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Started by Randomdays, September 22, 2013, 02:43:31 AM

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A little contribution to the Space Ghost universe. Two little reskins of the Brak and Zorak created by vorelliwiseau and Randomdays. Brak and Zorak's minions.


"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Nice DR, good conforming to the base there as well. I know how difficult that approach is.


Good job Dr R. !

After working on him all day, The Impossibles Coil Man is almost ready for action! Without any skins or a mtl file, I had to divide him up into diverent sections and color each with it's own material. He looks good in nifskope, but not so good in the character viewer. I'm going to run him thru Milkshape which will give a basic skin setup where each and every poly will contain the full skin. I'll just set each skin up as a basic color like a did for the Phantom Cruiser and that should work I think.

He rigged easily to Texas Jack's Toad, and animates well. I need to delete a few kfs and that should be that I hope.



Quote from: SickAlice on August 06, 2021, 09:32:56 PM
I considered the typical FX jets, maybe from Gren's Nick Fury. Though I want to stick with the tornado since there's a trick I can pull in the keys where another part vanishes at the same time and the tornado is pasted inside that node. I used this trick on Goblins and Flaming Carrot. In this case the part is the glow that happens inside the jetpack engine, saves me the trouble of doubling up in the animations. I always otherwise add to all keys, not just select ones. I found too many glitches can occur when animations are being weaved together.

I only need know how to rotate it, again I "think" this is done in the nif, possible the the Rotation Euler or Axis values and either the node or the Editable Mesh itself, but PArrary in this case. With no direction though I'm just shooting in the dark and trying one thing after another then reloading another fresh nif which is time consuming of course.
OK, I think I know what you mean about keeping the particle effects in another mesh. I think I did the same thing with my GR 2099 skope, for the flaming chainsaw.
I'm not familiar with the Jace character, so I don't really know about his jetpack and which way the flames should be oriented.



Nice RD. This mesh looks cool (although I don't know this character) :thumbup: :thumbup:


DM: Yeah, I'll keep it short because I shouldn't have been treadjacking like this but the idea more of less is as a static piece it then only is dragged along with the node it hangs out in  which in this case doesn't move itself much. Also that tornado piece automatically vanishes with a node that has keyframes unlike the typical FX emitter which requires a separate animation set for itself regardless. I "might" have a workaround though since I used it a lot and could have one that's in a good position already. Going to have to dig though just for the sake of my own knowledge base I do want to understand the process, or again since I forgot how I did it in the first place (because I didn't know how to keep notes then of course).


NO problem SA

Coil Man is done and seems to be working. Because of the sectioning of the mesh and basic single color skins for each area, a standard 256x 256 skin didn't work for some reason, but dropping the resolution down to 32x 32 worked. It looks good for a basic cartoon type of character, but if someone knows how to set up a true uv for it and do a standard skin, they're welcome.

1) Created a new directory on the mega site called "HB Heroes". Loaded or moved the following meshes there; Coil Man, Daglob's Jan and Inviso Jan (permission granted before he passed), Jace and Inviso Jace (permission granted by Dean), Tundro v3 (permission granted by Dr R), and Zorak. The Jonny Quest directory will probably merge with this one when done.

The Phantom Cruiser will probably be added when its crew is complete. I did an 'Inviso' version of the VX Space Ghost. It may go up in the future.

2) Added the Pteradactyl Rider, the Terror Bird Rider, and the Triceratops rider to the Ancient Units/ Caveman directory.

3) Added a second, smaller Terror Bird to the Animals directory. Replaced the Triceratops and the Pteradactyl with modified size replacements.

4) For both the Triceratops and the Triceratops Rider, corrected a problem with the original wolf kfs where run and walk were switched.

5) I've been calling the Toad a Toxic J Mesh when it was really Texas Jack. Apologies and entries have been corrected.



Wow RD! You have worked a lot! Where is the link to download them? I don't remember.



Give credit to Dean, Daglob and yourself.

My mega site is here -


Lots of cool stuff, guys! 

Nice work on those guys, DR!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


So many cool things on this thread!  :thumbup:


Thanks Windblown.

Always room for more....

Its very gratifying to see this project coming together, especially this late in the game's life when almost all the original creators are long gone. Major props to Dean and Dr Ruina. And yourself, for the help you gave me on importing kf's a few months ago.

I've been thinking about a couple of special animations that are needed. One is with Mightor, when Tor raises his club and transforms into Mightor. The male_basic has a 'Power" animation that would probably work with that, adding a fx and then swapping Tor out with Mightor.

The other one is for when Samson raises his arms and crosses his wrists and transforms into Mighty Samson. Rick Jones and Captain Marvel would do the same as they swapped back and forth. Are there any animations out there for that? (Or even a Rick Jones skin?)

