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Issue 57: FX recolouring

Started by Jimaras8, October 22, 2013, 01:13:44 PM

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Cyber Burn

I haven't had a chance to look at the other FX, but I do have the Time Bomb FX for "Boom Boom" ready to be tested. Any interest in trying it out?


Sure, CB i am always open to more fx. I am really happy you are cracking them lately. Send it my way and i test it as soon as i can.


Great. Any ideas CB on the flying thing? is it possible to assign certain fx to characters for normal flying not special attacks?


Give this a try for Flying FX:

  • Go to the FX tab in FFEdit and find flying_el_diablo.
  • Copy it and rename it flying_character name. Make sure you use the exact spelling of the character name, whether you use spaces, underscores, or whatever; as long as it matches the exact character name. Make sure you have "flying_" in front. This tag is what the game uses to have the FX behave as a Flying FX only.
  • In the Nif Base section, browse for the FX folder you want to use, open it, and choose one of the nif files.
  • Leave all other settings the same. The FX will show as a Special Attack Type, but don't worry. It's not going to mess with the Powers you have assigned. It's only used for Flight.
  • Click "Save" and you should be set. You don't have to do anything to the hero file itself.

The FX you use doesn't even need to be a specific "Flight" FX. I used aff_radbolts and it worked fine. The fact that the FX uses "flying_" in the name ensures that it will trail the character while flying, remain present while hovering, and disappear when they land.

I performed these steps with my own Jean Grey and used the jeangrey_tk_flying FX and was successful.


That was a huge helping hand Hoss. I was afraid i would need to get into nifskope area and whatnot. This sounds pretty easy. Out of curiosity which Jean grey are you using?


Guys SOS. I installed AdClaw mental pack and now the game crashes. I merged the dats, i placed the nifs and the tga, everything seemed to work. Then the game pops up "Failed to load character def,". What does this mean?

Cyber Burn

If I had to take a guess, I would say that the issue is with incompatible files. I believe that you're using FFvt3R, and Adclaw's FX are for FF1, so there may have been an issue that was caused with you merging the Dat Files from his FF1 FX with your FFvt3R FX.


Well this is unfortunate. Can anyone at least confirm if i can use telekinetic fly on   :ffvstr:? At least i had back up otherwise i would be in bigggg trouble.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: Jimaras8 on April 03, 2015, 09:02:08 PM
Guys SOS. I installed AdClaw mental pack and now the game crashes. I merged the dats, i placed the nifs and the tga, everything seemed to work. Then the game pops up "Failed to load character def,". What does this mean?

I've never really used the Flying FX, so I can't help you there, but I did want to check in and see if you were able to get your game running again after the issue you had with the Mental Pack.

Glad you backed up your Files before you merged them, definitely a good move, I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten to back things up before altering them, it can be very frustrating.


CB, i know what you mean. I still needed to re install some fx and sounds but nothing compared to the disaster that would happen if i had to integrate over 60 fx in the system. Those are fx that are NOT in PFX or EZFX. Thankfully we avoided that. The game is fine now, i install individually every fx from the pack and alter their end.nif to make them work. It's slow, but it's also the only.

CB how are your fx shaping up? Have you thought of maybe doing some fire fx for Pyro? I had that thought the other day, the fire creatures that i have are basically the same model.

Cyber Burn

I do have a bunch of Fire FX that I had made for "Pyro". I think that there's maybe 8 or 9. These will be released when Alex releases his next update to EZFX. In the meantime though, I'm starting a new batch of FX, starting with the "Time_Bomb" FX. I'm also going to update the "Eye_Repel" FX, plus I have some FX for "Banshee" that I've started.

I've also got FX going for the "Mario" Characters that SickAlice made, but I may set those up separately.

If there's something specific that you want me to try, feel free to post it in my FX thread. Things will be a bit slow because of School, but I'm always willing to give things a try.

Amazo Version 2.2

i'd be happy to help you test these new fx cyber, let me know.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.


Howdy folks. Anyone has a shola inkosi mesh/skin from his Excalibur stint? Here is a reference pic.


I skinned Shola a long time ago. Give me a bit and I'm sure I can dig him up for you.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


Thanks Pod, i really appreciate it  :D


Ok folks, how about some Mandroids now. My megalist has grenadier and Area34 meshes but they are listed under the champions banner and the site is down for years. if anyone hs any Mandroid skope send it over in

Cyber Burn

If no one gets them to you by the time I get home, I'll send them your way.

Cyber Burn

Give me about 5 Minutes to find them and then I'll send them out. They'll be the original Zip Files, so they'll probably need to be converted for FFvt3R.

Cyber Burn

Sorry for the triple post  :ph34r: , but you have mail Jim. I included both of Grenadier's "Mandroid" Meshes, plus Area34's "Mandroid" Skins.

Quote from: Jimaras8 on July 28, 2015, 01:04:03 PM
My megalist has grenadier meshes listed under the champions banner and the site is down for years.

Also, for anyone looking for Grenadier Meshes, head over to the "Force of Paradox" Website:

It's a veritable goldmine of goodness!!!  :D


Thanks a ton CB. I have delayed the mandroids for a couple of days since i couldn't find a live link. All the champions stuff are in the wind. Really appreciate the package  ;)


Get my skins at:
my Google page


No worries Podmark. I kinda forgot him myself  :P


I should have noticed this earlier but every time i use multiple characters with the same skope there is a ghosting effect in the RR. I selected 4 Nova Centurions and every time they perform an action a white shade is left behind. The same with Mandroids, Hand Ninjas and Shield agents. It's really off-putting. Is itb ecause of the textures?


In FFvtTR some meshes "ghost" Tommy's fix usually works.

Tommyboy's Ghosting fix is here:
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


There was a ghosting fix on the FRP2 site that I use that almost always works.

Let me see if I can't pack all of the necessities together and post a link.


I would really appreciate it spyder. WF, i will check your solution too.


Two things guys.

1. Sometimes when i put private army less troops appear than the cp limit allows. For example in Squirrel girl i have her with pa level 3 at 15000 cp. The squirrels have 4.700 cp each. By all accounts she should have 4 squirrels. Ing-mae only 3 appear. I wnet to CC and saw that Private army has two charts with 6 slots each. Only the first slot from each chart had squirrel in it. What does that mean? That i have only selected two squirrels? In order to have 4 like the cp limit allows how many slots should i fill?

2. This is simpler. Is there any way to change the commands names when my character changes form? For example i have husk and when she transforms in her steel form i want the ing-mae command to show "steel form" not just "first form". Seems kind generic.


Hello gang and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope you had great holidays and had a blast

I have encountered an issue that i didn't know that existed all those years. My short descriptions don't appear in-game. Everything else that i'm writing in the lang file appears: power descriptions, full bios etc. However the short bio section stays blank in-game no matter what i write in the lang file. How is this possible?


Perhaps, give us an example of how your short description looks in the strings.txt file. This is the example for Minute Man that I found:

MINUTE_MAN_DESC_01, patriotic defender of the honest american!

I know that you are used to using FFEdit and manipulating game entries, but did you remember to hit the Generate Language Files button in FFEdit after you entered your short descriptions in the text file? Please, don't be offended by that question. I just know that sometimes we all get ahead of ourselves and forget a basic step. I know I've done it more than a few times.