Sentinels of the Multiverse game 7, Back for Vengeance!

Started by catwhowalksbyhimself, April 28, 2015, 11:38:07 PM

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Good idea, Outcast. I'll use that strategy now to get rid of Inpromptu Heist to save two of our own cards.

Edit: my bad - just noticed Inpromptu Heist should have got destroyed last turn. Since that's the case, I'll instead play prototype servo gauntlet, but use energy lance to deal Ermine another 3 damage.


Quote from: Reepicheep on June 13, 2015, 08:35:16 PM
Good idea, Outcast. I'll use that strategy now to get rid of Inpromptu Heist to save two of our own cards.

Edit: my bad - just noticed Inpromptu Heist should have got destroyed last turn. Since that's the case, I'll instead play prototype servo gauntlet, but use energy lance to deal Ermine another 3 damage.

You can't do that.  You already used your one power use for BattleField Experience.  It gives you a card draw and play, but not another power.

Also, Improptu Heist was destroyed, but Baron Played caused her to play a second one, which is currently in play.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Ah, you're right. I mistook Battlefield Experience for a one-shot (actually, I mistook it for amplified combatant, and it all when downhill from there.)

In that case, I'll play the gauntlet card and finish there.


Well my idea would need you to discard 1 card in favor of using Augmented Ally's effect to use another power this turn. :P

On which ongoing we could destroy, maybe Fright Train's Engine of Destruction or Proletariat's Everyman's Strength or Baron Blade's Genetically fused physique?

The first two ongoings seem to be more a threat to me though.

Not sure how Everyman's Strength works right now.. Cat? How much does it increase Proletariat's damage right now?

Or if you really like to get rid of one of their ongoings this turn, you could retcon playing Battle Field Experience and play For The Greater Good instead. It will save you from discarding a card, but that will sacrifice a 4hp hit against Ermine.

Note: I also saw Ermine's Impromptu Heist still there earlier, so it was also among the ongoings i had in mind to be destroyed. But looks like it was destroyed apparently. Lucky for us, it works only once.


Quote from: Outcast on June 13, 2015, 11:31:17 PM
Note: I also saw Ermine's Impromptu Heist still there earlier, so it was also among the ongoings i had in mind to be destroyed. But looks like it was destroyed apparently. Lucky for us, it works only once.

The first copy was destroyed.  The copy that got played on Baron Blade's turn is still there, since it won't trigger until Ermine's turn.

As for everyman's Strenght, it's simple, it adds 7- the number Proletariate's in play to the damage by the Proletariate with the highest hp, which is the main proletariate.  There are currently 2 in play, the main one, and a single clone, so that means the main Proletariate will do 5 bonus damage.  At the end of his turn, he normally does 2 damage, so he'll do 7 instead.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on June 13, 2015, 11:45:07 PM
Quote from: Outcast on June 13, 2015, 11:31:17 PM
Note: I also saw Ermine's Impromptu Heist still there earlier, so it was also among the ongoings i had in mind to be destroyed. But looks like it was destroyed apparently. Lucky for us, it works only once.

The first copy was destroyed.  The copy that got played on Baron Blade's turn is still there, since it won't trigger until Ermine's turn.

As for everyman's Strenght, it's simple, it adds 7- the number Proletariate's in play to the damage by the Proletariate with the highest hp, which is the main proletariate.  There are currently 2 in play, the main one, and a single clone, so that means the main Proletariate will do 5 bonus damage.  At the end of his turn, he normally does 2 damage, so he'll do 7 instead.

Ouch! That's one severe beat down. And it looks like KNYFE will be the first to get a taste of that unless it gets destroyed before that happens.

Another Impromptu Heist? Ugh, so many obstacles in our way. :doh:


Augmented Ally only plays at the start of the turn, so I wouldn't have been able to use the power from servo-gauntlet from it anyway. I also had no way of knowing that I was going to draw servo-gauntlet, so it's a bit unfair to retcon now...

If retcon weren't considered a cheat (Cat?), I'd switch tactics to have played For the Greater Good instead and used the extra power from there to play the gauntlet and get rid of Proletariat's Everyman's Strength (now that I know it's about to wreck me!) and then use Energy Lance on Ermine for good measure.

