Sentinels of the Multiverse game 7, Back for Vengeance!

Started by catwhowalksbyhimself, April 28, 2015, 11:38:07 PM

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Lastly, Stolen Gear plays Highbrow: 6 hp, Nemesis(Parse)--The first time a hero card enters play each turn, this card deals the Hero target wih the highest HP 1 energy damage.If Parse is active in this game, increase damage dealt by this card by 1.

Now its Guise's turn

Villain Ongoing Effects
Each player cannot play more than 1 Hero card per turn.(Impulsion Beam)
Each Hero cannot use more than 1 Power per turn.(Impulsion Beam)
Reduce damage dealt to Baron Blade by 1.(Genetically Fused Physique)
Whenever Baron Blade deals damage to a Hero character card, that hero's player must discard 1 card(Displacing Teleporter)
Whenever Proletariat would be dealt non-Psychic damage, redirect it to the Clone with the lowest HP.(Proletariat)
Friction is immune to Lightning damage(Shock Dampeners)
The first time a hero card enters play each turn, Highbrow deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 energy damage.(Highbrow)
Increase damage dealt by Fright Train by 1.(Engine of Destruction)
Increase the first damage dealt to Fright Train each turn by 1.(Engine of Destruction)

Hero Ongoing Effects

Environment Ongoing Effects


Front Side
At the end of Baron Blade's villain turn, Baron Blade deals the hero target with the lowest HP and himself 2 melee damage.

At the start of Baron Blade's villain turn, each Hero target deals itself 1 toxic damage.
HP: 31/32
Deck: 16
Trash: 1
In Play: 3
-Implusion Beam--Device, HP: 4/8
-Genetically Fused Physique--Ongoing
-Displacing Teleporter--Device, HP: 4/6

Genetically Fused Physique: Ongoing--Reduce damage dealt to Baron Blade by 1. At the end of Baron Blade's turn, Baron Blade regains 2 HP.
Impulsion Beam: 8 HP, Device--Each player cannot play more than 1 Hero card per turn. Each Hero cannot use more than 1 power per turn.
Displacing Teleporter: 6 hp, Device--Whenever Baron Blade deals damage to a Hero character card, that hero's player must discard 1 card

HP: 26/28
Available Powers:
Energy Lance: KNYFE deals 1 target 2 Energy damage.

Deck: 34
Hand: 4

Wrecking Uppercut: One-Shot--KNYFE deals 1 target 3 melee damage. Discard the top card of the villain deck.
Focusing Conduit-Blade: Equipment, Limited--Increase energy damage dealt by KNYFE by 1. Power: KNYFE deals 1 target 3 energy damage. Destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, you may play an equipment card.
Overdo It: Ongoing, Limited--At the start of your turn, you may play a card. At the end of your turn, KNYFE may deal herself 2 psychic damage. If she does not take damage this way, destroy this card.
For the Greater Good: One-Shot--KNYFE deals herself 3 psychic damage. If she takes damage this way, you may draw 1 card, play 1 card, and use 1 power now.
Trash: 1
In Play: 1
-Overcharged Null-Shield--Equipment, Limited


Overcharged Null-Shield: Equipment, Limited--Reduce damage dealt to KNYFE by the villain target with the highest HP by 1. Power: Draw 2 cards. Destroy this card.


Front Side
Whenever this card would be dealt non-psychic damage, redirect that damage to the clone card with the lowest HP.At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 melee damage.

At the start of Proletariat's turn, shuffle the hero trash with the most cards into its associated deck.

