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Started by heroidosilencio, November 26, 2016, 08:13:35 PM

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A long time ago I read a batman comic where it was an past or alternative future where he finds Aquaman in a tank and other superheroes that are trapped as some kind of "captured freaks"

I don't remember much about this comic.

Anybody knows wrich comic I am talking about?


Quote from: heroidosilencio on November 26, 2016, 08:13:35 PM
A long time ago I read a batman comic where it was an past or alternative future where he finds Aquaman in a tank and other superheroes that are trapped as some kind of "captured freaks"

I don't remember much about this comic.

Anybody knows wrich comic I am talking about?

That wasn't a Batman comic; that was JLA: The Nail. Basically, it was an Elseworlds where Superman (as we know him anyway,) doesn't exist, but most every other hero -- including the rest of the Justice League -- does. Without Superman to serve as a bright shining beacon for the Superhero community, the public sees them as freaks and monsters ala Marvel, and this eventually gets so bad that everyone starts getting rounded up by the Government. Superman finally shows his face at the very end to set things right, but not before everyone else goes through hell first.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'



Thank you both of you.

The comic I was looking for is, indeed, Batman Holy Terror Elseworlds, drawn by Norm Breyfogle.

But, after your answer I got very interested about reading LJA: THE NAIL.

Thank you!!!