But fair's fair, and I think I'd have to stick with my original plan.


Quote from: Reepicheep on June 14, 2015, 12:15:55 AM
Augmented Ally only plays at the start of the turn, so I wouldn't have been able to use the power from servo-gauntlet from it anyway.

That i forgot about. But using For the Greater Good you will have to sacrifice 3hp as well, so you add the 2 melee damage from Proletariat you get minus 5hp. Just a 2hp difference. Still it is "For the Greater Good" of everybody if Everyman's Strength is gone. :P

My constructs can only distract the ones potentially dealing damage to weaker heroes. I cannot protect the higher HP heroes. We need a tank. Only Guise and Nightmist seems to have healing. With Nightmist's mist form, she can probably tank very well but that's an ongoing card. We would probably need to have other ongoing cards to sacrifice to keep it going.


Quote from: Reepicheep on June 14, 2015, 12:15:55 AM
If retcon weren't considered a cheat (Cat?), I'd switch tactics to have played For the Greater Good instead and used the extra power from there to play the gauntlet and get rid of Proletariat's Everyman's Strength (now that I know it's about to wreck me!) and then use Energy Lance on Ermine for good measure..

I'm willing to allow it, but only if the Servo Gauntlet is shuffled back into the deck first so you don't know what card you'll actually draw.  This probably defeats the purpose of it anyway, however.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Let's go with how I'd have originally played the round, ending with putting the servo gauntlet into play - doesn't seem right to me to go back on my move on the basis that I know what my card draw is.

Could you just clarify whether or not I have Overcharged Null Shield in play or not? Struggling to keep track and I feel like it may have got destroyed.

Uncle Yuan

Quote from: Spade on June 13, 2015, 06:28:10 PM
My turn?
Fleet of Foot>Another FoF>Lightspeed Barrage targeting Proletariat.
Use my power.
Draw a card.

We should probably decide what the next designated target is.  My suggestion is Ermine - she doesn't do a lot of damage but she will steal you blind.  Cards from your hand, cards from your tableau, cards from your deck.  Once she gets rolling she can really shut us all down in a BIG way.  But . . . as I said the key is to be coordinated.  If we want to go after someone else I'm fine with it as long as we're organized.

As for tanking, Nightmist can be an excellent tank.  I've got one of the important cards for this in play already - I just need to keep it there . . .
"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."


Ermine destroyed the Null Shield, since it was the only equipment card in play.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on June 14, 2015, 12:07:20 PM
Ermine destroyed the Null Shield, since it was the only equipment card in play.

I thought so - it was still listed on my powers, but not in my active cards.

Deaths Jester

I agree with Yuan on going after Ermine next even in my turn isn't going to cause her too much damage (would like to stripe Prot of that damage dealing b/c that hurts A LOT) turn will look like this:

I'll play Gimmicky Hero to heal up some, followed by Retcon to get rid of Everyman's Strength (if it's still in play, otherwise I'll hit Ermine's Impromptu Heist). I'll then whack Ermine with my power, draw 3 cards, and end my turn.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Your draw then is
Primed Punch: Ongoing--At the start of your turn, KNYFE may deal 1 target 4 melee damage. If she deals damage this way, destroy this card. Power: KNYFE deals 1 target 1 melee damage and 1 energy damage.

This makes it Proletariate's turn.

Start: Proletariate damages himself for 1 hp.

Play: Doc Tusser: 9 hp,Nemesis(Chrono-Ranger)--At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the second lowest HP 1 projectile damage. Then, if Chrono-Ranger is active in this game, this card regains 3 HP.

End: Proletariate hits KNYFE for 7 damage

Hermetic makes every Hero target hit itself for 1 damage.

The Clone hits Captain Cosmic for 2 damage.

Doc Tusser hits KNYFE for 1 damage.

It is now Tachyon's turn.  Since I am nice, I will give you the draws for both Fleet of Foots, then pause in case you wish to play one of the cards you just drew instead.