HP: 18/20
Deck: 16
Trash: 0
In Play: 4
-Proletariate--Clone, HP: 2/6 Lowest Villain Target
-Proletariate--Clone, HP: 4/6
-Vyktor--Nemesis(Tempest), HP: 2/4 Lowest Villain Target
Hermetic--Nemesis(Scholar), HP: 6/6

Hermetic: 6 hp, Nemesis(Scholar)--At the end of Proletariat's turn, each Hero target deals itself 1 infernal damage. Then, if the Scholar is active in this game, each Hero character card deals itself 1 toxic damage.
Vyktor: 4 hp, Nemesis(Tempest)--At the end of Proletariat's turn, destroy all Hero targets with 2 or fewer HP. If Tempest is active in this game, increase damage dealt to Hero targets by 1.
Proletariat: 6 hp, Clone--At the start of Proletariat's turn, the Proletariat character card deals itself 1 psychic damage.At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 melee damage.

HP: 26/28

Available Powers
Team Leader: Each Player draws 1 card.

Deck: 34
Hand: 5

Pushing the Limits: Ongoing, Limited--You may play an additional card during your play phase and draw an additional card during your draw phase. At the start of your turn, Tachyon may deal herself 2 Sonic Damage. If she takes no Damage this way, this card is destroyed.
Supersonic Response:One-Shot, Burst--Tachyon deals 1 Target 2 Melee Damage. If that Target dealt Tachyon Damage since your last turn, she deals that Target 2 Sonic Damage.
Fleet of Foot:One-Shot,Burst--Each player may draw a card. You may play a card.
Sucker Punch: One-Shot, Burst--Destroy 1 Target with 2 or fewer HP.
Quick Insight:One-Shot, Burst--Draw 3 cards, discard 2 cards.
Trash: 0
In Play: 1
-Synaptic Interruption--Ongoing, Burst

Synaptic Interruption: Ongoing, Burst--If Tachyon would be dealt 3 or more Damage from a single source, you may redirect that Damage to a Target of your choice and destroy this card.


Front Side
At the end of Friction's turn, Friction deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 melee damage.

At the start of Friction's turn, destroy 1 Hero Ongoing or Equipment card.

HP: 26/26
Deck: 15
Trash: 2
In Play: 3
-Stolen Gear--Device, HP: 5/7
-Shock Dampeners--Device, HP: 7/9
-Highbrow--Nemesis(Parse), HP: 6/6

Highbrow: 6 hp, Nemesis(Parse)--The first time a hero card enters play each turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 energy damage.If Parse is active in this game, increase damage dealt by this card by 1.
Stolen Gear: 7 hp, Device--At the end of Friction's turn, play the top card of Friction's deck.
Shock Dampeners: 9 hp, Device--Friction is immune to lightning damage.

HP: 24/27 Lowest Hero Target

Available Powers
Tough Choices: Draw a card or play a card. How to choose?! Also, Guise deals 1 target 1 melee damage. But Who?!

Deck: 35
Truash: 0
Hand: 4

Super Ultra Kawaii!!   : Ongoing, Limited--I'm not just a hero, I'm a magical love prince! At the end of each Hero turn, if you have more than H cards in your hand, you may play a card.At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Retcon: One-shot--Destroy 1 ongoing or environment card. Awesome! I'm a great hero. You may draw a card or play a card.
Blatant Reference: Ongoing, Limited--Look how cool I am! Just like that actor, whatshisname. At the end of each hero turn, you may discard 1 card. If you do, Guise deals 1 target 1 projectile damage. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy!: Ongoing, Limited--When this card enters play, give another player a high-five. If you do, treat this card as if it had the game text of every ongoing card in that player's play area, replacing their hero's name with Guise. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
In Play: 0


Front Side
At the end of Fright Train's turn, Fright Train deals the Hero target with the highest HP 3 melee damage

At the start of Fright Train's villain turn, the hero target with the highest HP deals themselves 2 toxic damage.

HP: 32/35 Highest Villain Target
Deck: 17
Trash: 1
In Play: 2
-Engine of Destruction--Ongoing
-The Crackjaw Crew--Nemesis(The Sentinels), HP: 11/11

Engine of Destruction: Ongoing--Increase damage dealt by Fright Train by 1.Increase the first damage dealt to Fright Train each turn by 1.
The Crackjaw Crew: 11 hp, Nemesis(The Sentinels)--At the end of Fright Traini's turn, this card deals the 2 Hero targets with the highest HP 1 energy damage each.Increase damage dealt by this card by 1 for each active member of the Sentinels.

