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Started by heroidosilencio, July 11, 2015, 10:55:06 PM

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I downloaded nifskope this morning and I read some tutorials.

I was trying to get a movement (nod) that already existes in the passive defense area and put it on the melee area.

So, I click on the nod. Then I click on COPY BRANCH. After that I go to the melee idle I click on it and then, in PASTE BRANCH.

But it did not appear in the melee area in the game. Then, it appears twice in the defense area. Where am I doing wrong? 

And in the nif skope program, it appear as the last nif control sequence in the block list.


Oh I see what you are doing here. What you need to do is add a 'contact' if you would like an animation to become a melee attack.
Try looking through the tutorials for 'adding contacts to melee animations' or changing leave_hand to contact.

I'm not at my computer right now, so I can't remember exactly, but this is fairly simple to do in Nifskope.

Keep these in mind for skoping keyframes:
contact is used for melee, leave_hand is used for ranged/area attacks
If the animation has multiple hits, the contacts/leave_hands should be numbered: contact, contact_2, contact_3, etc.
You can add both contacts and leave_hands to an animation and it will show up in both melee and ranged sections in game.
Melee attacks can be randomized, having melee_a, melee_b, ..., melee_f
But ranged attacks cannot be randomized.