KNYFE draws


For the Greater Good: One-Shot--KNYFE deals herself 3 psychic damage. If she takes damage this way, you may draw 1 card, play 1 card, and use 1 power now.
Kinetic Neutralizer: Ongoing, Limited--Increase damage dealt by KNYFE to the villain target with the highest HP by 1.



Lightning Reflexes:One-Shot--You may play up to 2 cards now.
HUD Goggles: Equipment, Limited--You may play an additional card during your play phase.



Total Beefcake:Ongoing, Limited--Who would want to hurt such a beauty? The first time Guise would be dealt damage each turn, redirect that damage to the non-hero target with the lowest HP. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Lemme See That ...   : Ongoing, Limited--Play this card by an equipment card. That card affects Guise as if the hero name on that card were Guise and "You" on that card means Guise's player. At the start of your turn, play air guitar and destroy this card.

Captain Cosmic


Dynamic Siphon: 4 hp,    Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card. Whenever this card is dealt damage, that hero may use a power.
Cosmic Weapon: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card. That hero gains the following power:Power: This hero deals 1 target 3 energy damage.



Amulet of the Elder Gods: Spell Power 3, Equipment, Relic, Limited--The first time Nightmist would be dealt Damage each turn, you may discard 2 cards. If you do, you may redirect that Damage to a Target of your choice.
Call Forth: Spell Power 1, One-Shot, Spell:Discard a card. Reveal cards from the top of your deck until the discarded card's [Spell] Relics are revealed. Put the Relics into your hand. Shuffle the other revealed cards back into your deck.

Tachyon, do you wish to change your next card play or proceed with the original plan?
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


I will point out that one of the cards Guise just drew would make it possible for him to destroy 2 ongoings on his turn.


Use Lemme See that to use the Prototype Servo Guantlet, then destroy Major Flay with it.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Deaths Jester

Alright, I'll do as Cat says and play Lemme See That in place of one of my draws to grab the Guantlet and junk Major Flay. Means I only get to draw two but it does strip away stuff.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Deaths Jester on June 15, 2015, 02:50:24 AM
Alright, I'll do as Cat says and play Lemme See That in place of one of my draws to grab the Guantlet and junk Major Flay. Means I only get to draw two but it does strip away stuff.

"Hey! I wanted to be the first to use it!"


So that's 6 damage to Proletariate prime.

More card draws for everyone!


Flawless Execution: Ongoing, Limited--Whenever damage dealt by KNYFE reduces a target to 1 HP, destroy that target.


Nimble Strike: One-Shot, Burst--"Tachyon deals 1 Target 1 Melee Damage. You may draw a card.
Accelerated Assault: One-Shot,Burst--Tachyon deals each non-Hero Target 1 Melee Damage.


Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy!: Ongoing, Limited--When this card enters play, give another player a high-five. If you do, treat this card as if it had the game text of every ongoing card in that player's play area, replacing their hero's name with Guise. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.

Captain Cosmic

Energy Bracers: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card.Reduce damage dealt to that hero character card by 1.


Starshield Necklace: Spell Power 1, Equipment ,Relic, Limited--At the end of your turn, you may discard a card. If you do, Nightmist regains that card's [Spell] HP.

This makes it Friction's turn. She destroys Guise the Barbarian, which was going to destroy itself anyway.

I will pause for Guise because I thing you don't realize that using the Guantlet would mean you'd be using its power, not your own.  So that would mean only 1 card being drawn this round.  I actually did not think about that either.

So do you prefer the card draw, or the Ongoing destruction?
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Deaths Jester

Edit: Will hold off on Let Me See That then and go with card draw. I need good ones to set up for latter.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


The following cards are discarded.

Baron Blade
Obsessive Planning: Ongoing--At the start of Baron Blade's turn, destroy 2 Hero Ongoing and/or Equipment cards.If 2 cards are destroyed this way, also destroy this card.

Kinetic Neutralizer: Ongoing, Limited--Increase damage dealt by KNYFE to the villain target with the highest HP by 1.

Proletariat: 6 hp, Clone--At the start of Proletariat's turn, the Proletariat character card deals itself 1 psychic damage.At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 melee damage.

