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Information request...

Started by daglob, July 13, 2015, 10:19:18 PM

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Is there a tutorial on how to make keyframes? The closest I've seen is suggestions on building a library of animations so that hey can be compiled, but how does one MAKE keyframes?

Cyber Burn

I could be wrong, so hopefully, someone will correct me if I am, but I believe you need 3ds Max to actually make new Keyframes.

Otherwise, I think that this is all I have seen regarding Animations:


I actually have a copy; one of our compatriots offered it to me, and I asked a friend to get it for me (I had dial-up at the time). Unfortunately, instead of getting the copy offered, my friend got a copy that wasn't exactly cracked, but maybe broken.

So I might could make keyframes.

Cyber Burn

I would say to check out Valandar's "Male_Basic_Fencer", and "Male_Knife_Fighter" Meshes. I believe they have Keyframe/Animation information in them.
