Sentinels of the Multiverse game 7, Back for Vengeance!

Started by catwhowalksbyhimself, April 28, 2015, 11:38:07 PM

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Quote from: Spade on May 24, 2015, 04:56:27 PM
I didnt play FoF because Impulsion Beam is still active.

Nope, it was blown up on Nightmist's turn.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Last update still lists it IIRC.But its not important now,Im gonna play it next time.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on May 24, 2015, 05:18:11 PM
Last update still lists it IIRC.But its not important now,Im gonna play it next time.

It just checked the last update and it actually doesn't.  The one before that probably did.  It was a pretty recent action.

But next time you can chain two copies of it if you like.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Impulsion beam still shows on the ongoing effects, Cat.

I'll take the 2 damage, since Guise so kindly sacrificed a big hit instead of me recently.


Quote from: Reepicheep on May 24, 2015, 06:42:01 PM
Impulsion beam still shows on the ongoing effects, Cat.

I'll take the damage, since Guise so kindly sacrificed a big hit instead of me recently.
Yikes, I was looking under Blade's cards.  I'll fix it for next time.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


I think we're waiting for either Tachyon or Captain Cosmic to take the other 1 point of damage.


''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Then I'll give Tachyon Highbrow's hit and KNYFE Friction's, thus avoiding the nemesis bonus.

Guise, you're up.

Villain Ongoing Effects
Each player cannot play more than 1 Hero card per turn.(Impulsion Beam)
Each Hero cannot use more than 1 Power per turn.(Impulsion Beam)
Reduce damage dealt to Baron Blade by 1.(Genetically Fused Physique)
Whenever Baron Blade deals damage to a Hero character card, that hero's player must discard 1 card(Displacing Teleporter)
Whenever Proletariat would be dealt non-Psychic damage, redirect it to the Clone with the lowest HP.(Proletariat)
Friction is immune to Lightning damage(Shock Dampeners)
The first time a hero card enters play each turn, Highbrow deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 energy damage.(Highbrow)
Increase damage dealt by Fright Train by 1.(Engine of Destruction)
Increase the first damage dealt to Fright Train each turn by 1.(Engine of Destruction)

Hero Ongoing Effects

Environment Ongoing Effects
Reduce damage dealt to Environment targets by 1.(Shield Generator)


Front Side
At the end of Baron Blade's villain turn, Baron Blade deals the hero target with the lowest HP and himself 2 melee damage.

At the start of Baron Blade's villain turn, each Hero target deals itself 1 toxic damage.
HP: 32/32 Highest Villain Target
Deck: 16
Trash: 3
In Play: 1
-Genetically Fused Physique--Ongoing
-Negation Bands--Device, HP: 4/4

Negation Bands: 4 hp, Device--The first time Baron Blade would be dealt damage each turn, reduce that damage to 0 and Baron Blade regains 2 HP.
Genetically Fused Physique: Ongoing--Reduce damage dealt to Baron Blade by 1. At the end of Baron Blade's turn, Baron Blade regains 2 HP.

HP: 19/28
Available Powers:
Energy Lance: KNYFE deals 1 target 2 Energy damage.
Overcharged Null-Shield: Draw 2 cards. Destroy Overcharged Null-Shield.

Deck: 32
Hand: 4

Focusing Conduit-Blade: Equipment, Limited--Increase energy damage dealt by KNYFE by 1. Power: KNYFE deals 1 target 3 energy damage. Destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, you may play an equipment card.
Amplified Combatant: One-Shot--KNYFE deals up to 3 targets 1 melee damage and 1 energy damage each.
Battlefield Experience: Ongoing--Power: KNYFE deals 1 target 2 melee damage and 2 energy damage, then destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, you may draw 1 card and play 1 card.Focusing Conduit-Blade: Equipment, Limited--Increase energy damage dealt by KNYFE by 1. Power: KNYFE deals 1 target 3 energy damage. Destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, you may play an equipment card.
For the Greater Good: One-Shot--KNYFE deals herself 3 psychic damage. If she takes damage this way, you may draw 1 card, play 1 card, and use 1 power now.
Trash: 2
In Play: 1
-Overcharged Null-Shield--Equipment, Limited


Overcharged Null-Shield: Equipment, Limited--Reduce damage dealt to KNYFE by the villain target with the highest HP by 1. Power: Draw 2 cards. Destroy this card.


