and see what he did and see if that will help you
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.

Sioux City Dynamo

I used syns morph and it worked fine.

Cyber Burn

Thank you SCD, I will definitely check that out.

Cyber Burn

Hey guys, I've got a new question.

If a mesher has embedded the texture into a mesh piece, is there any way to undo that using Nifskope? Some examples are the Captain America "Shield_Throw" Fx's by Renegade, and the shoulder pad pieces used by Vorelliwiseau on his "Heretic_Basic_Armor_v1.2" skope. I can get Nifskope to give me a Wiremap for the pieces, but I don't know how to proceed from there, or even if I can proceed from there.

As always, any help/advice/suggestions that I could get would very much be appreciated. Thank you.


I dunno if you'd still need it, Cyber, but I've tinkered with it a bit, and here's a step-by-step if you ever encounter it again!

0. Back up the mesh/mesh piece. For some reason, this trick only works once after you do steps 1-5, delete the new free slot, and want to add a detail map again. Not sure why, but it's probably doable - I just haven't looked hard enough. In any case, the end result works properly.
1. Fire up the mesh in Nifskope.
2. Find the NiTriShape with the embedded texture. Branch it out and find NiTexturing Property.
3. Now, branch that out and find NiSourceTexture. Right click that and choose Block > Remove Branch.
4. Now, right-click NiTexturingProperty and choose Add Detail Map.
5. You should see a free slot where you can designate a new skin!

Cyber Burn

Thanks V, I always enjoy learning new stuff in Nifskope. I'll give this a try.

Cyber Burn

Ok, new question. I can't Skope Keyframes for nothing. What I would really like to do, is to add the "Ranged_Gun_4" animation from Grenadier's "Cable_Updated" Mesh to Shevek's "Deadpool_Muscular_Updated" Mesh. And then I would like to set it up so that the Gun only shoots once instead of the half dozen or so times that it does shoot.

In all honesty, I don't even know where to begin on this, would anyone happen to have any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

As always, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


hey Cb !  maybe you have already tried the "m25 keyframes transfer tool" for transfering that keyframe, if not that could be a possibility.

Cyber Burn

Yeah, unfortunately, the new animation didn't register in CTool after I did that, so I'm looking for another option.


Cyber, send me what you're working on, including the keyframes with the added/now missing ranged_gun_4 animation. I feel confident that I can get the animation to show up and I want to try something out regarding just having him fire once. Setting the number of contacts to one is easy enough, but I'm sure the multiple arm recoils is what you would like altered. I have an idea that I'd like to try on it.

Cyber Burn

You are incredible Hoss, you've got mail. The Skope itself is still very much a WIP, but I've sent you what I have so far. It's  :ffvstr: exclusive. Thank you for taking a look at this for me, I really appreciate it.


I've made the animation available in the keyframes and everything moves where it should. Altering the contacts (or leave_hand) down to one was easy enough. Now, I have to experiment to see if I can make the mesh actually look like it's only shooting once.

Cyber Burn

That is awesome Hoss, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out with this. Thank you.


Permission is given for anyone to use whatever I upload however they like, and to add me to any and all lists.


...and the experiment is a success!  :doom2: Mwahaha!

Cyber, you have mail.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: hoss20 on March 16, 2014, 01:51:31 AM
...and the experiment is a success!  :doom2: Mwahaha!

Cyber, you have mail.

I just got your E-Mail, and those Keyframes are perfect, because of you, my vision of Night Thrasher is that much closer. I really can't tell you how much I appreciate all the work that you must have put into this. Just saying "Thank you" wouldn't be anywhere near enough. I owe you big time.


You are very welcome, as always. I feel a little guilty that I didn't do a hover version for the animation, but I figured he can't really fly (other than catching some air!) and I have a ton of stuff I need to get working on besides the RL stuff we've both mentioned in your other thread. Let me know if need the hovering animation.

Cyber Burn

I'm thinking I'm going to just drop the hover animations, I figure he's not a flier, so I'd just try and cut the file size.