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Started by JeyNyce, July 11, 2014, 09:57:23 PM

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I use because they do international shipping and got lots of recommendations.

Never had any problems with them, heard their customer support is really good too (had no need to use it myself). It takes 8 work days for my order to ship (to Serbia), so it should be faster for you guys.


Yeah, BBTS is kind of the go to for getting stuff in, particularly when it comes to newer figures or pre-orders (I go through them for all my DCC figs right now). Amazon and ebay are decent for getting older stuff secondhand (always check both, because ebay is not always the cheapest place to go.)

One I definitely do NOT reccommend is Toywiz. I have had all kinds of issues with them in the past, including not getting pre-orders in, not being informed of changes to my order, and half a dozem other customer service snafus that caused me to refuse to use them entirely.


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The sculpts look dead on, that's for sure. I'd recognize it's based on Jae Lee even without looking at the video title. Articulation seems poor but on the other hand those look like prototypes so they might add more before release.

Not planning on getting any of those either way.



Capullo Freeze looks great but those TAS figures look incredible. The amount of accessories and how good the sculpts look is beyond awesome. The fact that you get 2 capes with Batman is amazing. My only problem with these is that there is no way I can afford to start a new collection, and I love both TAS and TNBA designs (they are doing 2 figures per character one for each show).


I wanted to go to NYCC so bad this year, but I couldn't.  Next year, I'm going!
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Heh, bat, if you think you've got it bad, think about how I feel now. I spent over a year trying to get the holes filled in with my Mattel/Kenner TAS Batman figures, only for them to put out this brand new super line and make them all obsolete. Frustrates me to no end.


Quote from: Tomato on October 11, 2014, 12:22:15 AM
Heh, bat, if you think you've got it bad, think about how I feel now. I spent over a year trying to get the holes filled in with my Mattel/Kenner TAS Batman figures, only for them to put out this brand new super line and make them all obsolete. Frustrates me to no end.

Ouch. Ya I get that totally.

This just got revealed

Looks pretty dope. The handguns are pretty massive though.


I'm on the fence about this one... On the one hand, it's one I've been waiting for since Red Hood was announced(Even made number 8 on my "most wanted Arkham figures"), but on the other, I don't know if I want to get this red hood, or the Arkham Origins Joker Red Hood. I'll probably end up going with this one, as it's more "definitive" but we'll see.

As for the DCC animated line... I will likely end up getting one or two of them, but it'll be in an effort to get shrinks of them to use alongside the kenner/mattel figures *looks up at his awful Man-Bat figure*


Some of the stuff that was known to be in production but wasn't seen until now. Love, love that Harley, was gonna get the suicide squad version but the moment I heard this was coming out I gave up on that.
Also, that Joker looks great (he is based on his appearance in new 52 Detective comics#1). Seems a lot like Arkham Origins meets Killing Joke. Unless they announce Capullo Joker (hopefully with non Leatherface head), def getting this one.


Yeah, that Joker is pretty cool looking. I'd have wanted a bit more purple, but it's great for what it is.

So reviews for the DCC BTAS figures are starting to come out and... I've gotta admit, my will is weakening. I'm already planning on getting Man-Bat (I can get away with him being a bit out of scale) so it's entirely possible that'll break me. Thankfully, even if I did decide to make the switch over to DCC's line, I wouldn't be getting all of them... I'm fairly picky on which versions I'd want to get (and there's no indication we're even going to get the JLU versions of Batman and Joker, since those would instantly break me) so I might end up just dipping my toe in during the early waves.


Ya they really went all out on those. Sculpts and the amount of accessories makes them really tempting. It's an investment for sure to fully get into the line even if you only go for one style. I think its a really great fan service that they're doing both versions, although some character designs changed so little that I can hardly see them doing both (2 face, Harley, Clayface etc...).

Tempted to get TAS Batman and Robin, maybe TAS Joker and Harley, will wait and see.


Well, I just started an entire thread on who I'm thinking about getting, so... lol. I did finally cave and pre-ordered Two Face (even if I don't get the others, Two Face is my favorite villain, so more of him doesn't hurt me any) just to see what he looks like in hand and on the shelf.

And really, I think that's what's been breaking me with the reviews... The reason for my initial hesitancy was that they were supposedly in 6" scale (IE: as big as DCUC figures) but now that we're finally seeing the figures lined up next to other lines, the figures are actually a bit smaller than I thought they'd be... for example, BTAS Catwoman is actually slightly smaller than Movie Masters Catwoman. They're still not in scale with the Kenner/Mattel line (JLU Batman comes up to TNBA Batman's shoulder) but they might be small enough that they can still sit comfortably between the 6.5" DCUC line and the 4" DC Multiverse/Movie line.