Fleet of Foot:One-Shot,Burst--Each player may draw a card. You may play a card.


Where Did I Leave That ...: One-shot--Draw 2 cards. Did you get what you were looking for? If so, good .If not, you may discard the 2 cards you just drew to put a card from your trash in your hand.

Fright Train

Off the Rails: One-Shot--Fright Train deals the Hero target with the highest HP 3 projectile damage. Destroy 1 Hero target with 2 or fewer HP.

Captain Cosmic
Vitality Conduit: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a target. After each time this card is dealt damage, the target next to this card regains 2 hp.


Subtle Diversion: Ongoing--The first time Ermine would be dealt damage each turn, redirect that damage to the Hero target with the highest HP.

Astral Premonition: Spell Power 2, Ongoing--Power: Discard 1 card. If you do, reveal the top 2 cards of a deck. Put 1 on the top of that deck and 1 on the bottom of that deck.

Mobile Defense Platform
Battalion Gunner: 3   hp, Minion--At the end of the Environment turn, this card deals each Hero target 1 energy damage.

That's 3 targets, so you heal by 3.

You draw

Lemme See That ...   : Ongoing, Limited--Play this card by an equipment card. That card affects Guise as if the hero name on that card were Guise and "You" on that card means Guise's player. At the start of your turn, play air guitar and destroy this card.
Selling Out: Ongoing, Limited--Gotta have all the best swag. At the end of the environment turn, you may discard 1 card. You may play up to 3 cards that share a keyword with the discarded card. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Say Cheese!: One-shot--Guise deals 1 target 1 cold damage. Then, if that target is still in play and has 5 or fewer HP, you may play 1 card.

And that makes it Fright Train's turn.

Start: Nothing

Play: Plow Through: One-Shot--Fright Train deals the two non-villain targets with the lowest HP 2 melee damage each.

Two lowest would be Augmented Ally, which is destroyed, and the Shield Generator.

End: Fright Train hits Guise for 4.

The Crackjaw Crew hits Captain Cosmic and either Tachyon or Nightmist for 1.  Major Flay will hit the other of those 2 for 2.

Who wants the 1 and who wants the two?
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Uncle Yuan

"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."


That makes it Captain Cosmic's turn.

Villain Ongoing Effects
Reduce damage dealt to Baron Blade by 1.(Genetically Fused Physique)
The First time Baron Blade would be dealt damage each turn, reduce the damage to 0 and Baron Blade regains 2 HP.(Negation Bands)
Whenever Proletariat would be dealt non-Psychic damage, redirect it to the Clone with the lowest HP.(Proletariat)
Increase damage dealt by Fright Train by 1.(Engine of Destruction)
Increase the first damage dealt to Fright Train each turn by 1.(Engine of Destruction)

Hero Ongoing Effects

Environment Ongoing Effects
Reduce damage dealt to Environment targets by 1.(Shield Generator)


Front Side
At the end of Baron Blade's villain turn, Baron Blade deals the hero target with the lowest HP and himself 2 melee damage.

At the start of Baron Blade's villain turn, each Hero target deals itself 1 toxic damage.
HP: 32/32 Highest Villain Target
Deck: 13
Trash: 5
In Play: 2
-Genetically Fused Physique--Ongoing
-Negation Bands--Device, HP: 4/4

Negation Bands: 4 hp, Device--The first time Baron Blade would be dealt damage each turn, reduce that damage to 0 and Baron Blade regains 2 HP.
Genetically Fused Physique: Ongoing--Reduce damage dealt to Baron Blade by 1. At the end of Baron Blade's turn, Baron Blade regains 2 HP.

HP: 8/28
Available Powers:
Energy Lance: KNYFE deals 1 target 2 Energy damage.
Prototype Servo-Gauntlet: KNYFE deals 1 target 2 melee damage. If that target is destroyed, you may destroy an Ongoing card.

