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gm emulator and world building

Started by bearded, February 02, 2015, 09:57:57 PM

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I asked the emulator the questions from basic and got this: (Read from the bottom up)

Q: Q: Are the lands mostly explored and civilized?  EXCEPTIONAL NO
Ironic Friendliness, Wodin
Q: Are they standard demihumans? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: Are there non-human inhabitants? YES
E: Positive for Wyff: the Harm of Possessions
Q: Do different races/species have different sources for their magic? YES
Q: Is magic an exhaustible resource?  EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Where does magic power come from? A Complete Lack of Immensity
Q: Are the races similiar to Earth races? YES
Q: Are there different human races? YES
Q: Is it an "alternate Earth"? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: How do magical beasts fit in? An Insufficient Amount of Starkness
Q: How does magic fit in? A Surprising Amount of Sexuality, Creator
Q: Are the laws of nature and physics actually different in this world? EXCEPTIONAL NO

Scene #1 (Positive Alteration):
and it was Good.
And my interpretations:
The World is peaceful and normal scientific principles.
Druidic Magic, semihumanity (Greek style anthromorphs)
Humanity is earthlike races but different continents
Magicusers are common with minor spells
Each race has different mage type
Wyff removes curse of itemic magic
demihumanity control Wyldlands (demihumans might be humanoids that are altered by environment, snow elves, mountain halflings, etc)
Small feudal townstates of humanity

I am going to ask the next series of questions soon.