Front Side
Whenever this card would be dealt non-psychic damage, redirect that damage to the clone card with the lowest HP.At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 melee damage.

At the start of Proletariat's turn, shuffle the hero trash with the most cards into its associated deck.

HP: 15/20
Deck: 15
Trash: 3
In Play: 2
-Everyman's Strength--Ongoing

Everyman's Strength: Ongoing--Increase melee damage dealt by the Proletariat with the highest HP by X, where X = 7 minus the number of Proletariats in play.
Hermetic: 6 hp, Nemesis(Scholar)--At the end of Proletariat's turn, each Hero target deals itself 1 infernal damage. Then, if the Scholar is active in this game, each Hero character card deals itself 1 toxic damage.
Proletariat: 6 hp, Clone--At the start of Proletariat's turn, the Proletariat character card deals itself 1 psychic damage.At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 melee damage.

HP: 19/28

Available Powers
Team Leader: Each Player draws 1 card.

Deck: 32
Hand: 5

Fleet of Foot:One-Shot,Burst--Each player may draw a card. You may play a card.
Lightspeed Barrage:One-Shot--Tachyon deals 1 Target X Melee Damage, where X = the number of Burst cards in your trash.
Pushing the Limits: Ongoing, Limited--You may play an additional card during your play phase and draw an additional card during your draw phase. At the start of your turn, Tachyon may deal herself 2 Sonic Damage. If she takes no Damage this way, this card is destroyed.
Fleet of Foot:One-Shot,Burst--Each player may draw a card. You may play a card.
Quick Insight:One-Shot, Burst--Draw 3 cards, discard 2 cards.
Trash: 2(2 Burst)
In Play: 1
-Synaptic Interruption--Ongoing, Burst

Synaptic Interruption: Ongoing, Burst--If Tachyon would be dealt 3 or more Damage from a single source, you may redirect that Damage to a Target of your choice and destroy this card.


Front Side
At the end of Friction's turn, Friction deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 melee damage.

At the start of Friction's turn, destroy 1 Hero Ongoing or Equipment card.

HP: 13/26
Deck: 15
Trash: 4(4 Surge)
In Play: 1
-Speedy Sidestep--Ongoing, Surge
-Highbrow--Nemesis(Parse), HP: 1/6

Speedy Sidestep: Ongoing, Surge--If Friction would be dealt 5 or more damage from a single source, prevent that damage and destroy this card.
Highbrow: 6 hp, Nemesis(Parse)--The first time a hero card enters play each turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 energy damage.If Parse is active in this game, increase damage dealt by this card by 1.

HP: 13/27

Available Powers
Tough Choices: Draw a card or play a card. How to choose?! Also, Guise deals 1 target 1 melee damage. But Who?!

Deck: 34
Hand: 6

Gimmicky Character: One-Shot--Discard the top card of every deck. Guise regains HP equal to the number of target cards discarded. You may play a card. What's wrong with shark-jumping, anyway?
Lemme See That ...   : Ongoing, Limited--Play this card by an equipment card. That card affects Guise as if the hero name on that card were Guise and "You" on that card means Guise's player. At the start of your turn, play air guitar and destroy this card.
Guise The Barbarian: Ongoing, Limited--I am mighty and fearsome, like the fabled alpaca! Increase damage dealt by Guise by 2. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Super Ultra Kawaii!!   : Ongoing, Limited--I'm not just a hero, I'm a magical love prince! At the end of each Hero turn, if you have more than H cards in your hand, you may play a card.At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Retcon: One-shot--Destroy 1 ongoing or environment card. Awesome! I'm a great hero. You may draw a card or play a card.
Blatant Reference: Ongoing, Limited--Look how cool I am! Just like that actor, whatshisname. At the end of each hero turn, you may discard 1 card. If you do, Guise deals 1 target 1 projectile damage. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Trash: 1
In Play: 0


Front Side
At the end of Fright Train's turn, Fright Train deals the Hero target with the highest HP 3 melee damage

At the start of Fright Train's villain turn, the hero target with the highest HP deals themselves 2 toxic damage.