Deck: 26
Hand: 6

Flawless Execution: Ongoing, Limited--Whenever damage dealt by KNYFE reduces a target to 1 HP, destroy that target.
For the Greater Good: One-Shot--KNYFE deals herself 3 psychic damage. If she takes damage this way, you may draw 1 card, play 1 card, and use 1 power now.
Kinetic Neutralizer: Ongoing, Limited--Increase damage dealt by KNYFE to the villain target with the highest HP by 1.
Primed Punch: Ongoing--At the start of your turn, KNYFE may deal 1 target 4 melee damage. If she deals damage this way, destroy this card. Power: KNYFE deals 1 target 1 melee damage and 1 energy damage.
Amplified Combatant: One-Shot--KNYFE deals up to 3 targets 1 melee damage and 1 energy damage each.
For the Greater Good: One-Shot--KNYFE deals herself 3 psychic damage. If she takes damage this way, you may draw 1 card, play 1 card, and use 1 power now.
Trash: 7
In Play: 1
-Prototype Servo-Gauntlet--Equipment, Limited


Prototype Servo-Gauntlet: Equipment, Limited--Increase melee damage dealt by KNYFE by 1. Power: KNYFE deals 1 target 2 melee damage. If that target is destroyed, you may destroy an Ongoing card.


Front Side
Whenever this card would be dealt non-psychic damage, redirect that damage to the clone card with the lowest HP.At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 melee damage.

At the start of Proletariat's turn, shuffle the hero trash with the most cards into its associated deck.

HP: 9/20
Deck: 14
Trash: 4
In Play: 3
-Hermetic--Nemesis, HP: 6/6
-Proletariate--Clone, HP: 6/6
-Doc Tusser--Nemesis, HP: 9/9

Hermetic: 6 hp, Nemesis(Scholar)--At the end of Proletariat's turn, each Hero target deals itself 1 infernal damage. Then, if the Scholar is active in this game, each Hero character card deals itself 1 toxic damage.
Proletariat: 6 hp, Clone--At the start of Proletariat's turn, the Proletariat character card deals itself 1 psychic damage.At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 melee damage.
Doc Tusser: 9 hp,Nemesis(Chrono-Ranger)--At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the second lowest HP 1 projectile damage. Then, if Chrono-Ranger is active in this game, this card regains 3 HP.

HP: 11/28

Available Powers
Team Leader: Each Player draws 1 card.

Deck: 27
Hand: 5

Nimble Strike: One-Shot, Burst--"Tachyon deals 1 Target 1 Melee Damage. You may draw a card.
Accelerated Assault: One-Shot,Burst--Tachyon deals each non-Hero Target 1 Melee Damage.
Lightning Reflexes:One-Shot--You may play up to 2 cards now.
HUD Goggles: Equipment, Limited--You may play an additional card during your play phase.
Pushing the Limits: Ongoing, Limited--You may play an additional card during your play phase and draw an additional card during your draw phase. At the start of your turn, Tachyon may deal herself 2 Sonic Damage. If she takes no Damage this way, this card is destroyed.
Trash: 8(7 Burst)
In Play: 0


Front Side
At the end of Friction's turn, Friction deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 melee damage.

At the start of Friction's turn, destroy 1 Hero Ongoing or Equipment card.

Incap Ability: At the start of Friction's turn, destroy 1 Hero Ongoing or Equipment card.

HP: 11/27

Available Powers
Tough Choices: Draw a card or play a card. How to choose?! Also, Guise deals 1 target 1 melee damage. But Who?!

Deck: 27
Hand: 7

Lemme See That ...   : Ongoing, Limited--Play this card by an equipment card. That card affects Guise as if the hero name on that card were Guise and "You" on that card means Guise's player. At the start of your turn, play air guitar and destroy this card.
Selling Out: Ongoing, Limited--Gotta have all the best swag. At the end of the environment turn, you may discard 1 card. You may play up to 3 cards that share a keyword with the discarded card. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Say Cheese!: One-shot--Guise deals 1 target 1 cold damage. Then, if that target is still in play and has 5 or fewer HP, you may play 1 card.
Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy!: Ongoing, Limited--When this card enters play, give another player a high-five. If you do, treat this card as if it had the game text of every ongoing card in that player's play area, replacing their hero's name with Guise. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Total Beefcake:Ongoing, Limited--Who would want to hurt such a beauty? The first time Guise would be dealt damage each turn, redirect that damage to the non-hero target with the lowest HP. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Lemme See That ...   : Ongoing, Limited--Play this card by an equipment card. That card affects Guise as if the hero name on that card were Guise and "You" on that card means Guise's player. At the start of your turn, play air guitar and destroy this card.
Gimmicky Character: One-Shot--Discard the top card of every deck. Guise regains HP equal to the number of target cards discarded. You may play a card. What's wrong with shark-jumping, anyway?
Trash: 7
In Play: 0


