Advice for a fake Freedom Force "Gritty" reboot.

Started by superspy6, April 22, 2015, 08:54:53 PM

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So I've been brainstorming for a while on what a Freedom Force film would look like. After seeing the trailer for Fantastic Four I thought "Wow another gritty reboot of a comic book series" and then it hit me, What would it look like if Freedom Force was a gritty reboot.

So I'm working on this fake film trailer and I need any fans advice on how to ground the heroes and plots and pretty much use any and all reboot cliché's. This isn't a serious piece more like a parody of recent film trailers.

I await your ideas.


Yeah I had some ideas on grounding the costumes, I was hoping for more story ideas. So far it's going to be set in modern day (like all remakes) The source of energy x will not be aliens but a military weapon of some sort. Minuteman won't be a member of the Manhattan Project, instead a paraplegic soldier. I don't know weather to make Mentor human or an AI like Jervis from avengers, and I'm making Nuclear Winter the antagonist of the trailer. As for the rest of the team I'm using El Diablo, The Ant and Alchemiss.
I just wanted to look as depression and off tone as possible, Fant4stick was a good inspiration.

Amazo Version 2.2

sounds interesting, but i was actually thinking of a different cliché. liberty lad snaps and starts taking out the freedom forcers 1 by 1. then you have the final showdown between liberty lad and minuteman, protégé verses mentor.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.


I'm sorry. I've started to answer twice and ended up in a rant.

Sometimes I miss the Silver Age...


Oh please do rant :) More than likely everything you list as wrong in super hero moves I'll add to this fake trailer xD

Cyber Burn

Just out of curiosity, what format will this fake trailer be in? Live Action, Animated, CG, Etc.?


It's just going to be a little animated thing, garrys mod and stuff like that.