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Only getting Freeze from this wave. Don't have one on the display and this will do just fine. He's also highly articulated, always a plus. Catwoman If she had better sculpt and/or articulation, maybe. As it is I'm sticking to Jim Lee Catwoman from a while back.
Thrasher suit looks great and has appeared several times in the comics but same as zero year batman I don't need another batman at the moment. Would make a cool display piece for Batcave that's for sure. I can see people army building those Red Hoods along with the standard Red hood 1
pre Joker
head. Just something I'm not interested in, but it looks good.


Yeah, this one felt a bit weak to me when we first started getting solicitations... You could argue Catwoman was intended as their big draw, but compared to both the Jim Lee and H&V figures (the latter of which looks better, but has waaaay too much cleavage to be taken seriously) it's rather weak. Freeze is the only really cool figure of the bunch (Thrasher Batman might as well be "variant Batman #12,486" and Red Hood is necessity for the Year Zero fans, but a boring figure)


BTAS series 4

They look amazing. Bit of a story time. When i was a kid in the nineties (was 5 when TAS started airing), I always wanted a standard TAS Bats no neon colors, silly action features or anything of the sort. Stores here were packed with TAS stuff, could always find standard version of villains but never could find normal Batman and/or Robin. That Batman looks amazing and def plan on getting him. The real trick will be stopping at Batman and Robin since this entire line looks fantastic.


See, this is why I said I'd wait to see what the TAS Batman looked like before I decided to switch. While I might customize it to use the non-batsignal logo (I have DCUC as my Batsignal batman) that version looks so much nicer than his TNBA counterpart.

As for the others... Batgirl and Riddler are easy to justify (I already noted my preferences for the style used) but Penguin... I dunno. I'm warming to it, but I've always preferred the more classy, underhanded villain to the more monstrous, Danny Devito type version.


Wow. Those TAS figures look great, especially Batgirl. Really like these animated figures DC has been doing.
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Didn't know where else to put it but Amazon have the 66 Batmoblie for $24

It's the plastic one and not the high end die cast metal one, but for $24 instead of $60, it's pretty good
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That Hulkbuster figure just the amount of work these guys put into their figures is amazing. That being said, never could afford a full display based on their stuff.


The Hot toys figures are always gorgeous, but waaaaaaay beyond my budget. Ever so often I consider getting just one, but then it's like... how many figures can I get for that same amount.


In other "things that are cool, but I can't afford them" news

Fantastic looking set all in all. Night vison camera is cool, but I think its a bit of an overkill, prolly would have been more affordable without it.   


While it is awesome as ever, it cost way too much to be used as a RC toy.  I would be scared to play with it.
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First deluxe figure for the animated line revealed

Eh, dunno. She's a really odd choice for a deluxe figure, since she's pretty obscure and as a deluxe costs more than the average figure. The figure does look great, just not a fan of the character I guess.

Also in celebration of DCC's facebook page just hitting 250k likes they are gonna be revealing new products the entire next week. Looking forward to seeing what they got.


Well, to be fair, having Roxy Rocket without a rocket would be counter intuitive. That's like having Two Face without a coin flipping hand.

... Wait...


Ya I actually wrote that they didn't have much of a choice with the rocket thing but apparently edited it out by mistake. It was either make her with rocket or not at all I guess. Also it just shows again how committed they are to this line, to include an obscure character like this early on.


I would agree, but I think that's their greatest selling point with this line. The Batman toy line, particularly during the TNBA era, pretty much got hosed in terms of figures... DC was making the transition from Kenner over to Hasbro at the time, so there's this weird period where you had a few early Kenner figures which were ok at best, and then a few Hasbro figures that came later on. Heck, big names like Harley Quinn, Bane, Killer Croc, Clayface, and Poison Ivy didn't even get figures while TNBA was still airing (Hasbro eventually made Bane and Harley for the JLU line, but the rest are sadly missing). There are whole communities of collectors and customizers trying to fill in those gaps, and THOSE are the people they're targeting with this line. Those customizers could not care less about the same old characters rehashed over and over (and are much more critical of those figures as a result) but are excited as heck for characters like Baby Doll, and now Roxy Rocket.


So Roxy will end up costing ~$40... a bit pricy, but I was hearing speculation going 50+, and compared to other deluxe figures (like Arkham City Clayface and his $90 price tag) it's not horrible.

Also, the DCC facebook page added its first item and... it's a GCPD Badge based on TV's Gotham. Y'know, the show where all the cops except for Gordon are corrupt and working for the mob? Yeah, I'd love to associate myself with corrupt scumbags DCC, thanks!

(Yeah I know, but I was super bummed not to see a figure of some kind. I sometimes forget that DCC makes a good chunk of its money on replicas and statues)