HP: 27/27 Highest Hero Target

Available Powers
Fabrication: Reveal the top card of your deck. Put it into play or into your hand.

Deck: 35
Hand: 5

Autonomous Blade: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero target.The first time that target deals damage each turn, this card deals 1 target 2 energy damage.
Augmented Ally: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card.At the start of that hero's turn, their player may discard a card. If they do, they may use a power immediately.
Conservation of Energy: One-Shot--Destroy any number of construct cards.You may either draw X cards or play X cards, where X = the number of construct cards destroyed this way plus 1.
Cosmic Crest: 4 hp, Construct, Limited--Captain Cosmic and all construct cards are immune to energy damage.Power: Up to 3 contructs cards regain 2 hp each.
Wounding Buffer: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card.The first time that hero character card is dealt damage by a target each turn, this card deals the source of that damage 2 energy damage.
Trash: 0
In Play: 0


Front Side
At the end of Ermine's turn, reveal the top card of Ermine's villain deck. If it is a one-shot, put it into play. If not, discard it and Ermine deals the Hero target with the second-lowest HP 2 melee damage.

At the start of Ermine's turn, discard the top 2 cards of each Hero deck.

HP: 23/25
Deck: 19
Trash: 0
In Play: 1
-Constant Prattle--Ongoing

Constant Prattle: Ongoing--At the end of Ermine's turn, discard the top card of each deck.

HP: 25/27

Available Powers
Investigate: Nightmist deals herself 2 Infernal Damage. Draw 2 cards.

Deck: 35
Hand: 5

Scouring Mists: Spell Power 4, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's Spell Power Infernal Damage. Nightmist deals up to that card's Spell Power Targets 2 Infernal Damage each. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Elder Ring: Spell Power 1, Equipment, Relic, Limited--Increase the Damage dealt by Nightmist by 1. Power: Draw a card. Destroy this card.
Elder Ring: Spell Power 2, Equipment, Relic, Limited--Increase the Damage dealt by Nightmist by 1. Power: Draw a card. Destroy this card.
Oblivion: Spell Power 3, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck.Nightmist deals each Target one of the revealed card's Spell Power Infernal Damage, then deals each non-Hero Target the other revealed card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. Put the revealed cards into your trash.
Oblivion: Spell Power 4, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck.Nightmist deals each Target one of the revealed card's Spell Power Infernal Damage, then deals each non-Hero Target the other revealed card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. Put the revealed cards into your trash.
Trash: 0
In Play: 0

Deck: 15
Trash: 0
In Play: 0

I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Deaths Jester

I'll play Retcon to get rid of the Impulsion Beam, followed by using my power on Ermine.  I'll draw three and end my turn.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Quote from: Deaths Jester on May 11, 2015, 07:36:40 PM
I'll play Retcon to get rid of the Impulsion Beam, followed by using my power on Ermine.  I'll draw three and end my turn.

I am afraid the Impulsion Beam is not an Ongoing card and is thus immune to the effects of Retcon.  Would you like to use it on something else?
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Deaths Jester

Then I'll use it on Constant Prattle and switch my attack to the beam.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


You draw

Lemme See That ...   : Ongoing, Limited--Play this card by an equipment card. That card affects Guise as if the hero name on that card were Guise and "You" on that card means Guise's player. At the start of your turn, play air guitar and destroy this card.
Guise The Barbarian: Ongoing, Limited--I am mighty and fearsome, like the fabled alpaca! Increase damage dealt by Guise by 2. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Retcon: One-shot--Destroy 1 ongoing or environment card. Awesome! I'm a great hero. You may draw a card or play a card.

