The Flash (possible Spoilers)

Started by Midnite, May 15, 2014, 05:31:08 PM

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Quote from: thalaw2 on May 14, 2015, 11:19:49 AM
This episode kind of put a damper on my hope that
Ollie would be come the new Rash.  We learn that he's only going to live to be 86?!?!?!

From his own show we already know that not to be the case.  Also, those who froze the scene with the newspaper article from the future know that.

In ten years, he's known as Green Arrow.  Likely next season, but at least by ten years, he will be.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


So Caitlin Snow's Danielle Panabaker did an AMA(???), an online interview with fans.  She had some things to say about her future, the show and what we may expect sooner or later.  Here are the highlights:

[–]Seanrogie 406 points 1 day ago
Hi Danielle, love the show!
When you were offered the role of Caitlyn, were you told right away that your character is named after the villain Killer Frost? Are you excited about the possibilities down the road to play a villain, if only for an episode or season? Would be very different from most of your roles

[–]DaniellePanabaker[S ] 746 points 1 day ago
yes - from the beginning I knew that Caitlin Snow becomes Killer Frost. And I can't wait to suit up and duke it out with the boys!


[–]snnowfrostt 134 points 1 day ago
Killer Frost VS Flash, who would win???

[–]DaniellePanabaker[S ] 285 points 1 day ago
Let's find out!


[–]DeoGame 303 points 1 day ago
Killer Frost hype real?

[–]DaniellePanabaker[S ] 476 points 1 day ago
Watch the season finale on Tuesday!


[–]Professor_Thawne 203 points 1 day ago
Hello Danielle! Huge fan of the Flash (as evidenced by my username). You do a killer job. Just wondering, you play such a likable character and I definitely get the vibe that you and the cast are like family, what are your thoughts towards potentially sporting a colder demeanor and treading the dark side?

[–]DaniellePanabaker[S ] 205 points 1 day ago
Thanks! I'm excited about the potential for Caitlin Snow to become Killer Frost. It's fun to play so many different emotions


[–]stileshasbadjuju 47 points 1 day ago
Hey Danielle, thanks for coming on today, it's really awesome of you! I'm Anna, well done on a fantastic first season and on bringing Caitlin Snow to life, I absolutely LOVE HER so much, and your acting is wonderful (your facial expressions make my day)!
So anyway, my question is --- Is there any chance we will see Caitlin show up on Legends of Tomorrow? (I understand if you can't say)
Also, anything at all you can tease about the finale? Not necessarily spoilery, just anything at all to help me survive the waiting until next week?

[–]DaniellePanabaker[S ]  106 points 1 day ago
I really hope Caitlin will be on Legends of Tomorrow.
The finale has lots of tears and lots of emotions. And it might be the end of the world for Team Flash...


[–]scottydoeskno 38 points 1 day ago
Hey Danielle, love the Flash. What would be the best 'Flash' related pick up line you know that I can use for tinder?
And which actor would you like to see come on the show in the future?

[–]DaniellePanabaker[S ] 73 points 1 day ago
I'm excited about the potential of Jay Garrick. I'm terrible with pick up lines though


[–]Samablam 34 points 1 day ago
Danielle thank you for your portrayal of Caitlin Snow! She's one of my favorite characters to watch in the show! When will you guys start filming season 2? 😁

[–]DaniellePanabaker[S ] 66 points 1 day ago
Our first day is supposed to be July 7


[–]Cdawg00 52 points 1 day ago
Has the Killer Frost costume been completed yet? Don't leave your fans out in the cold on this one :)

[–]DaniellePanabaker[S ] 117 points 1 day ago
Yes. They have made a Killer Frost costume.


[–]Itsgiik 12 points 1 day ago
Hi, Danielle! I am your fan since Skyhigh and I love you in The Flash too! My question is: How was to record Caitlin's marriage scene?

[–]DaniellePanabaker[S ] 30 points 1 day ago
Fun. Emotional. Cold


LoT behind the scenes photo reveals Jays helmet.Grant Gustin did say something about Earth 2...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Okay, that was unexpected.


Barry went back in time but did not try to save his mother.  His future self cautioned him not to and he listened, but he did get to say goodbye.
Along the way, he stops Reverse Flash from returning to him time.  I really don't get this.  Yes, he's evil and has done bad things, but there seems no reason why not to let him go back and good riddance to him.
Instead Eddy kills himself to erase RF from history. Which destroys a perfectly good villain.
Oh and all this time traveling created a black hole that is now destroying the city.  Good job breaking it, hero.

