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White Tiger

Started by ghazkul, November 14, 2013, 04:41:43 PM

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Anyone able to help me with a mesh for White Tiger from the Mighty Avengers eries thats running at the moment?

This kinda version, like the animated one, but if possible wearing the amulet around her kneck.

laughing paradox

S'funny.. I really like that new Mighty Avengers book, especially since Monica Rambeau is back in a monthly book..


Yeah glad to see Blue Marvel in it to! And Shulky in an avengers title again.

Actually Im working on a modern Monica Rambaeu skin.


I don't have the mod with me right now, but I could have sworn that the Crisis mod found on the Freedom Reborn Productions 2 website has White Tiger in it.


Can't find the mesh on there.


Quote from: ghazkul on November 14, 2013, 07:26:20 PM
Can't find the mesh on there.


I know that it was either the Crisis or Exiles mod.  Sorry; my memory is a bit hazey with this.


Tetragene did this version I believe. I wish I knew where his skins ended up.


I found this -

The zip links I think are dead but I remember being here back in the day and I amy have most of these.


Quote from: AfghanAnt on November 15, 2013, 12:10:49 AM
Tetragene did this version I believe. I wish I knew where his skins ended up.

This version of White Tiger was only created in the last couple of years. I don't remember Tetragene being active that recently.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


Man, Tetragene...  That guy's later X-Men skins were really great.
Wish I still had them.


Quote from: Podmark on November 15, 2013, 04:41:15 AM
Quote from: AfghanAnt on November 15, 2013, 12:10:49 AM
Tetragene did this version I believe. I wish I knew where his skins ended up.

This version of White Tiger was only created in the last couple of years. I don't remember Tetragene being active that recently.

You sure? I really do remember a female White Tiger skin on a Ink's Batgirl. If I recall she was on the House of M poster but not in the actual series.

Edit: Nevermind, he did do a White Tiger but she looks different.


Got bored, annoyed, and frustrated making this! OMFG it was hard to get that bluddy talisman in the right place and to move with the keyframes! 4 hours!


Hey, it looks like it was worth it :P

Awesome skope! :thumbup:


Looking good, ghazkul. Always nice to see another member of Avengers Academy.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


That's very nice ghazkul!


Thanks! God help me but I've decided to tackle SHUMA-GORATH next!

Now get back to the new X-Men! I need me some Goldenballs and (if AA allows it) a transforming modern Frost.


Quote from: ghazkul on November 16, 2013, 10:16:30 PM
Thanks! God help me but I've decided to tackle SHUMA-GORATH next!

Now get back to the new X-Men! I need me some Goldenballs and (if AA allows it) a transforming modern Frost.

Shuma Gorath!? HECK YEAH! :thumbup:


Go for it ghazkul :lol:! I can't wait to see you do a SHUMA-GORATH since nobody has done a mesh of him yet, and above all I'm hoping that it can be made to be played on :ff:, :ffvstr: or both versions of the game themselves ^_^. I don't know what he will look like if you make him in the form of a mesh, but I do hope that you can come up with some inspirational ideas to create him and allow us to use him in either version of :ff: whether it's the first version aka FF1 or :ffvstr:. I just really want to know what keyframes for example will be used for the upcoming SHUMA-GORATH mesh if there will be one or if any custom made keyframes are gonna be made for that certain specific character, and also I just want to see the progress as well on how the mesh is looking so far :). I've been having high hopes for SHUMA-GORATH to come to the :ff: universe, along with that I was about to request him but my prayers have been answered finally after a lot of wishing, hoping and praying my dear friends of :ff:. Hopefully when you get to making him along with him getting done being made and such, I hope to download him and play with him at the same time as well as create him after I get him in the form of a download. Until then :ff: fans, keep me posted on this topic about SHUMA-GORATH and I do hope that he and/or it comes our way for us to get our official download hands on for us to use in either version of :ff: depending on whichever version SHUMA-GORATH can be played on. Until next time, CUL8TR everyone ;)!



I don't know the character, but that is a really lovely skin!  I love the detail on the jewelry and stuff.  Great work, Ghaz!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

laughing paradox

I like how White Tiger came out.. nice job on it.


That's pretty decent for a 4 hours skope, ghazkul! Nice job on the talisman, too.

Sioux City Dynamo

Love it!  Awesome job.  Can not wait to try her out in the rumble room w hazmat and finese.


When will you release it? It got so cool!!!


Shuma Gorath musta got him.


Quote from: daglob on August 12, 2015, 10:30:55 PM
Shuma Gorath musta got him.

Shuma Gorath confirmed for 2016? :o