That makes it Fright Train's turn.

Start: Nothing

Play: Major Flay: 7 hp, Nemesis(Visionary)--At the end of Fright Train's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 lightning damage. If the Visionary is active in this tame, Villain Ongoing cards are indestructible.

End: Fright Train hits Captain Cosmic for 4.

The Crackjaw Crew hits KNYFE and Tachyon for 1 damage each.

Major Flay hits KNYFE, Tachyon, or Nightmist for 2 damage.  Who wants it?
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Uncle Yuan

Nightmist has the best regeneration potential - she can take it.
"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."


That makes it Captain Cosmic's turn.

Villain Ongoing Effects
Each player cannot play more than 1 Hero card per turn.(Impulsion Beam)
Each Hero cannot use more than 1 Power per turn.(Impulsion Beam)
Reduce damage dealt to Baron Blade by 1.(Genetically Fused Physique)
Whenever Baron Blade deals damage to a Hero character card, that hero's player must discard 1 card(Displacing Teleporter)
Whenever Proletariat would be dealt non-Psychic damage, redirect it to the Clone with the lowest HP.(Proletariat)
Friction is immune to Lightning damage(Shock Dampeners)
The first time a hero card enters play each turn, Highbrow deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 energy damage.(Highbrow)
Increase damage dealt by Fright Train by 1.(Engine of Destruction)
Increase the first damage dealt to Fright Train each turn by 1.(Engine of Destruction)

Hero Ongoing Effects

Environment Ongoing Effects


Front Side
At the end of Baron Blade's villain turn, Baron Blade deals the hero target with the lowest HP and himself 2 melee damage.

At the start of Baron Blade's villain turn, each Hero target deals itself 1 toxic damage.
HP: 31/32
Deck: 16
Trash: 1
In Play: 3
-Implusion Beam--Device, HP: 3/8
-Genetically Fused Physique--Ongoing
-Displacing Teleporter--Device, HP: 4/6

Genetically Fused Physique: Ongoing--Reduce damage dealt to Baron Blade by 1. At the end of Baron Blade's turn, Baron Blade regains 2 HP.
Impulsion Beam: 8 HP, Device--Each player cannot play more than 1 Hero card per turn. Each Hero cannot use more than 1 power per turn.
Displacing Teleporter: 6 hp, Device--Whenever Baron Blade deals damage to a Hero character card, that hero's player must discard 1 card

HP: 25/28 Highest Hero Target
Available Powers:
Energy Lance: KNYFE deals 1 target 2 Energy damage.

Deck: 34
Hand: 4

Wrecking Uppercut: One-Shot--KNYFE deals 1 target 3 melee damage. Discard the top card of the villain deck.
Focusing Conduit-Blade: Equipment, Limited--Increase energy damage dealt by KNYFE by 1. Power: KNYFE deals 1 target 3 energy damage. Destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, you may play an equipment card.
Overdo It: Ongoing, Limited--At the start of your turn, you may play a card. At the end of your turn, KNYFE may deal herself 2 psychic damage. If she does not take damage this way, destroy this card.
For the Greater Good: One-Shot--KNYFE deals herself 3 psychic damage. If she takes damage this way, you may draw 1 card, play 1 card, and use 1 power now.
Trash: 1
In Play: 1
-Overcharged Null-Shield--Equipment, Limited


Overcharged Null-Shield: Equipment, Limited--Reduce damage dealt to KNYFE by the villain target with the highest HP by 1. Power: Draw 2 cards. Destroy this card.


Front Side
Whenever this card would be dealt non-psychic damage, redirect that damage to the clone card with the lowest HP.At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 melee damage.

At the start of Proletariat's turn, shuffle the hero trash with the most cards into its associated deck.

