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Mur's Cap_AoX shield fx and Dagger's Blinding light.

Started by Jimaras8, April 26, 2014, 03:32:26 PM

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So, i got Cap_AoX skin from force of paradox (much appreciated LP) and i noticed that the mesh uses some sort of blue energy shield instead of the traditional red,white and blue. Has anyone made an fx for this particular shield? It would be weird if Cap was throwing another type of shield!!

Cyber Burn

Making FX's really isn't my strong suit, but if you can E-Mail me Murs' "Cap_AoX" Skin, I would at least be willing to try.


Much appreciated CB. The skin along with the mesh are on your way

Cyber Burn

Got them. No guarantees, but I will try to come up with something.

Also, I won't be able to try it out in-game, so you'll need to be my tester to make sure it works or not.


No problem CB. Just a color change to match the skin's shield would suffice. I don't know how easy that is but take a shot and thanks again.


Could someone e-mail me Dagger's blinding light fx? My e-mail is Also a hint about it's node attachment points would be helpful  :D.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: Jimaras8 on April 28, 2014, 02:40:28 PM
No problem CB. Just a color change to match the skin's shield would suffice. I don't know how easy that is but take a shot and thanks again.

Though I can't look at the File from this Computer, I am going to assume that Murs' "Cap_AoX" is more than likely based on one of Renegade's "Captain_America" Meshes, in which case, it will be a little more involved that just a color change. But, like I said, I make no guarantees of success, but I will absolutely try.

As for Dagger's "Blinding Light" FX, do you happen to know who made it?


I'm afraid i have no idea CB, just saw the name on a USAgent's hero file.

Cyber Burn

If it's from USAgent's Hero File, that means it's probably at least a few years old, I would go through FX Force, or maybe look at Alex's EZFX (I think) Version 5.1 for  :ff:, it may be possible that it could be in one of those spots.


I just sent you the Dagger FX. AfghanAnt had created them for a 2-Pack he did of Cloak and Dagger. I couldn't find where to download the original stuff anywhere, so I sent you what I had. AA also included instructions on how to install FX, in case you have any questions about that.

Cyber, I know you have your hands full along with having a shortage of computer resources, so I wanted to let you both know that I'm working on the Shield FX and almost have them done. I'll check it out in game in a little while to make sure it looks okay.

Edit: Shield FX completed, tested, and on its way to you, Jim! Cyber, one thing you can take off your list.  :D

Cyber Burn

You are the man Hoss.  :thumbup: Would you be willing to send the FX my way as well. I may not be able to use it yet, but eventually things will be back to normal, and I would love to check it out in game.



Wow, too much to catch up. Hoss you came out of nowhere, thx for both fxs really appreciate the help you guys give.