The various easter eggs and hint were fun though.  There were a few in when he's looking at the timeline, including Killer Frost and the Legends of the Future.  Rip Hunt is mentioned as the inventor of the time machine, and  Hawkgirl also appears at the end in her civilian identity. Best yet was Jay Garrick's helmet coming through the wormhole.

All in all, it was okay.  Not great, but okay.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


I think it accomplish it's goal

Make you want to watch next season
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It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Yeah.   Unexpected.  However I  my opinion, welcomed, very emotional to see and thought provoking.


First the cool stuff.  Killer Frost, the Flash Museum Rip Hunter and the nod to Vibe. And of course Jay Garrick.  I can't help but to think of the possibilities of the other speedster appearing next season.  As well as the possibilities for season 2.   Already looking forward to it.  Definitely more than Arrow.

Now, the not so easy stuff.

First, a friend and I have been talking about the possibilities of a multiverse for a few weeks off and on and I'm glad this episode talked a lot about it.  With the theory of a multiverse, you have a few different realities that might be.  Take Eddie and Iris for isntance.  He talked about the number of random "coincidences" that lead them to meeting each other and getting to where they were.   Moreover, as much as Eddie was despondent and ultimately tried to change his future without Iris, he ultimately couldn't.   It's almost like the way things happened HAD TO happen the way it did.  There was no way for him to get stood up.  No way for him to not run into that mugger.  No way for him to not meet and fall in love with Iris.  No way he could have avoided suicide.  Then there's the idea of one being able to change the future for a different outcome.  The Flash decided not to save his mother(or perhaps was never destined to save her regardless of his actions).  Is there another reality where he does save her and Thawne goes back to the future and Eddie doesn't kill himself and he and Iris live happily ever after?  Perhaps.  But the last theory the multiverse ignores is not simple predestination but the idea even if you change the future, the past will correct itself as Wells threatened earlier in the season.  let's say the Flash saves his mother, Wells goes back to the future.  Who's to say Hunter Zoloman doesn't go back and kills her still.  Or Eddie doesn't kill himself and he and Iris can have their happily ever after, but a week later he gets shot by a random mugger.  At the end of the day Cat, I believe Barry decided to not save his mother because not only his future self told his present self not to, but to do so would undo an entire reality that he knows.  The only reality he knows.  Why trade in that one life for a reality you know nothing of at the expense where he has so much to live for now?

Now the really hard part.  For me at least.  That scene with Barry and his mother, it got really hard to watch.  For anyone that has had a sudden lost in their lives like that, you always imagine what you would say, what you would do if you had another moment with that person.  My brother was killed 15 years ago.  It was sudden, random and unpredictable.  It's a different experience than having someone in your life die of cancer or something.  Not easier.  But my brother was in the Navy and the last time I saw him was about six months before his death.  You always assume you'll see them again.  You'll always assume you'll be able to say good-bye again.  But I never got that opportunity.  And not a day since October of 2000 have I never regretted that.  So watching this really brought all that to my consciousness.  But for Barry to have that moment with his mofher, had that time to see her, hold her and to say goodbye, Cat, it almost makes it worth the pain.  What we all would give to have a final moment that was never given to us.

It was a pleasure to watch this episode.   For several reasons.


I don't know why you keep addressing me specifically.  I actually have not contradicted or disagreed on any of those points where you keep naming me.  All I said was that it was just an okay episode.  I didn't say there weren't some emotional moments, but its an episode where they spend almost then entire time talking about whether or not they are going to do something that is a forgone conclusion so we can then spend only 10 minutes actually doing that.  They are a good 10 minutes, but basically nothing happens in the rest of the episode.

I make no judgement about Barry's motivations or lack thereof, nor do I deny certain emotional moments.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


I was just responding to what you said, man.  Nothing personal.


Quote from: Shogunn2517 on May 20, 2015, 02:43:02 AM
I was just responding to what you said, man.  Nothing personal.

Actually, no you weren't.  The things you were responding to were things that I did not actually say and do not believe.  I actually agree with you.  You were making assumptions about my opinion that were not true.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


This was actually similar to hypertime,and not exactly Multiverse as we know it.If anyone remembers hypertime...
Im calling it right now
survived and will return as the new Reverse Flash.  ;)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I was thinking that too Spade.

Does anybody know if Tom Cavanagh will be coming back?  He really made the show fun to watch and it's not going to be the same without him.
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It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Eddie will be coming back. Eobard/Wells made it pretty clear a few episodes ago that Eddie was his backup plan, and the way he manipulated Eddie into taking action (Eddie HAD to do something after the whole talk of "not being important") leads me to think that was his plan from day one. Considering they also left the reason for Reverse Flash's hate unresolved (kind of a big thing to leave out if he's truly dead) I kinda feel like Eddie's ultimately the source.