HP: 18/20
Deck: 16
Trash: 0
In Play: 4
-Proletariate--Clone, HP: 2/6 Lowest Villain Target
-Proletariate--Clone, HP: 4/6
-Vyktor--Nemesis(Tempest), HP: 2/4 Lowest Villain Target
Hermetic--Nemesis(Scholar), HP: 6/6

Hermetic: 6 hp, Nemesis(Scholar)--At the end of Proletariat's turn, each Hero target deals itself 1 infernal damage. Then, if the Scholar is active in this game, each Hero character card deals itself 1 toxic damage.
Vyktor: 4 hp, Nemesis(Tempest)--At the end of Proletariat's turn, destroy all Hero targets with 2 or fewer HP. If Tempest is active in this game, increase damage dealt to Hero targets by 1.
Proletariat: 6 hp, Clone--At the start of Proletariat's turn, the Proletariat character card deals itself 1 psychic damage.At the end of Proletariat's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 melee damage.

HP: 25/28 Highest Hero Target

Available Powers
Team Leader: Each Player draws 1 card.

Deck: 34
Hand: 5

Pushing the Limits: Ongoing, Limited--You may play an additional card during your play phase and draw an additional card during your draw phase. At the start of your turn, Tachyon may deal herself 2 Sonic Damage. If she takes no Damage this way, this card is destroyed.
Supersonic Response:One-Shot, Burst--Tachyon deals 1 Target 2 Melee Damage. If that Target dealt Tachyon Damage since your last turn, she deals that Target 2 Sonic Damage.
Fleet of Foot:One-Shot,Burst--Each player may draw a card. You may play a card.
Sucker Punch: One-Shot, Burst--Destroy 1 Target with 2 or fewer HP.
Quick Insight:One-Shot, Burst--Draw 3 cards, discard 2 cards.
Trash: 0
In Play: 1
-Synaptic Interruption--Ongoing, Burst

Synaptic Interruption: Ongoing, Burst--If Tachyon would be dealt 3 or more Damage from a single source, you may redirect that Damage to a Target of your choice and destroy this card.


Front Side
At the end of Friction's turn, Friction deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 melee damage.

At the start of Friction's turn, destroy 1 Hero Ongoing or Equipment card.

HP: 26/26
Deck: 15
Trash: 2
In Play: 3
-Stolen Gear--Device, HP: 5/7
-Shock Dampeners--Device, HP: 7/9
-Highbrow--Nemesis(Parse), HP: 6/6

Highbrow: 6 hp, Nemesis(Parse)--The first time a hero card enters play each turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 1 energy damage.If Parse is active in this game, increase damage dealt by this card by 1.
Stolen Gear: 7 hp, Device--At the end of Friction's turn, play the top card of Friction's deck.
Shock Dampeners: 9 hp, Device--Friction is immune to lightning damage.

HP: 24/27

Available Powers
Tough Choices: Draw a card or play a card. How to choose?! Also, Guise deals 1 target 1 melee damage. But Who?!

Deck: 35
Truash: 0
Hand: 4

Lemme See That ...   : Ongoing, Limited--Play this card by an equipment card. That card affects Guise as if the hero name on that card were Guise and "You" on that card means Guise's player. At the start of your turn, play air guitar and destroy this card.
Guise The Barbarian: Ongoing, Limited--I am mighty and fearsome, like the fabled alpaca! Increase damage dealt by Guise by 2. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Super Ultra Kawaii!!   : Ongoing, Limited--I'm not just a hero, I'm a magical love prince! At the end of each Hero turn, if you have more than H cards in your hand, you may play a card.At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Retcon: One-shot--Destroy 1 ongoing or environment card. Awesome! I'm a great hero. You may draw a card or play a card.
Blatant Reference: Ongoing, Limited--Look how cool I am! Just like that actor, whatshisname. At the end of each hero turn, you may discard 1 card. If you do, Guise deals 1 target 1 projectile damage. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy!: Ongoing, Limited--When this card enters play, give another player a high-five. If you do, treat this card as if it had the game text of every ongoing card in that player's play area, replacing their hero's name with Guise. At the start of your turn, destroy this card.
In Play: 0


Front Side
At the end of Fright Train's turn, Fright Train deals the Hero target with the highest HP 3 melee damage

At the start of Fright Train's villain turn, the hero target with the highest HP deals themselves 2 toxic damage.

