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Dean's stuff.

Started by dean2000, June 06, 2014, 02:54:01 PM

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These are just some animal themed skins ive done.
The elephant from invincible, the ferret on beardeds mesh and a character i found online called the bug.

Also does anybody know a good hair choice for Akuma?

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Grenadier's Male Muscular Tall Wildhair might do as a start; the bootcuffs are hexable. Other than that...


This is where im at so far on the street fighter stuff, all are still wips.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Those are all really great! You can host a Street Fighter tournament now. That Bug looks excellent.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


 :thumbup: Fantastic stuff, man!


wow, those are really cool. A great addition to FF!


WOW. Those SF works are really, really nice. I know there's keyframes out there that really work for a couple of Ken/Ryu's moves. Really fun to think about!



That is why i did the ferret  :D

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Dudes these are fantastic. Huge fan of Balrog and Elephant skoping. :D


Thanks  :thumbup:
Captain Citrus

Is he a real character or a marketing gimmick? either way he's here in all his glory :D

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


This is a character i dont think iv'e ever seen skinned?
Blue devil.

Still some tinkering and looking for better parts but so far so good :D
Plus i need to reskin the extras (trident is still AA's )

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.

Cyber Burn

You read my mind, I've had Blue Devil in the works for quite a while. I have a couple of versions since I can't make up my mind on what works best. If you don't mind waiting a few days, I'd be glad to send you what I have if you want to take a look at it.


"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Blue Devil, nice... He was always on my list of characters I really ought to get around to trying.
It's looking great so far.

I'm digging the lot. That Elephant is nuts.


That's a great Blue Devil!
Get my skins at:
my Google page


Blue Devil is really well done.


This is my latest offering :D
The Galaxy trio.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Cyber Burn

Classic! I love those old school characters.  :D


I do too :D
This is one im going back and forth on, its kicking my arse though as theres things i want to do to it but cant manage with my meager skoping skills.

I'd like the beak to be semi transparent, once i have this skope nailed i can then finish the others. I've done basic skins  for them and basic skopes but this is the basis for the others.
Plus id like to find a better belt buckle for them.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Not familiar with the character but it looks really great!

Making the beak transparent can be done pretty easily, you just need to Alpha enable it. In nifskope just click on the beak, find the NiTriShape node for the beak. Open it. If it already has a NiAlphaProperty, then you're probably done. If it doesn't, right click on the NiTriShape, go to Block in the context menu, select Insert, choose NiA then NiAlphaProperty. You should now see a NiAlphaProperty inside the NiTriShape. Right click on it, then Flags. I recommend using these settings:
Check Enable Blending
Source Blend Mode: Src Alpha
Destination Blend Mode: Inv Src Alpha
Check Enable Testing
Alpha Test Function: Greater
Alpha Test Threshold: 200
Check No Sorter

There's some details here:

Then you just need to add an alpha channel to your skin and do it in gray for the beak. Depending how transparent you want adjust the shade of gray.
If you need more help let us know.
Get my skins at:
my Google page

Cyber Burn

This is awesome Deanjo, I've always hoped to see the whole team get made. If you need help adding the "NiAlphaProperty" to the Beak, feel free to let me know, I'd be glad to help.

Pod, here's the reference to the Group that I'm familiar with:


Ohh man, I have missed all kinds of awesome stuff here, Dean!  I can't get over those Street Fighter characters.  You've done a really wonderful job on them.  Great work on both the skins and skopes!  They look perfect.

I'm also really excited to see Blue Devil!  I've got him in my DCUG mod, but what you're working on looks really great.  I absolutely love the face work.  I can't wait to see how he ends up!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


This is what iv'e been working on lately.

Iv'e given the moleman skope a big nose which i think looks good plus its based on a robin mesh so has good staff attacks plus is quite small, the moloid is still using the standard extras and the mole monster isnt my work, i dont know who's it is but its an old skin and looks good with these skins.
This is a red ghost that is almost finished.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


These look fantastic, Dean! :thumbup:

Are these going to be integrated in Benton's mod or are they going to be their own thing?

Also, are you going to do the Super Apes?

Cyber Burn

How did you get that nose to work so well on Mole Man? Fantastic!

laughing paradox

This is excellent work, Deanjo! I really like the Street Fighter characters.


Ohh man, those are great, Deanjo!  I do believe I might need that Mole Man!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


C'mon Benton, we need all that stuff.