Front Side
At the end of Fright Train's turn, Fright Train deals the Hero target with the highest HP 3 melee damage

At the start of Fright Train's villain turn, the hero target with the highest HP deals themselves 2 toxic damage.

HP: 26/35
Deck: 15
Trash: 2
In Play: 3
-Engine of Destruction--Ongoing
-The Crackjaw Crew--Nemesis(The Sentinels), HP: 7/11
-Major Flay--Nemesis(The Sentinels), HP: 3/7

Major Flay: 7 hp, Nemesis(Visionary)--At the end of Fright Train's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 lightning damage. If the Visionary is active in this tame, Villain Ongoing cards are indestructible.
Engine of Destruction: Ongoing--Increase damage dealt by Fright Train by 1.Increase the first damage dealt to Fright Train each turn by 1.
The Crackjaw Crew: 11 hp, Nemesis(The Sentinels)--At the end of Fright Traini's turn, this card deals the 2 Hero targets with the highest HP 1 energy damage each.Increase damage dealt by this card by 1 for each active member of the Sentinels.

HP: 12/27 Highest Hero Target

Available Powers
Fabrication: Reveal the top card of your deck. Put it into play or into your hand.

Deck: 28
Hand: 6

Energy Bracers: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card.Reduce damage dealt to that hero character card by 1.
Dynamic Siphon: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card. Whenever this card is dealt damage, that hero may use a power.
Cosmic Weapon: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card. That hero gains the following power:Power: This hero deals 1 target 3 energy damage.
Augmented Ally: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card.At the start of that hero's turn, their player may discard a card. If they do, they may use a power immediately.
Unflagging Animation: Ongoing, Limited--At the end of your turn, Captain Cosmic deals himself 1 irreducible psychic damage. At the start of your turn, you may move 1 construct card from your trash into play. Then, you may destroy this card.Construct Cataclysm: One-Shot--Destroy all construct cards.Captain Cosmic either deals 1 target X irreducible energy damage, or deals up to X targets 3 energy damage each, where X = the number of construct cards destroyed this way.
Cosmic Crest: 4 hp, Construct, Limited--Captain Cosmic and all construct cards are immune to energy damage.Power: Up to 3 contructs cards regain 2 hp each.
Trash: 6
In Play: 0



Front Side
At the end of Ermine's turn, reveal the top card of Ermine's villain deck. If it is a one-shot, put it into play. If not, discard it and Ermine deals the Hero target with the second-lowest HP 2 melee damage.

At the start of Ermine's turn, discard the top 2 cards of each Hero deck.

HP: 16/25
Deck: 16
Trash: 3
In Play: 1
-Impromptu Heist--Ongoing


Impromptu Heist: Ongoing--At the end of Ermine's villain turn, destroy 1 Hero Ongoing card and 1 Equipment card. If at least 1 card is destroyed this way, destroy this card.

HP: 10/27

Available Powers
Investigate: Nightmist deals herself 2 Infernal Damage. Draw 2 cards.