HP: 25/35
Deck: 16
Trash: 1
In Play: 3
-Engine of Destruction--Ongoing
-The Crackjaw Crew--Nemesis(The Sentinels), HP: 6/11
-Major Flay--Nemesis(The Sentinels), HP: 2/7

Major Flay: 7 hp, Nemesis(Visionary)--At the end of Fright Train's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 lightning damage. If the Visionary is active in this tame, Villain Ongoing cards are indestructible.
Engine of Destruction: Ongoing--Increase damage dealt by Fright Train by 1.Increase the first damage dealt to Fright Train each turn by 1.
The Crackjaw Crew: 11 hp, Nemesis(The Sentinels)--At the end of Fright Traini's turn, this card deals the 2 Hero targets with the highest HP 1 energy damage each.Increase damage dealt by this card by 1 for each active member of the Sentinels.

HP: 20/27 Highest Hero Target

Available Powers
Fabrication: Reveal the top card of your deck. Put it into play or into your hand.

Deck: 33
Hand: 5

Sustained Influence: Ongoing--Whenever a construct card is destroyed, you may destroy this card to put that construct back into play.
Construct Cataclysm: One-Shot--Destroy all construct cards.Captain Cosmic either deals 1 target X irreducible energy damage, or deals up to X targets 3 energy damage each, where X = the number of construct cards destroyed this way.
Augmented Ally: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card.At the start of that hero's turn, their player may discard a card. If they do, they may use a power immediately.
Cosmic Crest: 4 hp, Construct, Limited--Captain Cosmic and all construct cards are immune to energy damage.Power: Up to 3 contructs cards regain 2 hp each.
Wounding Buffer: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card.The first time that hero character card is dealt damage by a target each turn, this card deals the source of that damage 2 energy damage.
Trash: 2
In Play: 0



Front Side
At the end of Ermine's turn, reveal the top card of Ermine's villain deck. If it is a one-shot, put it into play. If not, discard it and Ermine deals the Hero target with the second-lowest HP 2 melee damage.

At the start of Ermine's turn, discard the top 2 cards of each Hero deck.

HP: 20/25
Deck: 18
Trash: 2
In Play: 0

HP: 15/27

Available Powers
Investigate: Nightmist deals herself 2 Infernal Damage. Draw 2 cards.

Deck: 32
Hand: 6

Master of Magic: Spell Power 2, Ongoing, Limited--Whenever you play a Spell card, Nightmist regains that card's [Spell] HP.
Planar Banishment: Spell Power 3, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. You may destroy up to that card's [Spell] Ongoing and/or Environment cards. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Planar Banishment: Spell Power 1, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. You may destroy up to that card's [Spell] Ongoing and/or Environment cards. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Scouring Mists: Spell Power 2, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's Spell Power Infernal Damage. Nightmist deals up to that card's Spell Power Targets 2 Infernal Damage each. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Scouring Mists: Spell Power 4, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's Spell Power Infernal Damage. Nightmist deals up to that card's Spell Power Targets 2 Infernal Damage each. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Elder Ring: Spell Power 2, Equipment, Relic, Limited--Increase the Damage dealt by Nightmist by 1. Power: Draw a card. Destroy this card.
Oblivion: Spell Power 4, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck.Nightmist deals each Target one of the revealed card's Spell Power Infernal Damage, then deals each non-Hero Target the other revealed card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. Put the revealed cards into your trash.
Trash: 1
In Play: 0

Deck: 15
Trash: 0
In Play: 1
-Shield Generator--Structure, HP: 6/6

Shield Generator: 6 hp, Structure--Reduce damage dealt to Environment targets by 1.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Quote from: Reepicheep on May 29, 2015, 01:11:42 PM
I think we're waiting for either Tachyon or Captain Cosmic to take the other 1 point of damage.

