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X-Men: Re-Evolved

Started by kkhohoho, March 26, 2014, 04:27:24 AM

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Hello there. :) Some of you might remember my 'Golden Age' story from a few months back. Unfortuantly, due to trying to both introduce and properly develop over 60 heroes at once, that fell through rather quickly. But now, I'm trying something else; something I'm rather more enthusiastic about. This time... it's an X-Men fic. But rather than take place in any pre-exsisting X-Men continuity, it exists within a universe all it's own.

Part of the reason for the exsistance for this fix is that I'm not exactly satisfied with how the X-line is proceeding nowadays. Oh, sure, there's some good stuff, but it's far from perfect, with some characters not exactly being given the most honest of treatments. (Wolverine drowning his own son while supposedly being a headmaster at a school full of children&teens, anyone?) I also came to the conclusion that the X-Men is never really going to get anywhere. Like most mainstream comics, X-Men gives you the illusion of change, of progression, and while there has still been some genuine progression, there's not been as much as I'd like, likely due to both so many different writers, as well as the need to continue to sell comics and make money. It's particularly due to the latter that X-Men comics will never be able to either achieve Xavier's dream, descend into human-mutant warfare, or otherwise go to some other sort of territory, or at least in a 'main' timeline within a given continuity. And there are some other issues that I feel could be addressed as well. And so, X-Men Supreme was born. If you want more details, there's tons of it over at, but suffice to say, I'm hoping to create a story that, while willing to change some things up, still stays true to the essential elements of X-Men,  and that it also is written entirely by one writer, (me, of course,) and has an actual beginning, middle, and end. To check it out, just head over to, and check it out. Keep in mind that the first chapter is somewhat short, and serves to introduce the gist of the setting more than anything else. Hope you enjoy. :)
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Chapter is up. Should still be at the link above. :)
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'