Deck: 24
Hand: 9

Starshield Necklace: Spell Power 1, Equipment ,Relic, Limited--At the end of your turn, you may discard a card. If you do, Nightmist regains that card's [Spell] HP.
Amulet of the Elder Gods: Spell Power 3, Equipment, Relic, Limited--The first time Nightmist would be dealt Damage each turn, you may discard 2 cards. If you do, you may redirect that Damage to a Target of your choice.
Call Forth: Spell Power 1, One-Shot, Spell:Discard a card. Reveal cards from the top of your deck until the discarded card's [Spell] Relics are revealed. Put the Relics into your hand. Shuffle the other revealed cards back into your deck.
Enlightenment: Spell Power 2, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. One player may draw that card's [Spell] cards. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Enlightenment: Spell Power 1, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. One player may draw that card's [Spell] cards. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Mistbound: Spell Power 1, One-Shot, Spell--Discard 2 cards. If you do, you may select a deck. Cards from that deck cannot be played until the start of your next turn.
Planar Banishment: Spell Power 3, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. You may destroy up to that card's [Spell] Ongoing and/or Environment cards. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Planar Banishment: Spell Power 1, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. You may destroy up to that card's [Spell] Ongoing and/or Environment cards. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Scouring Mists: Spell Power 4, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's Spell Power Infernal Damage. Nightmist deals up to that card's Spell Power Targets 2 Infernal Damage each. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Elder Ring: Spell Power 2, Equipment, Relic, Limited--Increase the Damage dealt by Nightmist by 1. Power: Draw a card. Destroy this card.
Oblivion: Spell Power 4, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck.Nightmist deals each Target one of the revealed card's Spell Power Infernal Damage, then deals each non-Hero Target the other revealed card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. Put the revealed cards into your trash.
Trash: 6
In Play: 1
-Master of Magic--Ongoing, Limited

Master of Magic: Spell Power 2, Ongoing, Limited--Whenever you play a Spell card, Nightmist regains that card's [Spell] HP.

Deck: 12
Trash: 1
In Play: 2
-Shield Generator--Structure, HP: 4/6
-Battalion Brute--Structure, HP: 4/4

Shield Generator: 6 hp, Structure--Reduce damage dealt to Environment targets by 1.
Play: Battalion Brute: 4 hp, Minion--At the end of the Environment turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 melee and 1 lightning damage.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


So...just want to make sure if Guise's play has been confirmed or finalized yet.

If so, did he went on to destroy Major Flay and Everyman's Strength? Or did he destroy 2 ongoings or did he wanted to draw more cards?

I'm thinking of playing Dynamic Siphon on myself so i can at least have more chances to make more constructs. They always break before some of us can even make use of them. I'm hoping i get to draw/play Vitality Conduit (just missed one!) to heal the others.

I'll then use my power to draw a card and see if it's a construct i can play.

After that, draw a card to end my turn.


Quote from: Outcast on June 17, 2015, 05:11:04 PM
So...just want to make sure if Guise's play has been confirmed or finalized yet.
Guise went with his original plan and destroyed Everyman's strength and drew 3 cards.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Ok. I'll just go ahead with my original play. Not much i can really do.

Deaths Jester

Sorry about that Outcast, I had wanted to go with the other way but it meant giving up on drawing all but one card.  I kind of need those extra cards to pull off some of the abilities of my other cards.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


What you could have done is take out Ermine's card now and let KNYFE take out Proletariate's on her turn.  Teamwork.

The top card is

Potent Disruption:One-Shot--Destroy 1 construct card. Captain Cosmic deals 1 target energy damage equal to the hp of the destroyed construct card plus 1.

put in play or in hand?
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on June 18, 2015, 10:49:21 PM
What you could have done is take out Ermine's card now and let KNYFE take out Proletariate's on her turn.  Teamwork.

The top card is

Potent Disruption:One-Shot--Destroy 1 construct card. Captain Cosmic deals 1 target energy damage equal to the hp of the destroyed construct card plus 1.

put in play or in hand?

Oh. Sorry. Didn't see how KNYFE could take out Proletariat. (Wouldn't the clone absorb the damage?) Although i did see how i can take out Ermine's Impromptu Heist. If i'm correct, by playing Unflagging Animation, i could volunteer that, when Ermine's turn comes up to destroy an ongoing.

Just thought that with our group's relative low health, that i need to redirect some of the attacks to more constructs.

Darn that i didn't draw a construct card.

But if you guys think we won't need the construct and need to take out Proletariat or one of his clones, i could use Potent Disruption to destroy Dynamic Siphon to deal 5hp damage to weaken one of them. NightMist or KNYFE could probably finish the job.

Otherwise, i'll keep Potent Disruption in my hand.