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Emma Frost (Astonishing) skope

Started by windblown, November 28, 2013, 03:30:26 PM

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Hi everyone,

Here is the skope of Emma Frost in her Astonishing costume previewed in the "What've you skoped lately" thread:

To get a pre-existing skin to work with it:
The flesh body skin should be named:
• Female_basic
• Female_basic_refl
• Female_basic_glow
Rename the diamond body skin as:
• Female_basic2
• Female_basic2_refl
• Female_basic2_glow
The diamond sparks (like in AA's Marvel Now Emma) should be named:
• ice_spark1
• ice_spark2
• ice_spark3

Suggestion: If you want to use the Shapeshifter attribute with her, so she can turn into diamond during an extended period of time, you can have a second skin folder where female_basic and female_basic2 are the diamond skin, and use that one as the temporary form in game.