Sorry guys, i didn't realize this as well. I thought Knyfe had already volunteered to take the last damage. Misunderstood the last post i guess. I would have gladly taken the damage had i known.


Quote from: Outcast on May 29, 2015, 10:13:07 PM
Quote from: Reepicheep on May 29, 2015, 01:11:42 PM
I think we're waiting for either Tachyon or Captain Cosmic to take the other 1 point of damage.

Sorry guys, i didn't realize this as well. I thought Knyfe had already volunteered to take the last damage. Misunderstood the last post i guess. I would have gladly taken the damage had i known.

Doesn't matter, Fright train and his minions will be happy to correct that by punching you in the face.  Probably repeatedly.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Uncle Yuan

I thought Minions were cute and amusingly clumsy and ineffective.
"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."

Uncle Yuan

"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."


Quote from: Uncle Yuan on June 03, 2015, 09:27:50 PM
Are we waiting for something specific?

We are waiting for Guise to hopefully do something awesome.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Deaths Jester

Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Quote from: Deaths Jester on June 04, 2015, 01:10:38 AM
I thought it was Knyfe's turn?

KNYFE's turn was posted way ahead of time and was processed immediately.  Then Tachyon took her turn, now it is your turn.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Deaths Jester

Okay, then let's do this. I'll play Guise the Barbarian, use my power on Friction followed by Blatant Reference (will discard Lemme See That and Super Ultra Kawaii for hits on Friction), dram my card and end my turn.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.

Uncle Yuan

Quote from: Deaths Jester on June 04, 2015, 04:24:04 AM
Okay, then let's do this. I'll play Guise the Barbarian, use my power on Friction followed by Blatant Reference (will discard Lemme See That and Super Ultra Kawaii for hits on Friction), dram my card and end my turn.

I don't follow why you are discarding Lemme See That and Super Ultra Kwaii.
"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."

Deaths Jester

I've got to discard a card for every time I use Blatant Reference to attack after a hero's turn. I'm just letting Cat know which I'll trash ahead of time.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.

laughing paradox

Hey Guys - I don't mean to interrupt your game at all, but I wanted to let you know that the digital version of Sentinels of the Multiverse will be introducing multiplayer in its next update. (Whenever that will be) (the pertinent information starts around 5:20)


6 points of damage on Friction and you draw


Super Ultra Kawaii!!   : Ongoing, Limited--I'm not just a hero, I'm a magical love prince! At the end of each Hero turn, if you have more than H cards in your hand, you may play a card.At the start of your turn, destroy this card.

Do you want to throw that on the pile for doing damage?

That makes it Fright Train's turn

Start: Nothing

Play: Improbable Grapple: One-Shot--Fright Train deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 melee damage.That target's player discards their hand unless each player discards 1 card now.

Cosmic will then take 3 damage.  Does Cosmic discard his hand, or does everyone agree to discard one card (including Cosmic)?
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Uncle Yuan

"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."

Deaths Jester

I'm willing to discard Kawii so Capt keeps his hand. If we don't go that route then I'll discard it for damage.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Still waiting on KNYFE to decide to discard to save cosmic.  Those who have not already should say what card they wish to discard to save time. Also, to save time, KNYFE and Tachyon are both going to be hit, one for 2 damage and one for 4, so decide who gets which.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on June 07, 2015, 04:28:58 PM
Can I take 4 damage and redirect it?

Yes, yes you can.  Who would you like to re-direct it to.

Also, note that if you do so, then either you or KNYFE would have to take the next 2 damage, since you would still be tied for highest.

Another note is that if you hit Friction, Guise will then take her out at the end of the next hero's turn.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Ok,I redirect the dmg at Friction,then take 2 dmg.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Uncle Yuan

"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."