HP: 32/35 Highest Villain Target
Deck: 16
Trash: 1
In Play: 3
-Engine of Destruction--Ongoing
-The Crackjaw Crew--Nemesis(The Sentinels), HP: 11/11
-Major Flay--Nemesis(The Sentinels), HP: 7/7

Major Flay: 7 hp, Nemesis(Visionary)--At the end of Fright Train's turn, this card deals the Hero target with the highest HP 2 lightning damage. If the Visionary is active in this tame, Villain Ongoing cards are indestructible.
Engine of Destruction: Ongoing--Increase damage dealt by Fright Train by 1.Increase the first damage dealt to Fright Train each turn by 1.
The Crackjaw Crew: 11 hp, Nemesis(The Sentinels)--At the end of Fright Traini's turn, this card deals the 2 Hero targets with the highest HP 1 energy damage each.Increase damage dealt by this card by 1 for each active member of the Sentinels.

HP: 23/27

Available Powers
Fabrication: Reveal the top card of your deck. Put it into play or into your hand.

Deck: 35
Hand: 5

Autonomous Blade: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero target.The first time that target deals damage each turn, this card deals 1 target 2 energy damage.
Augmented Ally: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card.At the start of that hero's turn, their player may discard a card. If they do, they may use a power immediately.
Conservation of Energy: One-Shot--Destroy any number of construct cards.You may either draw X cards or play X cards, where X = the number of construct cards destroyed this way plus 1.
Cosmic Crest: 4 hp, Construct, Limited--Captain Cosmic and all construct cards are immune to energy damage.Power: Up to 3 contructs cards regain 2 hp each.
Wounding Buffer: 4 hp, Construct--Play this card next to a hero character card.The first time that hero character card is dealt damage by a target each turn, this card deals the source of that damage 2 energy damage.
Trash: 0
In Play: 0


Front Side
At the end of Ermine's turn, reveal the top card of Ermine's villain deck. If it is a one-shot, put it into play. If not, discard it and Ermine deals the Hero target with the second-lowest HP 2 melee damage.

At the start of Ermine's turn, discard the top 2 cards of each Hero deck.

HP: 23/25
Deck: 19
Trash: 1
In Play: 0

HP: 23/27 Lowest Hero Target

Available Powers
Investigate: Nightmist deals herself 2 Infernal Damage. Draw 2 cards.

Deck: 35
Hand: 5

Scouring Mists: Spell Power 4, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top card of your deck.Nightmist deals herself that card's Spell Power Infernal Damage. Nightmist deals up to that card's Spell Power Targets 2 Infernal Damage each. Put the revealed card into your trash.
Elder Ring: Spell Power 1, Equipment, Relic, Limited--Increase the Damage dealt by Nightmist by 1. Power: Draw a card. Destroy this card.
Elder Ring: Spell Power 2, Equipment, Relic, Limited--Increase the Damage dealt by Nightmist by 1. Power: Draw a card. Destroy this card.
Oblivion: Spell Power 3, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck.Nightmist deals each Target one of the revealed card's Spell Power Infernal Damage, then deals each non-Hero Target the other revealed card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. Put the revealed cards into your trash.
Oblivion: Spell Power 4, One-Shot, Spell--Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck.Nightmist deals each Target one of the revealed card's Spell Power Infernal Damage, then deals each non-Hero Target the other revealed card's [Spell] Infernal Damage. Put the revealed cards into your trash.
Trash: 0
In Play: 0

Deck: 15
Trash: 0
In Play: 0

I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Man, there sure is a lot of things going on. So what's the plan? Who do we need to take out first?