Also, Jey:


I believe Reverse Flash WILL be back but it will not be the same person.

The worm hole/vortex appeared because Eddie's death has caused a time paradox because without Eobard Thawne existing then everything that happened in season one and the death of Harrison Wells have no longer occurred leaving this parallel timeline being torn apart. I'm expecting that Flash will have to journey into the time stream to help undo the damage which results into not only stabilizing the Prime time line but creating fallout of people/objects from other worlds falling into Prime as well. Like Eobard said earlier, "If you change the past to avoid a disaster then time will just create something much worse to stabilize itself." So while the Thawne bloodline had now hit a dead end with Eddie's sacrifice there is another Reverse Flash out there in time along with other speedsters in the Speed Force which will become very aware of this time storm.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Not sure if any of you saw this piece on Tuesday, but there was some news released about what we can expect next season.

Grant Gustin admits that were expected to see multiple time lines in season 2.  I know seeing Jay Garrick's helmet might have been an over handed hint to that eventuality, but having a multiverse and knowing it's there, I can onay imagine it guarantees we'll see Cavanaugh back, if not as the real Harrison Wells, but as the Reverse Flash.  I suppose there are several realities where both Thawne's are still alive. 

Here's a theory.  Perhaps Reverse Flash was a arch-nemesis of Jay Garrick's Flash and seeing his helmet come from the wormhole told him that a Eobard Thawne from another reality was going to be spit out along with a Flash from another reality.  Which is why he said "that's my queue to leave", so he won't cause some sort of time rift by meeting a alternate of himself.   


I'm sad to see this season end.  It was a fantastic first season and the Flash has already become my favorite show.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


It was a great season with a really great final epi.  I expect that next season will see a lot of changes. 
I think Cisco's ability to see into time lines will play a major role in bringing things together in season 2.  The real Wells will be back and it will be interesting to see how different he will be from Thawne.  Will his wife be back too?   Will have kids?  By killing off the Thawnes the whole time continuum from season 1 is gonna be different.  The particle accelerator is supposed to go off in 2020 not 2015.  A new Reverse Flash is needed just to hold the guts of the show together.
It's gonna be a completely new show


Here's a thought:

With everything that is happening with the Flash, how will that affect Ollie and Team Arrow?
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


You know I've been thinking about that.  More specifically about how Arrow might introduce Conner Hawke into Team Arrow.  I know he was technically written as Oliver Queen's son, but with Arrow's Oliver Queen being late 20s, it's hard to imagine someone in his late 20s having a son old enough to be an equal.  However with the New 52, and what we know of Flash, Season 2, there could be other possibilities.

From what I understand, Earth-Two has Conner Hawke as well as Jay Garrick.  Perhaps both come over from Earth-Two to "Earth-Arrow" and stick around. Honestly, with the introduction of Multiple Earths, as cliche as it sounds, the possibilities become rather endless.  With as many Earths, they can remake any reality they choose and bring back characters from other times/realities.  Whether it be Harrison Wells, Shado, Eddie Thawne, Ras Al Ghul, etc.


Some castings are being made.Notably a new love interest,Jay and/or Hawkman.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Also, Professor Zoom introduced as new big bad.  Jay Garrick confirmed as a new character and will be mentoring Barry.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


I thought Reverse Flash and Professor Zoom were the same dude, what's up with that?
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


The Zoom shown in a brief preview appeared to be have an all-black costume, so this may be something original.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Quote from: BWPS on July 26, 2015, 04:29:03 PM
I thought Reverse Flash and Professor Zoom were the same dude, what's up with that?

They are one in the same just as Jay Garrick, Barry Allen and Wally West are all "the Flash".



I think BWPS meant how Eobard Thawn is called Reverse Flash AND Proffesor Zoom at various points.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Professor Zoom in this case might also refer to Hunter Zolomon, the second Reverse Flash. Given the fact that we're also supposed to have Wally West at some point, it's not that far-fetched.


I was kinda guessing Eddy will return as the new Reverse Flash.That he will be this universes version of Daniel West or something.Just a theory,anyway...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I kinda doubt it? There's no official statement about it, but Grant Gustin (Flash) said in an interview that Rick Cosnett(Eddy) had to leave the show for the time being for personal reasons, but that they've left the door open for him to come back later on. It's somewhat disappointing (I feel like Eddy was originally gonna be Thawne's fallback plan) but life happens, I guess.


The actor has signed on to star on another show, so is unlikely to return.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.