Spent the day working on getting Fluid Man form the Impossibles imported. It turned out to be a bit of a Frankenstein creation. Due to the fact that his arms were crossed, they were basically melded together and unusable. After trying to work with them I gave up and tried something different.

I had decided to just go for a male_basic for rigging instead of a Plastic Man. I figured that his water attacks could be fx's - maybe a Green Lantern Fist colored Blue instead of Green.

To get around the arms problem I actually took each part of the Fluid Man mesh, one by one, and joined them to the male_basic mesh, deleting it part by part. In the end, the only thing left of him was his arms sticking out and a little bit of his chest.

He's done and working, but after Coil Man coming out looking so good, he's a little disappointing to me. Still having to do small single color skins for each part since it not set up with a uv.

He'll be up probably tomorrow for anyone who wants to work with him. Next project will probably be Multi Man. Fluid Man pic below.


Here is Zorket (or someone who looks like him) and his rock robots ready to conquer the galaxy. Well, I think this character only appeared in one chapter, but I like these obscure characters. I will be a while without doing skopes because I want to do some hero files, do some multiversal battles and create material for another game, but I would like to try later to doing Spider Woman or another of the Council of Doom.


"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Those guys look really cool, DR!

RD, nice work!  That sounds like quite the project.  A couple of thoughts:
-Sounds like male_basic's power anim would work just fine.
-Samson: I've seen characters that have that kind of anim, I'm thinking in active defense.  I'm not sure where, but I bet folks could look around and find something.
-Fluid Man: We've got Hydro-Man FX that could probably work for him.

God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


These still need a little work and im going to adjust goliaths eyes as the mesh does have a bit of warping but so far so good.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Coming along nicely Dean!

Strangely enough, but the face with the collar is giving me an Elvis Vibe


I do see that :lol: I think I'll widen the smile a bit.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Looking really sharp.  That's a character I don't know, methinks.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


These are all kinds of messed up :lol:
They need a better skoper than i to take a look at them.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


They all look great in the pics - Chief Pondo AND Little Rok too? Great!

If you want, as always, send them my way, tell me what you need done, and I'll try to fix 'em up.

Benton - thanks for the tips on the kfs - I'll look through a few and see if it can be found.

As for Samson - here's the intro, and you can see what I mean about the wrists crossing -



Dean, what are you wanting to do with them? I don't see too many things in those poses. Do you mean the club?
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


WyldeFyre, I'm looking at them now since Dean sent them to me.

Chief Pondo  - part of his hair is pink in the character viewer. No kfs - I don't think this is a problem though, probably just forgotten

Little Rock - His club, cape and loincloth have effects turned on and are very 'shiny". Cape detaches from neck during fly animation

Mightor - His Belt is pink in the character viewer

Going to see what I can do with them.



Chief pondo is tomato's male stocky so I think he takes any male_basic keys, mightor is missing a refl I think, rok needs the most work really. Thank you for taking a look at them.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


For the pink problem I think you can try renaming the files in nisourcetexture. It seems that if they are repeated this problem occurs. The "shiny" problem, Could it be because a refl or glow file is missing?


Thanks Dr R.... All 3 fixed

These are excellent skins and skopes by Dean, and they just needed a little tweaking to set them straight.

Some missing reflect and glow files actually turns things pink (in this case at least) and not shiny

For all 3 - they all looked good in nifskope (Dean's picture above) but not in the character viewer.

Also, For all 3, the cape would lift off the shoulders and disconnect in some animations, mainly flying.

Attaching any skoped mesh to the main mesh in Blender fixes the floating problem for some reason.

Chief Pondo - the nif was looking for extras reflect and glow tgas to go with the main extras.tga. Deleting these from the nif fixed the pink problem

The main hair piece would also move away from its proper spot when animating - this was also fixed by joining a skoped mesh to the main mesh.

For Chief Pondo and Mightor, I joined the Gold bracelets to the main mesh - the left one always moved out of place anyway after exporting from Blender.

For Mightor, the pink belt went away on its own and never came back - no other issues seen beside the floating cape.

For Little Rok - attaching any skoped mesh to the main mesh in Blender also makes it part of the main mesh, and gives it the main mesh's characteristics. This got rid of the shine on the pieces. You can't really see it in the pic, but in the back the hood blends into the cape. I shortened the hood and moved the cape to blend better into the hood.

I'll be sending them back to Dean, and we've already discussed that's it okay for me to post anything I've worked on on my mega site as well.

I've got another Mightor show mesh Dean sent me that might show up as well, and I'm going to try to find a bird that looks like Ork for Little rok fly on.



Thank you for sorting these out.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.