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Ultimate Ironman

Started by ghazkul, June 12, 2015, 05:54:36 PM

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I guys, looking for an Ultimate Ironman mesh and skin for  :ffvstr:

Thanks guys



Tommyboy has one here:

I'm reasonably sure that it will need to be converted.


Yeah I cant get nifconverter to work on my laptop, the system wont let it run.


I had to get a Windows XP emulator; my Windows system wouldn't let EZNifconvert work. I don't know about the plain old Nifconverter program.


Couldn't get either to work for me.


Sorry I haven't been around, been really ill. I converted the .nif file to  :ffvstr: I tried converting the keys but it breaks them. Ran the converted .nif with the unconverted keys and it works fine on my system. I uploaded just the nif to a temporary space but will be deleting it after two or so weeks. If anyone wants it shoot me a PM. You'll still need to download Tom's original file then replace that nif with the new one. I'll try and check my messages every night but may get called away to work here and there.


Thanks man! Anyone got Revenants skin?