I'm thinking the Impulsion Beam and the Displacing Teleporter hampers some of our abilities. Like playing 2 cards per turn.

But there are so many more villain targets to consider. Like Friction's ability to destroy equipment and ongoing cards and Fright Train's high damage attacks.

Right now, i'm considering playing wounding buffer giving us opportunities to counter attack more than one target? But i'm not sure who/where to place it. Who would be likely to receive more hits? The hero with highest hp or lowest?

Proletariat has a low hp and attacks the hero with the highest hp but has 2 clones to absorb the damage.

Baron Blade attacks the highest hero hp but has armor and healing abilities.

Hermetic has low hp. Although he could attack everyone, it's a bit weak.

Fright Train attacks high hp heroes but has a weak attack that can hurt every hero.

Then the only other option i see, would be Autonomous Blade. It can be a great help offensively for someone who can attack many per round or per hero's turn. Like Guise's Blatant reference, but it may a bit early to use it since it involves discarding cards.

So what do you guys think/suggest?


Im all for taking out Impulsion beam first.For the rest,Im okay with any plan you have.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


UY gave an agreeable overview a bit ago. But holy moly, a lot happens here.

I think it may be wise to focus on one or two targets at a time and strategise as we go along, with UY's master plan to guide us. Far too much happens all the time to be able to plan ahead.


I just realized I forget to deal Highbrow's damage for playing a card.  If I can make a simple adjustment I will otherwise, I won't worry about it and will carry on.

And yeah, with the V5 there's a LOT going on.  It's manageable I've found, but you have to work together.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Uncle Yuan

Again, I'd advise focusing damage on one arch villain.  Any minor villains in their deck will be destroyed when they're incapped and I tend to not worry too much about them.  My favorite first target is Friction, but most important is for everyone to be on the same page and not working to cross purposes.  I do think Impulsion Beam is a priority, though. 
"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."


Quote from: Outcast on May 12, 2015, 05:29:19 PM
Then the only other option i see, would be Autonomous Blade. It can be a great help offensively for someone who can attack many per round or per hero's turn. Like Guise's Blatant reference, but it may a bit early to use it since it involves discarding cards.

Just to be clear, Autonomous Blade does NOT require discarding of cards.  Augmented Hero does, and it does something quite different.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Uncle Yuan

I think he was referring to Blatant Reference requiring the discarding of cards.
"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."


Quote from: Uncle Yuan on May 13, 2015, 10:05:55 PM
I think he was referring to Blatant Reference requiring the discarding of cards.

Ah yes, probably.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Deaths Jester

Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 13, 2015, 08:46:28 PM
Quote from: Outcast on May 12, 2015, 05:29:19 PM
Then the only other option i see, would be Autonomous Blade. It can be a great help offensively for someone who can attack many per round or per hero's turn. Like Guise's Blatant reference, but it may a bit early to use it since it involves discarding cards.

It's way too early for Blatant Reference.  Besides, I need to setup Guise the Barbarian before using Blatant Reference so that I do quite a bit more damage with my regular attack.  (Note: I plan on holding on to my current Retcon card for a bit, just in case we do decide to go for this route.)
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Sorry for the delay but i thought i had already posted my play this turn. It would seem that my post didn't generate for some reason.

Ok. I had decided to play Autonomous Blade since this would give us some control on who we decide to attack compared to Wounding Buffer.

I also decided to place Autonomous Blade beside KNYFE. I think this would help add to her attacking abilities. I would have given it to NightMist since she is next to attack and could probably destroy quickly any targets that needed to be eliminated. I just thought KNYFE could use the assist as well, being the second member of our team to attack after my turn.

If you guys think there is a more better option, i'm still open and willing to retcon this decision.
Otherwise, i'll go ahead with that. And use my power to draw a card to put in my hand. Then draw another card to end my turn.


Appreciated, Outcast. I haven't really had time to delve into the details of this round, so happy to agree someone else having it/playing another card if someone more attuned to whats happening speaks up. UY?

Uncle Yuan

I'm probably going to play Oblivion on my turn, so I'd get some use out of it.  Plus my base power is a self-damage attack, which counts.  Ideally this would go to a hero who has good out-of-turn attack potential, but I don't think we have one of those yet.  Guise should definitely have one if he gets his Blatant Reference going.  Anyone with a retribution attack should get one.
"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."


Quote from: Uncle Yuan on May 15, 2015, 10:31:34 PM
I'm probably going to play Oblivion on my turn, so I'd get some use out of it.  Plus my base power is a self-damage attack, which counts.  Ideally this would go to a hero who has good out-of-turn attack potential, but I don't think we have one of those yet.  Guise should definitely have one if he gets his Blatant Reference going.  Anyone with a retribution attack should get one.

Initially, i thought only damage inflicted to an enemy target would count so i also thought it would be good to give it to someone who has that kind of a base power like KNYFE. But if NightMist's self inflicted damage counts, i guess giving her the blade would help make that sacrifice a little bit more worth it.

Ok. I'll place Autonomous Blade beside NightMist instead. Rest of my play stays the same.



Your power reveals Sustained Influence: Ongoing--Whenever a construct card is destroyed, you may destroy this card to put that construct back into play.

You may put it into your hand or directly into play.  Not sure if you missed that part, so I'll give you a chance to decide.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


I would if i could but the impulsion beam prevents me from doing so.

Hopefully, i can still draw some good constructs like Autonomous Blade for everyone Reepicheep.


Quote from: Outcast on May 16, 2015, 11:37:53 PM
I would if i could but the impulsion beam prevents me from doing so.

Hopefully, i can still draw some good constructs like Autonomous Blade for everyone Reepicheep.

Nope, the Impulsion Beam only prevents you from playing more than one card per turn.  Your power does not play cards, it puts them into play, so it is not affected by Impulsion Beam.

Since you said you would do so if you could, I will put it into play for you.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


You draw Construct Cataclysm: One-Shot--Destroy all construct cards.Captain Cosmic either deals 1 target X irreducible energy damage, or deals up to X targets 3 energy damage each, where X = the number of construct cards destroyed this way.

I forgot that putting that card into play will do the highest 1 point of damage, so you still might not wish to put Sustain Influence into play.  I'll wait for your decision.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Hmmm... i thought by playing Autonomous Blade, that it would be the first hero card that would be put into play during my turn. Triggering the effect of Highbrow to deal 1 hp damage to the highest hero. So then, if i am able to use my power to put Sustained Influence into play, wouldn't it count as the 2nd hero card played during my turn?

Are there any villains capable of targeting my constructs? I don't think they count as hero targets so i think they would be safe at the moment. So, if playing Sustained Influence would inflict 1 more energy damage to another hero, i think i'll just add it to my hand instead.


Quote from: Outcast on May 17, 2015, 02:22:49 AM
Hmmm... i thought by playing Autonomous Blade, that it would be the first hero card that would be put into play during my turn. Triggering the effect of Highbrow to deal 1 hp damage to the highest hero. So then, if i am able to use my power to put Sustained Influence into play, wouldn't it count as the 2nd hero card played during my turn?

My mistake.  It is only the 1rst time per turn, so it wouldn't trigger any further damage.  So many different effects to keep track of.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Quote from: Outcast on May 17, 2015, 02:22:49 AM
Are there any villains capable of targeting my constructs? I don't think they count as hero targets so i think they would be safe at the moment.

Constructs are hero card and they have hitpoint, so that makes them hero targets automatically.  Anything that hit the Hero target with the lowest hp would target them.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


So now we continue.

Start: Nothing

Play: Long Con: One-Shot--Each player discards 1 card. Ermine regains 3 HP.

Everyone should discard a card now.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer